Chapter 25: 5 Years Later

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It's been exactly 5 years since that day we first said "I love you." It's been 5 years since I could finally call him mine. It's been 5 years- 5 incredible years.

"How did I become so lucky?" I wonder aloud, twirling around in my wedding dress.

"The same way I did," Ash chuckles, messing around with her maid-of-dress, trying to get it to fit over her baby bump. "Sort of," she smirks.

I chuckle and step down to where she is so I can help her. After some luck we finally over it over. "When is she due?"

"In a couple of months," she answers, waddling to the nearby couch, sitting down with a loud thump.

I smirk, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

She nods, panting slightly, "Of course."

I nod and check the clock. "Time to go," I say nervously.

"You shouldn't be nervous. It's not like you haven't seem him in a suit before," she waddles up and nudges me in the side, giggling.

I look at her and stick my tongue out, "Easy for you to say."

"Come on, nervous girl," she pushes me out the door.

Once we get to the entrance to the main hall of the church, I see my dad waiting for me. I smile and bunch the front if my dress in my hand so I don't trip over it. Running to my dad, I throw my arms around him. "You made it."

He runs his hand through my hair while the other goes to my back. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world," he whispers sadly.

I pull away, my eyes full of concern. "What's wrong, dad?"

"Just yesterday you were my baby girl. I didn't have to worry about some boy taking you from me," he strokes my cheek.

I place my hands on his face and wipe away his tears, "Don't see it as him taking me. See it as...." I ponder what I want to say next. "I don't know. You're barely in anyways. Just know that he'll take care of me and protect me. Remember that, okay?"

He nods and takes my arm in his as the doors open. 100 or so people turn to face me. I blush and look down at my dress, I can't seem to find the courage to look up at him.

Once the music starts playing my dad nudges me in the side and we begin to walk down the isle.

"Look at him, honey."

At the sound of my dad's voice I look up to see Zack smiling down at me, causing me to blush.

Once to the alter, my dad hands me off, kissing my cheek. I smile as Zack takes me hand.

"We're gathered here today to join Skylar Evans and Zack McCoy in marriage. Do you, Skylar Evans...." After our vows and "I do"s are exchanged, "You may now kiss the bride."

I blush and look Zack in the eyes. He slows leans forward and places his forehead to mine. "I love you, Skylar McCoy. I love that name," he smiles closing his eyes.

"I love you, too, Zack McCoy," and I close the remaining distant between our lips. Smiling into the kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck while he wraps his around my waist. He lifts me up and spends me in a circle as everybody cheers.

I have everything I could ever ask for. I husband that loves me. I family that cares for me. And I little extra surprise coming in around 7-8 months. *winks*


I'm sorry to disappoint a lot of you guys, but...there it is. The last and finally chapter of "The New Kid". Thank you all for all your support throughout all of this. I really appreciate it.

I'm sorry to cut it so short. I really am. I hope you guys don't hate me.....

But hey! This isn't the end if my writing career! Go check "Alone" and my BRAND NEW STORY "The Musician". I promise you guys won't be disappointed.

I love you guys so much, my little roxers!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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