•Chapter 8•

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Alexis' POV

That Nash guy is kinda cute... who am I kidding. He is hot. But he probably doesn't like me anyway. I wish he did. He is such a nice person. Anyway, I should probably start paying attention in Math class.


Finally, hell is over. I walk to Science class which is just around the corner.

I find an empty seat and set my things down. Only to have my bag kicked to the side by... the slut bag.

"What the hell do you want Michelle?!" I whisper yell at her.

"Stay away from Shawn. You and your whore of a friend Jen." She spits at me.

"First of all, if anyone is the slut here it's you. Second of all Shawn isn't your property.-" She cut me of before I was done speaking.

"Well he isn't your property either." She scoffed at me.

"Well I'll have you know Shawn is my.." I debated telling her that Shawn was my cousin just so that it could bite her in the butt later.

"He is your?" She asked impatiently and she sounded annoyed. If anyone should be annoyed right now it's me.

I looked at her debating if I should say it or not.

"Umm. What's going on here? Alexis are you okay? Why is your Bag all the way there against the wall?" He seemed so confused.

"She was yelling at me and calling me a slut!" Michelle told Nash.

I looked at her with disbelief. Wow now she lies and makes me look like shit in front of Nash. I will rip her head off. I bet she is trying to get into every guys pants this year. Stupid slut.

"Don't believe her she's lying." I look at Nash with pleading eyes.

"Look Michelle you should probably leave. Right now." Nash says with a stern voice. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

Nash picked up my bag and handed it to me. With that smile of his. "Thanks." I say with a huge smile and I give him a hug and he hugs me back. He is so warm. I suddenly realize that I was still hugging him. I pull away and apologize.

"Oh sorry. I'm just so thankful that you saved my ass." I say a little embarassed.

"Yeah no problem. I will save your cute ass anyday." He says laughing.

I punch him in the shoulder lightly. And he acts hurt. I roll my eyes playfully and motion him to sit on the seat next to me. He sets his bag down next to his chair and takes a seat.


Finally the school day is over. Time to walk home. I don't live too far from home. It's a good 15-20 minutes depnding on my pace.

As I walk out the parking lot, I hear a car honking behind me. I step aside and turn around to see the asshole who is honking.

"Need a ride?" It was Nash.

"Sorry do I know you? I don't get into cars of people I don't know." I say while putting my hand on my hip.

"I have known you for 2 days" he says raising 1 eyebrow.

"Yeah. 2 days too many." I smirk.

He puts his hand on his chest.
"Ouch you hurt my heart." he says and I laugh.

"But seriously, come on I don't mind." He shrugs.

"This is kidnapping." I say.

"Not if the one being kidnapped goes willingly." He says in defense.

"Point taken." I raise my hands up in surrender

I get in his car and buckle up.

(10 mins. later)

"Turn right here." I say.

"Over there with the white gate." I say pointing to my house. He nods and pulls over in our driveway. He steps out the door and runs over to my side to open it.

"Wow such a gentleman." I gasp in a joking way.

"I try." He says and I nod.

He walks me to the gate and rings the doorbell.

"Wait. Umm.. can I get your number? I understand if-" He asks sounding really nervous.

"Yeah sure." I cut him off.

We exchange phones and and type in our numbers. I write my name and hand him back his IPhone 6. He hands me back my Iphone 5.

The gate opens and I hug Nash and thank him for dropping me and he nods and gives me a warm smile. We say goodbye then i enter my house.

A/N: Hello! Just wanted to give you guys a little chapter about my dreams that will never come true :'(. But anyway hope you enjoyed. -Alexis >.

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