Chapter 4: Art Class

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Ding, ding, ding

"Well, there's the bell, Skylar. Time for Art!" my best friend, Ashley, says enthusiastically. She loves Art as much as I do.

I jump out of my seat and walk to the trash cans, throwing away my lunch tray.

"So, have you met the new kids?" Ashley asks, "They're twins and they're so hoooot."

I laugh at her, "I have, actually. They ride my bus and I showed them around this morning."

"That's why you weren't at breakfast this morning!" she exclaimed and punches my arm.

"Ow! Jeez, woman! Was that really necessasry?" I ask, rubbing my arm.

"Yes, yes it was," she says and crosses her arms like 5 year old.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you," I say, putting my arms up in defeat.

"You better be," she glares.

"I am," I say, "Promise."

She smiles and links arms with me, "So tell me ALL about them."

I chuckle, "The one with snake bites is Zack: he likes Sleeping with Sirens. The one with glasses is Randy: he likes to read."

"Ooh. Is that it?" she asks.

I rack my brain for something else, "Hmm. Yeah. They have Art with us."

And when I say she fangirled, she literally, full out, fangirled.

I laugh at her, "Are you quite all right?"

She stops and looks at me, "When have I ever been?"

I chuckle, "Good point."

And then we skip off to Art class.


After stopping by our lockers we finally make it to the Art room. Just in time, too.

Ding, ding, ding. Goes the bell.

"Ms. Evans. Ms. Wood. That was a close call," says our Art teacher, Mrs. Redding. She has ash blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry, Lainey!" we say before going to our seats.

As soon as we sat down the door burst open. "Sorry! We couldn't find the classroom!"

And in walked in no other then Zack and Randy McCoy.

"You guys are lucky you're new or I'd be writing you tardy slips!" Lainey says jokingly and winks at then. She doesn't right anyone up.

Ashley and I laugh.

"Well, why don't you 2 introduce yourselves?" she asks.

"Well, I'll start," Randy says. "My name is Randy McCoy. My favorite color is red. My favorite book series is Harry Potter. Also, I suck at Art," he gives a cheeky grin.

Then Zack goes, "Hey, my name is Zack McCoy. Or as some call me, the better looking twin," he winks at me, "My favorite color is purple. My favorite band is Sleeping with Sirens. Also, I'm somewhat decent at Art."

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys. Please take a seat across from Skylar and Ashley," she says, pointing in our direction.

"Did he just wink at you?" Ashley whispers in my ear with a giggle.

"I think so," I whisper back.

We look up just in time to see the 2 boys sit across from us.

"How is your little friend here, Sky?" asks Randy.

"Zack, Randy, meet Ashley. She's my best friend. So if you hurt her, I'll break you," I say seriously.

Randy gives a nervous chuckle, "Yeah. Alright."

"So! Today we'll be working on portraits! You'll be choosing a partner and drawing them! Have fun and good luck," Lainey yells across the classroom. "Btw," she adds, "these are due in 2 days! So I suggest meeting up after school today or tomorrow to get them finished!"

"So, Skylar? Do you mind beginning my partner? I could use a few pointers," Zack asks.

"Uhh," I look at Ash and she gives me a small nod, "Sure."

"Awesome. So, Randy. You can be Ashley's partner," he says.


Zack and I agreed to just meet up after school because I want him to be in a different setting when I draw him.

At the moment, I'm waiting for him at the park just down the street from my house. I have my bag with my sketchbook and colored pencils slung over my shoulder.

After about 10 minutes I finally see him coming.

"About time you show up," I say and lead him to my favorite part of the park. It's a cute little clearing with trees surrounding it.

"Sit," I say and point at the tree I want him to sit under.

"Bossy, are we?" he says with cheeky smile.

I stick my tongue out him and sit crisscrossed a few feet away from him. Then I grab my sketchbook and colored pencils out of my bag and get to work.

After about 30 minutes I'm finished. It's him leaning against an oak tree, looking about at the sky.

"Let me see it," Zack says, stretching from sitting still for so long.

"This is.....amazing," he says breathlessly.

"It's nothing really," I shrug.

He chuckles and smiles, "It's perfect."

"Thanks," I say. "Now you're turn."

"Noooo. Can't we do mine tomorrow?" he pleads. "I want to go to the mall. I left a lot of my clothes at my old house. My mom gave me a few hundred bucks to spend."

I shake my head and laugh gently, "Fiiine."

"Yay!" he exclaims and jumps up.

"Excited?" I laugh.

"Very," he says and offers me his hand, "And your coming with me."

"I don't have any money," I say sadly and take his hand.

"No biggy. If you want something, I'll pay," he shrugs.

"I can't let you do that. You just meet me today," I say.

"Too bad. You're my new best friend, so deal with it," he says and drags me to the mall.

I giggle, What have I gotten myself into?


There's chapter 4!

I tried to make it longer then the others.

I hope you guys like it!

Tell me what you think!

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