Chapter 2

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Zayn groaned and pulled the cover over his head. He then pulled out the pillow beneath his head and put it over his head trying to block out the music. But no use as the volume kept on increasing.

Liam on the other hand was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for himself while listening to some weird rap song on loud volume. He peeked out a little to see if Zayn was up and when he found him sleeping he raised the volume.

The walls were thick and so there was no case of his nabours screaming to lower down the music. The apartment was in a decent naibourhood which was passed on Liam by his grandfather. And he was happily living there until Zayn showed up.

"LIAM ! PLEASE LOWER DOWN THE VOLUME !" Zayn yelled from the living room.

"THIS IS MY APARTMENT ! I WILL DO WHATEVER I WANT !'' the burnet guy yelled back.

"I SAID PLEASE " Zayn shouted again.

"AND I SAID NO !" Liam yelled.

Zayn got out of the couch and walked into the kitchen and turned off the speaker, "what's the fun being so mean early in the morning ?"

"I am not being mean. I'm just doing what I want to do," Liam said turning on the speaker again.

"you are so mean and - and so fucking annoying," Zayn groaned walking out of the kitchen. While the older man just smirked.

"you just woke up baby and already annoyed ? How your day and night will go hmm ," Liam said entering the living room with his breakfast in his hand.

Zayn didn't replied him even though that was the exactly thing he was thinking about. He unzipped his bag and took out his tooth brush and soap and shampoo.

He then turned towards Liam who was eating his breakfast, "where am I going to keep my things ?"

"why do you think you are going to keep your thinks anywhere in this apartment ? Just leave it in your bags," Liam said simply eat his food sitting comfortably on the couch. Zayn looked at him as if he was the biggest dumbo in this whole world. He then breathed in and out before looking at him again.

"you are kidding , right ? How can I keep all my clothes in this bags ? It will all get ruined Liam," Zayn said not believing how a man of so many muscles and hella good looks like him can be such an arrogant bitch.

"I don't care Zayn. Not my problem," Liam said before getting up and walking inside the kitchen with his empty plate. Zayn watched him go with open mouth. How mean and arrogant Liam could be ? He literally gave zero fuck about Zayn.

But Zayn knew how to get his work done. Yeah he need to act a little but his work will be done. So what's wrong in that ? Let's just give it a try.

Zayn took out his clothes from his bag and went inside the bathroom. While he was still in the shower he heard the front door closed which meant Liam left. He took his time in cleaning his body and then dried his delicate body. He then applied the coco flavoured body lotion and slipped in his light pink panty. He then wore his boyfriend's over size shirt and walked out of the bathroom.

And there his friends were sitting on the couch. Harry showed something to Louis on his phone and then they both busted into laughter.

"good morning," Zayn said walking up to them.

"I swear if I was not dating Dan I surly would have wrecked you," Louis said looking at his best friend. Here is the thing about Lou, he just love everything about Zayn. He admire his feminine features and was proud on them . But he was straight.

"shut up Lou. You are my best friend and you are straight," he said and sat down on his knees. "think about Liam," Harry said slurping his coffee with wide eyes.

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