•Chapter 5•

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Jen's POV

Shawn was nice enough to walk me home. He is so sweet.

"That's it over there." I point out my house. He took my hand and continued to walk me. Whenever he touches me, I feel somewhat safer.

"Here, we are." I say. Our hands our still intertwined

He nods and gives me a weak smile.

He knocks on the door and waits with me.

"Oh yeah, umm... can I have your number?" He asks with one of his famous smiles.

I chuckle a little bit and he blushes.

"What's so funny?" He asks a little bit confused.

"Well, Im pretty sure Alexis gave you my number. Right?" I ask while raising my right eyebrow.

He blushes really hard and hides his face.

"Erm... yeah but I didn't want to be weird and creepy and just get ur number without asking you."

"I see..." I smirk.

"Is that a yes?" He grins.

"Yeah. But since you have it anyway just tell me yours." I pull out my Iphone 6 and he dictates to me his phone number.

The door slowly opened.

"Hi mom." I greet as my mom opens the door wider and stares at Shawn.

"Good Evening Mrs. Anderson!" Shawn says with a charming smile.

My mom nods and gives me a wink. I glare at her

I thank Shawn and say goodnight.

"Goodnight! See you around." he smiles.

I nod and give him a shy smile.

He walks away and I step into my house.

"I approve!" my mom yells from the kitchen.

"Whatever were not dating we're just friends." I yell back to her.

"Why not?" she asks walking into the living room wiggling her eyebrows.

"Becuase we just met. And I'm not giving my heart away that easy. Especially not after what happened the night of that party." I sigh remembering what happened that night. Chills run down my spine and I quickly run upstairs trying to walk it off and forget the painful memories.

*the next day*

Shawn's POV

School starts next week. It's gonna be my first time in California High. I just moved here to California this year. I used to live back in Canada. I moved because I wanted to try something different. I left some old friends behind but, we still keep in touch. Alexis studies there too. I'm guessing Jen does too. Oh my gosh Jen. Just the sound of her name makes me feel warmer and all tingly inside. We are just friends at the moment. I wanna keep it that way, for now. I can't rush into things and I don't feel ready for a relationship.

Beep Beep

I had 1 new message from Jen.

J: Hey! just testing if this is the right number.

S: Sorry your message couldnt be sent due to a wrong number.

J: nice try you forgot the period and the apostrophe in couldn't. :P go to school much?

S: Whatever :3. speaking of school wanna go with me to the mall to buy some school stuff?

J: hmm... stay home and do nothing or go to the mall with you. I'll consider it

S: i'll buy you ice cream

J: when you put it that way... ok sure! Pick me up in 15 mins?

S: yeah sure! see ya

Jen's POV

I quickly ran upstairs and Changed my clothes. I wore a Floral crop top with a white skater skirt. Then I Straightened my hair and did my makeup. Just some eyeliner and lipstick. then I put on my brown combat boots. As soon as I finished I ran back downstairs. As I was approaching the door I hear a car pullover in our driveway. I step outside the door and see Shawn step out of the car. I smile at him and wave. He smiles back and motions me to go to the car. He seems to be eyeing me up and down. He bites his lower lip. I blush really hard. He noticed that I knew he was staring.He then opens the door for me.

"Such a gentleman." I say with a smile.

"You look amazing." he says while staring at me and licking his lips. I hit his arm lightly and he looked up at me.

"Don't be a perv come on." I chuckle.

He laughs and drives us of to the mall.

*after all the shopping*

After we finished buying everything Shawn needed. He brought me to an Ice Cream parlor.

"Shawn you don't have to I was just joking I'm glad to help you." I smile and playfully punch his shoulder.

"Yeah.. but I want to." He does his cute smile where he leans his head on his shoulder then he intertwined our fingers taking me into the Ice Cream parlor.

The lady at the cashier asked us what we wanted.

"I'll have cookie dough. Jen what did you want?" Shawn asks me.

"I'll have strawberry." I say with a perky smile.

I offer to pay but Shawn stopped me and payed the lady.

"I wanted to pay." I pout.

"Sorry I can't let you."

"Fine. Im not rejecting free food." I say jokingly.

We walk to one of the tables and take a seat. Shawn, being the gentleman that he is pulls out a chair for me.

"Thanks." I smile. He smiles back and nods.

"So, what school are you going to?" I ask while enjoying my strawberry Ice Cream.

"California High." he says.

"Oh I go there too!" I whisper yell.

"Cool. Then I guess I'll have someone to eat with." He says with a grin.

"I eat with Alexis so I guess you could eat with us." I say.

Suddenly, a group of guys probably my age walk in and sit at the table next to me and Shawn. One of them walked up to our table.

"Hey Beautiful. Nice ass." He smirked. Shawn clenched his jaw.

"Thanks? Now please leave." I say holding on to Shawn.

"Ok. When I get your number." He touches my arm and I pull away.

"She said leave now get out!" Shawn yelled.

"And who are you? Her older brother?" Said the teenage boy who touched me.

"Her friend now get the fuck out of here." Shawn said with a firm voice.

"See you around." The boy winks at me. And I look at him with disgust.

"Let's get outta here." I tell shawn. He nods and takes my hand walking me out.

A/N: Heyo! So Here is another chapter hope you enjoyed. I would just like to say. not all these facts are true. Some are made up some arent and its just a story so yeah. Bye -Alexis ;)

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