Chapter 20: 2 Weeks Later

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It's been 2 weeks since the party. 2 weeks since I lost one of my best friends. 2 weeks since my world came crumbling down. 2 weeks.....

I haven't ate anything. I haven't even talked to anyone. I don't even text Ash or Randy anymore. They're worried about me. Everybody is. My mom is going nuts trying to get me to eat. I finally just gave up and started taking my food to my room and throwing it out the window for the birds and cats.

Even Lainey, my Art teacher, is super worried. All my artwork these past couple of weeks have been depressing. There's no one smiling or laughing. Just sadness and sorrow. I've tried making it happy, but it just turns into a hot mess in the end.

"Hey, Sky," Ash greets sadly once I sit down next to her in the cafeteria for lunch.

I nod my head in reply and place the apple I had gotten on her tray.

She frowns and hands it back. "Please just eat something. I'm begging you. At least just one bite. Please," she begs with her hands clasped in front of her.

I sigh and take a bite out of the apple. Letting the juice run down my tongue and swallowing it. I give her a small smile and place it back on her tray.

She smiles, "That's a start."

I feel someone sit on the other side of me and glance over. Thinking it was Zack, I did a double take. It's only Randy. Zack is over at the "popular" table. I quickly look to see if he's okay, to find him staring right at me. I send him a glare and turn around sharply.

I give Randy and Ash a small smile signaling I was okay, since they were staring at me with worried expressions.

"He misses you, you know?" Randy says softly.

I shake my head, not wanting to believe it. I open my mouth to say something, but I can't get it out so I close it.

Ash stands up, grabbing her tray before walking to where Zack is sitting. Randy and I watch her in horror as she pours her food all over Chelsea and her milk all over Zack.

I laugh escapes my lips, making me cover my mouth with my hands. Randy looks at me, amusement in his eyes. He slowly takes my hands away from my mouth. I continue laughing as Chelsea and Zack jump up in surprise.

Ashley hears me laughing and a smile dances across her face as she does a victory dance. By now the whole room is laughing. After the laughter dies down Ashley turns back to Zack and slaps him across the face.

"What the hell was that for?!" Zack groans, stroking his cheek.

"I should've done that 2 weeks ago! Who do you think you are?! Hurting my best friend the way you did! She won't eat! She won't speak! She would do anything for you and went behind her back and made out with this slut! She'd do anything for you and this is how you repay her?!" Ash shouts, pointing at Chelsea. "Sky hopes you're happy. But if this slut breaks your little heart, don't come running back to her," she spats in his face. With that, she turns around and stalks back over to us.

Randy gets up and hugs her tightly. "You got her to laugh," he says happily.

Ashley turns to me and smiles. She comes over to me and pulls me out of my seat in a bear hug. "Thank you," I whisper in her ear.

She hugs me even tighter, "You're welcome, Sky."


Omgs, guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! I tried to make this chapter long for you guys! I'm sorry if it isn't, I'm at school!

Thanks for sticking around, waiting for me to update! And give thanks to the people that messaged me and posted on my wall for me to update!

I love you guys, my little roxers! xoxo





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