•Chapter 15•

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Alexis' POV

That movie sucked. What a waste of money. I can't wait to get home.

As I drove out of the basement parking lot, my phone started to beep continuously. I wait until I reach a stop light before I check my phone.

15 new messages. 10 missed calls.

Why was Shawn calling so much? I send him a quick text saying I'm on my way home.


I step out of my car and head towards the front door.

"Holy shit. Shawn?! Are you ok?" I am greeted with some smashed plates on the floor and a messed up living room.

Shawn's face is red and tear stained. He doesn't look at me but instead he just stares blankly in front of him. On his right hand is his phone. An opened picture of him and Jen on the beach from last month.

"Shawn. What happened? Tell me." I demand.

"Sh-she h-hos-hospital." he stammered.

"Come on let's go." I help him and take him back to my car.


"Ok. I want you to calm down first." I pat him on the shoulder. He takes a few deep breaths and nods his head.

" You wanna tell me what happened?"

"I called Jen on the phone. She was on her way home while driving. She got cut off mid sentence then I heard a loud crash. I sat there on the couch worrying about all the possibilities that could've happened." He shivers in disgust.

"So why did you break all the plates?" I ask confused as ever.

His cheeks started to turn a deep red. "Yeah umm... I didn't really break the dishes.... it was...we had.. "

No way. He wouldn't. They didn't. My eyes grow wide at the thought of it. "No way! You didn't." I scream excitement. "So what if we did." He mumbled. "You guys fucked!" I burst out in laughter.

"You're a bitch." he punched my shoulder jokingly. "You damn right I am." I flip my hair. "Keep your eyes on the road." he shakes his head.


We approach the front desk and I suddenly realize that I don't know who we're here for. "Hey Shawn who are we here for?"

"Good afternoon may I help you?" the woman at the front desk asks.

"Umm.. Anderson? Je-Jennilynn Anderson." he stuttered.

What the fuck why didn't he tell me? "Shawn what the hell why didn't you tell me."

Realization hit me straight in the face. What the shit happened? How bad is it? I'm frozen in place. My pulse quickens at the thought of all the possible things that could've happened.

Without answering my question, Shawn drags me to the elevator and we make our way to Jen's hospital room.

"It's ok she's fine. Probably just a minor injury. Nothing serious." he mumbles to himself.

The elevator opens and we rush to her room.

As I open the door, my mouth is agape.

She's laid on her bed with all kinds of wiring attached to her body.

Her mom is seated beside her. Her face red and tear stained.

"What. What happened?"

Her mother looks up at us then back to her daughter.

"She got into an accident. The impact hit her straight at the driver's seat." It comes out more of a whisper.

Shawn falls to his knees beside her bed.

"Wha- How? What the hell happened?" his voice is barely heard from where I'm standing.

I just stare at the scene in front of me dumbfounded.

This is so fucked up! What the hell?! What did she do to deserve this? My eyes are glassy and my cheecks are burning.

I wanna yell. I wanna blame someone, anyone for this. Anything so that I can release all the feelings I have bottled up inside. But I can't. If I break, I will go hysterical and that will not help anyone right now.


We've been here for 2 hours already. Awaiting the results with Jen's mother.

"Good afternoon ma'am, sir. The doctor will be here shortly, we have the results." a young nurse announced. And by turn look on her face, you could tell that they weren't gonna be good.

She gave Mrs. Anderson a sympathetic smile.

The doctor finally walked in with his clip board. Her mother and I step outside with the doctor while Shawn stays beside Jen's bed. Staring at her with a blank face. I don't blame him. If he showed any emotion at all, everyone in the room would break.

"It appears she is in a coma." Those were the four words that I didn't want to hear. From that moment on my mind went blank. I completely spaced out. My mind wondering to many different things.
When will she wake up? Will when even wake up? What the hell is wrong with this world. Why does this happen to people who don't deserve it.

Whithout finishing listening to what the doctor had to say, I turned around and walked back into the room.

"She's in a coma." I mumble to he point that is barely audible. Shawn looked up at me confused and asked me to repeat what I had said.

"She's in a coma Shawn. Okay? She's in a fucking coma!" I snap. The words finally broke me they cracked me open. I couldn't hold it in a anymore. I can't be strong and I won't fucking try to be.

I drop to my knees and start yelling hysterically causing Shawn to run to my side. He didn't say the typical bullshit that people say in situations like these. He didn't say "it's gonna be ok." because that is the stupidest thing anyone would say.

Instead he just hugged me tightly and wouldn't let me go.

Is it wrong that I feel mad? I don't know who the anger was really directed to. I feel like I'm mad at everyone and everything. I know I'm being irrational and stupid.

"Shawn let me go." I try to break free from his grasp. "No." he said in a stern tone. I shook him off of me and ran out slamming the door behind me. I don't know where I'm going but, I can't stay in that room. Not yet.

A/N: Hi! Thanks for all the reads and votes. We're at 844 reads right now and that is so fucking awesome! You guys are the best. As always ily! -Alexis ;)

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