Chapter 14: Starbucks

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I wake up to the feeling of someone's plush lips pressed gently against mine. I open my eyes slightly to see Zack blushing.

I grin and poke his nose, "What was that for?"

He shrugs and sits up, "They left. I heard them talking about going out to Starbucks."

I groan, I love Starbucks, "She better bring me something back."

He chuckles and shakes his head, "So, what do you want to do?"

I sit up and look around my room. I see my chalk on the floor and realized Zack had been draw on my wall. I look up at what he drew and it was fantastic.

I was of all four of us- me, Zack, Randy, and Ashley- with our arms draped over each other's shoulders, smiling without a care in the world.

I look over at Zack and smile, "That's truly beautiful."

"Only because you're in it," he blushes and looks down when he realized what he said.

I smile and kiss his cheek quickly before getting up and grabbing my camera off my desk. I take a picture of the drawing. Then turn and snap an picture of Zack really quickly, hoping he won't notice. Good thing he doesn't.

I smile at the picture. He's laying on my bed, eagle-like, and smiling up at the ceiling. The sunlight coming through my window shining on him at just the perfect angle.

I put my camera back down on my desk and pick up a piece of chalk. I start drawing intently. Blocking out the rest of the world. I go into a trance, focusing only on the drawing. I draw and draw and draw until finally, I back away. I look up and smile. It's Zack laying on my bed, just like in the picture.

I hear a gasp behind me and jump 2 feet in the air. Forgetting there was someone else in my room I spin around, "That's amazing."

I blush, "Thank you."

He grins, "You're welcome."

I smile in return and walk out of my room and to the kitchen. I grab ingredients to make pancakes and bacon and set to work.

I hear Zack come up behind me and wrap his arms around me,

I giggle, "Why, hello there."

"Hi," he chuckles. "It smells good already. Want some help?"

I nod and give him a smile.

We had just finished making breakfast when we hear the door open and 2 sets of feet. We look up in time to see Ash and Randy walk in.

"Here is your coffee, M'lady," Ash bows.

I curtsy, "Why, thank you." I sip my drink and moan in pleasure, "I haven't had coffee in over a week."

They all laugh at me.

I glare at them, "No bacon for you."

I give and evil and mischievous laugh, grab the plate full of back, and run to my room, slamming the door behind me.

I sit down on my bed and dig in, listening to the sweet noise of 3 hungry teenagers in need of bacon banging on my door.


So, what'd you guys think?

I might be posting a new story. It's a Fanfiction about 5SOS. Of you like them, tell me. I might not post it.

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