1- Emergency

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I start to write on my chart after escaping the trouble in one of my patient's rooms. A family feud over the last person who forgot to flush the toilet back at home— horrible noises, really, no one would ever want to know. I thought it'd be another normal night at work but they never fail to surprise me. And of course, I had to remind myself how much I love my job.

"Owi, si Room 5 nahila ang swero."

I love my job.

"Room 12, wi... Yung pasyente mo."

Nagmamadali akong kumilos para pumunta agad sa mga pasyente. I heaved a deep breath as I remember that the patient in room 5 just started taking antibiotics through IV kaya kailangan ko nang madaliin ang pagkilos. I plastered a smile on my face as I opened the door and with me, was the medical tray. My patient is a three-year-old female, her parents are first-timers. They've told me that they are having a hard time but they're trying to be better at it, at least nga nagtatry sila maging better.

"Good job, Heart! Behave tayo para hindi 'to sumakit ulit, okay? We're good girls naman diba?"

With tears at the side of her hazel brown pairs and her lips tightening to force a smile, little Heart nodded and looked at her newly fixed IV fluid flow. I said goodbye and left the room. Bumalik ako sa station at tsaka tumingin sa oras and I could see that Stella and I are about to finish our shifts.

"Gusto mo uminom?" I asked her. Kaibigan ko daw siya pero pangit kabonding, pag ako ang nag-aaya ng inuman siya ang unang nalalasing.

She was in shock that when she heard me, she looked around and lowered her voice "Saan ba? May shift ako bukas sa ICU gago ka pero G parin. Onti lang ah."

Natawa ako sa kaniya "Ulol ka ba, Stel? Inom ng kape kasi ibig sabihin ko. Gustuhin ko man mag-nomi, di ko masingit sa schedule. Pull out dito, diyan, doon."

"Taray, Raoisie. Umiinom na yarn ng kape? Sure na?"

"Edi sorry. Gatas pala yung akin," I shrugged and massaged the back of my neck and all of a sudden, a paper bag which I'm sure that it's from 7/11 gently landed in front of me. Stella and the rest of the nurses in the station looked at me and exchanged teasing looks. Inambaan kong tutusukin si Stella ng ballpen kung hindi siya titigil, she just moved away and pretended as if she was busy rearranging things in the organizers. Tanga! Naka-organize na yan!

"Hi, Nurse Owi. What a lovely day."

"Indeed. Good morning, Doc E."

"Uy! Dr. Evon, good morning po."

"Good morning, Doc!"

"Doc! morning, Doc. Kamusta morning natin diyan?"

They interrupted immediately before he could say a word after noticing that he didn't bother to greet them. Nang-aasar na naman ang mga sira. Sila na ang nagchikahan while I got busy finishing the patient's chart to be discharged today and as I was about to finish scanning through the whole page, Evon calls me out again "Owi, I bought milk for you and coffee for the rest of the team." He smiled at me from ear to ear.

Dr. Evon Le Jandro is a surgeon. He was always like this; a puissant man but generous to others, and halcyon like the waters.

He is all that but I know for a fact that all of the qualities that he has will not make my spirit sparkle. I told him so many times that he is just not the one for me; he refuses to listen.

"And Owi, the director wants to see you in his office after your shift."

I nodded and he left after being approached by another nurse from a different station. I looked at my watch and sighed after knowing what time it still was. Two more hours I will be able to go home then bukas day off ko! I wondered why the station became peaceful. Found out that they were all busy sipping their coffee, enjoying how the Hershey's kicked in perfectly and gazed at me altogether as I drink my milk. Milk helps me all the time and for some reason, it helps me stay up for my graveyard shifts too. Gaya nung sinabi ni Evon, I went to the Director's office to see what was up.

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