Chapter 61

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"Bro," Louis said throwing himself on Zayn. Zayn hugged him back balancing them together somehow.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry," he said closing his eyes.

Liam sighed and walked out grabbing his jacket.

"Candyman," Faith pouted watching him go.

"It's okay," Niall packed her cheeks, "He is being bad. Don't worry I'll eat it all," he said making here giggle. Faith then looked at Zayn and gasped getting off Niall's lap.

"My mama!" she said hugging his leg. Louis pulled away and looked down at her.

"No. he is mine," he said holding Zayn. "No! my mama!" she yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Okay. No need of crying baby. I'm yours," Zayn said picking her up and kissing her cheeks. "You made her cry, asshole," Niall said and Zayn covered her ears.

"Niall!" he scolded. "hey love, I'm sorry," Louis said taking her from Zayn.

"Who you?" she asked curiously.

"I'm Louis. And I am going to be your favorite uncle," he introduced proudly. "yeah sure," Niall scoffed.

"okay," she said making Louis chuckled, "My cupcake," she said remembering them.

"Yes, let's go have them," Zayn said.

"No. bring them here. Liam has already left and we want to spend some time together," Louis said and Zayn nodded. He brought her cupcakes and placed them on the table. He took a seat next to Louis.

Louis smiled a little placing his hand over Zayn's.

Zayn looked over him and Louis held his hand tightly.

"I should have come earlier Zee. I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's okay. I'm fine," Zayn smiled looking at him but Louis moved his gaze away from him.

He was supposed to stand by him through his rough time but he left him to be. He was guilty and it was showing in his eyes. "you are here now. I'm happy about it. don't feel bad," Zayn said caressing his hand.

"you are so strong Zee. I'm so proud of you," he said hugging him.

"I'm not," Zayn whispered closing his eyes.

"Umm Zayn, I guess it's time to go," Niall said hiding Faith from her coat. Zayn opened his eyes and saw some paps taking pictures of them. "Hide her face," he said getting up from his seat.

"Let's go to your penthouse," Niall said and Zayn nodded. They walked out of the café and got into Niall's car driving away.

"have you talked to Liam?" Louis asked entering the penthouse.

Zayn shook his head looking down. Faith went to play with her toys and they all settled down on the couch.

"He was really disrespectful today. I just wanted to slap the life out of him," Niall said angrily.

"You know that you have to talk out all the misunderstands. Do it as soon as possible," Louis said sitting down on the couch.

"He don't even want to look at me. and he is never going to believe Faith is his child," Zayn sniffed.

"he is just being an asshole. You have to confront him or he won't stop hurting," Niall said.

"I can't. he is not how he used to be. He has changed and I feel like I don't know him anymore," Zayn cried.

"I know he has changed. But he can't do this. He has no right to do this to you when he was the one breaking up with you and pushing you away. He was the one who accused you of everything and now he can't play victim. You have to talk and tell him what actually happened that night. I know you love him Zayn and you can never think of anybody but him," Louis said shifting closer to him, "Yell scream shout do anything but tell him that he is wrong. He did wrong to you. you did nothing."

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