Chapter 5: The Mall

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When we finally got to the mall I ask Zack were he wanted to go first.

"Journey's," he says, "I need new converse."

"Okay," I say. I kinda need some new ones, too.

Once we get to Journey's he goes and looks at the Vans while I look at the Converse.

As I'm looking I see some really nice Galaxy designed Converse. I've always wanted a pair. Maybe...

"See anything you like?" I hear a voice say in my ear.

I jump and spin around, "Zack! You scared me!"

"Sorry," he puts is hands up in defense.

I giggle, "It's cool. Just don't do it again." I poke him in the chest with my finger.

"I'll try not to," he laughs. "So, seen any you like?"

"Yeah...," my voice trails off.

"Which ones?" he says.

"Umm...," I refused to answer.

He must've seen me looking at them because before I know it he grabs the Galaxy converse and pays for them, along with a pair of purple vans.

"You didn't have to do that," I say as I grab the bag with my shoes in it from him.

"Oh, but I did," he smiles.

I chuckle, "Yes, sir." I salute him.

He laughs, "You're so silly."

"I know!" I skip ahead, "So, where to next?"

"Hot Topic," he says.

"Ooh. Great. I loooove their shirts."

"Omg, so do I!" he says in a high pitched, girly voice.

I double over with laugher, " that.....again!"

"No promises," he grins.

I roll my eyes and walk into Hot Topic.

"What about this?" he holds up a dark purple, low-cut, sleeveless, Sleeping with Sirens shirt.

"Isn't that for girls?" I ask.

He chuckles, "I didn't say it was for me."

"Oh," I blush.

He laughs. "I'm getting it," he says, "along with this and this." He says pulling random shirts of the racks.

"Some of those are for you, right?" I ask.

"Of course," he says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I chuckle, "Just making sure."

While we check out I realize that the shirts he got 2 other shirts for me. A black Pierce The Veil t-shirt, and a sleeveless white 5 Seconds of Summer shirt.

His matched mine. Is that a good thing? Or just creepy?

After that we stop by Claire's where he buys me a cute little bracelet with an "S" on it. We also stop by Old Navy where we both get a few pairs of skinny jeans. Then we decided to stop by the Food Court.

"So, what do you want to do after this?" I ask, sitting down and taking a sip of my banana smoothie.

"I was thinking of texting Randy to come get us and we can all hang out at your place," he says and sits across from me.

I smile. "That sounds like an awesome idea. I barely know you and yet you've already bought me so much. But don't worry, I'll pay you back," I say, then add quickly, "And don't you dare try to stop me.

He groans in protest. "But Skyyyyyy," he whines.

"No buts," I say sternly. "I don't care how long it takes me, I'm paying you back."

He groans but doesn't say anything.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The New Kid on a date with my girl," I hear a voice so behind me. "I thought you had a project to finish tonight?"

I scowl and turn around, "I finished it."

"Uh-huh. Sure. Cause you totally didn't blow me off for this loser," he says sarcastically.

"And what if I did?" I sneer, "I'm not your woman!"

"Oh, really?" he says, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me towards him.

"Really. Now let me go," I say while trying to get out of his grip. He doesn't listen, of course.

"Hey, man! Let her go!" I hear Zack shout from behind me.

Tristan tightens his grip, making me whimper.

Zack hears this and yells, "Dude! You're hurting her!"

"Am I? I didn't notice," Tristan says but grips me tighter. I cry out in pain.

Then next thing I know, I'm being ripped away from Tristan and pushed to the floor. When I get back up I see Zack on top of Tristan, pinning his arms above his head, yelling at him.

"You're a jerk, you know that? When a girl tells you to let her go, you let her go! You were hurting her!" he yells.

"And what are you gonna do about it, huh?" Tristan asks, "She's a babe. Nice curves, nice breast, nice as..."

Before Tristan could finish, Zack punches him in the face.

"You're suppose to respect a lady, not treat her like a toy!" he yells before kicking him in the side and standing up.

"I'll get you back for this, Newbie. Just you wait," Tristan promises.

Zack sneers, "Come on, Skylar." He picks our bags up and leads the way out of the mall.

Once outside, we sit on a park bench and wait for Randy to arrive.

I look over at Zack who has his face in his hands, "Are you alright?"

"Just peachy," he growls. "Look, I'm really sorry about what happened back there. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be looked at as a toy. You deserve a guy that respects you for you."

I nod my head, "Yeah."

"I'm serious, Sky. I might've just met you this morning, but I've been around you long enough to know that you're a really nice and sweet girl. You're beautiful, smart, creative, and just overall amazing. You deserve a guy that'll treat you right. Not some jerk like Tristan," he says while looking me in the eyes.

"Thanks," I blush.

"Anytime," he says.

Before we could stop yourselves, we both start leaning in, our eyes closed. His lips are centimeters from mine. I can feel the warmth of his breath against my face. Just about our lips are about to touch, I hear a car honk and jump away.

I look at Zack and blush.

He scratches the back of his neck, "Uhh, sorry." He gives a nervous laugh.

"It's cool," I say meekly before grabbing my bags and hopping in the back of Randy's car.


They almost kissed! I bet you guys hate me for stopping it ;)

Tell me what you think!

And sorry for any typos!


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