Chapter 23: Zack's Nightmare

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We ended up going to Starbucks, grabbing two coffees and sitting by the window.

"So, what do you want to do after this?" I ask Zack. I sip my drink while he thinks, and curse at how hot it is. My tongue burns now.

"How about.....just back to your place? I honestly just want to lay down. I didn't sleep well last night."

I look up at him, to see dark circles under his eyes. I nod my head, "If you want, you can just crash on my bed. I have some school work to finish, anyways."

"But it's only Saturdaaaaaay. Can't you do it tomorrow. I need a cuddle buddy," he protests.

I shake my head, throwing him a smirk, "Nope."

He pouts and crosses his arms, causing him to look like a five-year-old, "Fine, but you're cuddling with me after you finish."

I laugh at him, "Okay, Zackypoo."

"Don't call me that," he growls.

I chuckle and take a sip off my coffee, "Shit! It's still hot!" Zack just laughs at me.


Once we get back to my house, Zack curls up under my blankets and falls asleep. I chuckle at him and grab my Algebra II textbook and sit at my desk. I groan as look at the problems I have to do.

After about an hour or two of long hard work and just starring at the problems, I finally get them finished. I sigh in relief, sitting back in my desk chair.

After a moment of two, I hear small whimpers coming from behind me. I spin the chair around to see Zack still sleeping. He was having a peaceful sleep when I first checked on him, but now he's tossing and turning and as beads of sweat on his forehead.

"No. Sky..." he moans in his sleep, "No!"

I jump out of the chair and hurry over to him. "Zack. Zack get up," I urge, shaking him.

He jerks up suddenly and looks around with a fearful expression, tears in the corners of his eyes. I pull him into my arms, while he burst into a waterfall of tears. I whisper soothing things in his ear, telling him that it'll be alright. Once he calms down, I ask him quietly, "What happened?"

(Zack's POV)

It's dark, raining, and freezing. I have no idea where I am. I walk down the street with my hands in my pockets. The streets are desert. "Hello!" I shout, hoping somebody will hear me.

"Why, hello there," I hear a cold, dead- yet familiar- voice from behind me.

I quickly turn around to see Sky- my Sky. But as I stare at her, her form begins to change. Her skin turns pale and dead, and her hair drys until bits and pieces start to fall out, not bothered my the rain. Her beautiful electric blue eyes roll back into her head. Next, scratches and burnt places indent themselves into her skin.

"Look what you did to me... Look what YOU did... You left me in that house... You let it burn to the ground...with me still inside... You where suppose to be coming to get me.... Yet you didn't... You went back to that slut... That excuse for a human being... Now look at me! Look at me!" she screams, floating towards me, faster and faster.

I wake with a start to find Skylar- my perfect Skylar- staring at me with worried eyes.


I hope you guys liked it!

I miss Zayn </3


I love you guys, my little roxers! xoxoxo

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