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One month have passes since Karna started training Nyay rakshak forces. Thing have improved in Anga.  It's progresses smoothly during this month more so than last six months ago. Since one month ago Anga and it's people were becoming self sufficient and try to build their kingdom but after Karna returned they truly opened up for the world. News of him defeating Drona has reached all Aryavart. So people were already curious about him and his kingdom. It made trading very easy now Anga is probably foremost kingdom whose goods were traded all over aryavart as it's home of master of each crafts. They traded all things from kitchen tools to weapons, jwellery to dresses, statues to painting. Having largest-ever Shiva-Parvati temple in whole Aryavart have attracted various tourist and devotee came and stay in Anga for several days, seeing this Karna ordered to buit several Ashram and guest house for people. People of Anga didn't believe in cast system but that doesn't mean they forced their ideas to other who came to Anga. They respected their beliefs until it's bearable and didn't hurt anybody. The tourist also respect the rules of kingdom as the punishment were very severe for breaking norms and unlike other kingdoms Anga enforces punishment impartially so sayin they are of high cast or rich isn't going to help. Such incidents did happened but punishment was deterrent enough for people to understand the consequences. This all led to boom in economy of kingdom. All trades became the medium to plant the spies all across Aryavart but it did let several spies come to Anga. It doesn't bother Karna he knew it was bound to happen and took action to prevent secret information from leaking.

His own spy network became strong the spies did their job and shared all information of Aryavart to him. He is quite sad and angry with the information he got from them. They sent various helpless people to Anga. Karna accepted them some of they stay at palce where as other in completed Adhram or houses. He gave families a house and others were sent to ashram. When people arrived anga most of them were malnourished and weak seeing them people of Anga recalled their past and helped them. They knew the pain themselves so no snickering comments were passed but help came to people who has reached Anga. They were overwehlmed. Karna alloted each of place as the have arrived in Anga. The people were firstly fed and rested. The people arrived first were given place first. The people were admitted to school  to attain basic knowledge most adults declined but children were happy.  Adults have taken internship by choice of craft or work they wanted to learn from various masters. Men took work with physical requirement like black Smithing, carving, sculpting, farming etc while women took weaving, hand crafting, painting, etc. The old people took liking of jobs like story telling or hand crafting. There was enough for everyone. These guests became citizens and were happily accepted in Anga.

Karna was busy in training army and his Nyay rakshak forces. Getting the information of all the wrongs happening all ove Aryavart agitated him. With the increasing population of Anga, some people too wished to join the army but the number of spies too were increasing so Karna was forced to use his knowledge of illusions or maya. He created these illusions special around army barracks and palace. He also placed illusions when recruiting the army to see whether people wants to join were having ill intension. His knowledge of maya wasn't any less than of Asurs after all he was aslo students of Asurguru shukracharya. He not only used his illusions to test recruitment but also to  test capabilities of his army. He let them have mock stimulation of battle scenario. His army was getting formidable day by day. But real elites of Anga was secret Nyay rakshak force. Karna himself spend 8-10 hours training them. He trained them various kala, their weapons, stealth, assassination, morals, to be casual, etc. Nyay rakshak forces have a very tight schedule they woke up with sunrise did their warmup which consists of core muscles training, agility training, strength training etc. After that they did breakfast and in selected and chosen group they went to master craftsmen to learn their craft in after they return the eat lunch and after half hour break the do warmup and practice with weapons. After that Karna comes there after his sabha and army training, he then trains them and spar with them till now they though in group couldn't last more than 15 minutes against karna but they knew they were improving, to go to help people Karna has set minimum 2 hours of spar against him with the weapons of their choice that too in group. He fight spear group with spear and similarly with other weapons. Karna wasn't impatient he knew it takes years if not decade to master a weapon that why he chose only 1000 people as these people were close enough to do so but even that will take few months. Training went on till half an hour before sunset. They rests till karna came back from his pooja and alms giving. The karna teaches them various kala and other knowledge till dinner. After they eat and went to sleep. Karna too went to palace to have dinner with his family.

Karna was probably most busy person in Anga. He usually woke up before sunrise then go to river to perform his pooja but several people follow him either to ask alms or observing him. He doesn't mind he reach banks of river and do his pooja. Due to various people and devotee visits to Anga Karna became famous for his charity. People come from afar to ask him alms and help. Karna being the person he is has never refused any ones request be it gold, cows, etc etc. He is known as Daanveer throughout the Aryavart. People knew if they can come to Anga they won't return empty handed. After that he returned to palace and does his daily training, then he has breakfast with his parents. Then he go to sabha, due to sudden increase in popularity of Anga and it's goods the sabha became very busy. At the beginning of month several complaints of guests came but after doing the through check of matter it became clear that it came from pampered individual who thought they would be pampered here too but few severe punishment broke these people from their thoughts and sabha became peaceful again but sudden increase in economy did brought up several challenges like requirements of guests house and other matters each of these matters were discussed for 3 hours and solutions were found. After that he went to army to train soldiers. He prepare a schedule for new recruits and created various threshold to go to next level like first one has to have proper weapon wielding and vyuha knowledge to go to next level of practice basic vyuha after that only more advanced vyuha and battle training nothing but perfection is key to advance next level. After that he return to palace to have lunch with his family. Then his training with Nyay rakshak forces and his sunset pooja and alms giving like at dawn people also come at dust to ask alms and observe him as they knew it he will be surely there these times. Karna was not just king of Anga but he was their hope. People like to see his smile, generosity, selflesness seeing him even once make their day better. After that he return to train nyay rakshaks in kala and then he returned to palace and eat with his family again. After that he trains again and then he sleeps.

His parents are happy and proud of him for what he has achieved. Radha was excited for her son's wedding so most of time after preparing food for her family she roams around Anga marke to buy several things or doing preparation to welcome people of Ujjain. People of Anga knew these two people in common clothes were parents of their King. Instead of being Rajmata Radha was polite to anyone she talked, she was famous among locals in Anga. Adhiratha too spend most of his time with chariots when people asked him why he smiled and replied he has done this all his life and doesn't knew anything else to do. Talking to them the people realised it no wonder their King can be so humble.

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