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Karna left Bheeshma chamber, he saw Dhushala was waiting for him.  He went near her.

Dhushala : “Pranipat. Hmph”

Karana : Stay blessed.

Dhushala turned her side ways to show her anger she pouted hard. Karna was confused at her anger. Dhushala was waiting for Karna since yesterday, but he didn't came yesterday and today Karna came to palace and directly went to sabha so she was very angry with him. After sabha, She got to know from Yudhishthir that Karna went to Bheeshma's chamber so she waited for him here. She was happy seeing him coming towards her but she had to show her anger so after greeting him she turned side ways.

Karn (confused) : What happened Dushala?

Dushala : “Nothing happened.” she still didn't looked towards him.

Karna : Then why are you looking sideways. Look at you brother, sister.

Dushala (angrily) : Only now you remember you have sister. Where were you yesterday and today in the morning.

Dushala was looking karna with angry expression and her nose was red due to anger. Karna understood Dushala was worried and wanted to meet him yesterday but he didn't came yesterday and today he directly went to sabha. So she is angry with him.

Karna (smiled) : Yesterday, I was with Radha maa. Today I was slightly late so I directly went to court. I am sorry but I am here now whatever you want me to do I will do.

Dushala (Dramatically crying): No, I am angry at you. You are also like others and did not have time for me.

Karna put his hand on her head : No that not true I will always have time for you.

Karna reached his pocket and brought a pair of anklets, he handed them to Dushala.

Karna : Look I even brought souvenir for you from dwarka.

Dushala (happily) : Realy, ok I guess I can forgive you.

Karna : Thank you.

Dushala : But you promise to do whatever I wanted.

Karna : Yes, What do you want.

Dushala (haughtily) : I want to ride your chariot. You will take me for a ride and shopping as punishment. You had such beautiful chariot but you hid it from me and let Subhadra ride on it first.

Karna : Fine. Go get ready I will take you to a round on Rashmi around Hastinapur.

Dhushala was very happy and satisfied with Karna. She immediately went to get ready. Karna saw that Arjun, Ashwatthama, Nakul and Sahdev were hiding in corners and snickering.


Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev came to sabha to meet Karna. As they reached they saw only Yudhishthir was there. Ashwatthama also arrived there then. When Arjun and Ashwatthama asked about Karna, Yudhishthir told them Karna went to meet Bheeshma.

Ashwatthama : What do you want with Mitra Karna, Arjun?

Arjun : We wanted to meet him and invite for practice with us. You? When did you got so close to Mitra Karna.

Both emphasised on word Mitra.

Ashwatthama : Same reason as you. We became friends when you all went to Panchal war. He is a very good listener and knowledgeable person. We talked and clicked. We even spared regularly before he went to Dwarka. When did you became his friend?

Arjun : it was in Dwarka, you are right he is easy to talk.

Nakul : Then lets go there together and meet him.

Ashwatthama : Ok.

They arrived and saw Dushala was already there and was also waiting. She looked angry.

Ashwatthama : Mitra Karna is in trouble now.

Nakul (laughing mischievously) : Yes you are right. Lets hide and see how the great Angraj will face Dushala's anger.

Ashwatthama : Yes, it will be hilarious.

Arjun : Lets hide behind curtains.

Then then saw how easily Karna was saying sorry when Dushala's was fake crying.

Arjun (whispering) : Did he really fell for that obvious trap

Nakul and Ashwatthama : Looks like it.

Sahdev : No he knows but was guilty of not meeting Dushala earlier so he acted like he didn't see her fake tears.

After few minutes when they saw Dushala demanding to ride chariot.

Ashwatthama : Chariot.

Sahdev : Apparently a very beautiful chariot according to Nakul.

Nakul : Not very but most beautiful I have ever seen.

Nakul's claim  interested Ashwatthama as he knew Nakul was animal master and fond of beautiful things, for him to say it's beautiful then it may as well be. They watched further how Karna agreeing to Dushala's demand.

Nakul : Wow, is it that easy to convince Angraj.

Arjun : No, till now only for Subhadra and Krishna did Karna summoned the chariot. He didn't even summoned it for himself.

Nakul : Apparently now for Dushala too. Dushala is really brave to demand from Karna that too so arrogantly.

Ashwatthama (snorted) : you don't know half of it. You didn't saw how she demanded Karna to perform his 64 kalas. He didn't even refused once. He danced, sang, cooked for her. He even feeded her with his hands. The whole palace knew about it.

Arjun : I can't believe it.

Arjun couldn't believe this was the same Karna who fought and killed asurs.

Sahdev : She really has him wraped around her fingers.

They all started snickering as how the mighty Karna was now bowing towards Dushala.


Karna : Pranipat Ashwatthama, Arjun, Rajkumar Nakul and Rajkumar Sahdev.

Everyone : Pranipat.

Nakul : You can call us just Nakul and Sahdev, Angraj.

Sahdev just nodded.

Karna : Ok, you can aslo call me Karna. What are you all here for.

Arjun : we wanted you to invite for practicing with us but you seemed to have other matters to attend.

Karna : Yes it's true. May be tomorrow.

Nakul (excitedly) : Can we come to see your chariot.

Karna : Sure why not.

Dushala then came.

Dushala : Bhrata Karna I am ready lets go.

They all went to gates where Karna summoned his chariot. Sahdev and Ashwatthama had to agree it was most beautiful chariot they have ever seen. Dushala climbed on the chariot and Karna took  driver's seat. Then he took Dushala for the ride. Others went to practice area.

Karna dropped Dushala to palace before sunset with bags of he shopped items. They had earlier went to Hastinapur market where Karna has to buy and carry all Dushala's purchase. Dushala was happy so was Karna but he was really tired, Karna thought he would rather be on battlefield than with a woman on her shopping spree. Karna then went home.

Karna spent rest of week in Hastinapur. He has new routine now. Wake up do pooja, go to court, practice with Arjun/Ashwatthama or both for two hours, spend time with Dushala, Ghandhari and kunti. Then go home. Karna got acquainted to most of people in the palace but he avoided Shakuni like a plaque. Shakuni in all his power trying to have Karna on his side. He was overly sweet, welcoming to Karna but Karna was well aware why.  So he avoided him.

Soon one week ended and karna bid his farewell to his family and friends and left for Anga alone. This new journey of his will help his name resounds through whole Aryavart.

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