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"RANBOO YOU STUPID MONSTER WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" Tommy heard someone yell, making him jump. "Its ok, I'll be right back I promise, you'll be ok" Ranboo said as he got up and left the room to see what was going on. "WHERE IS HE TUBBO! WHERE IS RANBOO!" Dream yelled in Tubbo's face as he towered over him. "I-I told you I don't know" Tubbo said, he was shaking. "I'm right here, step away from Tubbo" Ranboo said as he got out his axe. Tubbo quickly ran to him and hugged him.

"WHERE IS TOMMY" Dream yelled as he started walking towards them. "Stay back and stop yelling, Tommy is with me since you're too brain dead to understand how much he's struggling to stay alive" Ranboo said as he held Tubbo close to him. "Go to Tommy" he whispered to Tubbo. "But-", "I'll be ok I promise, you can talk to Dream once he has calmed down" Ranboo said as he pushed Tubbo away. "Where. Is. TOMMY" Dream yelled.

Tubbo quickly ran upstairs. "TUBBO GET BACK HERE WE'RE NOT FINISHED" Dream yelled as he started running after him. "I said stay back, didn't I" Ranboo said as he held the axe to his neck. "Yes, you did say that but it's too bad I don't take orders from a monster" Dream laughed as he threw a bottle of water at Ranboo before walking away. Ranboo screamed as the water burned his skin and glass shards cut his arms and face.

Tubbo quickly burst into Tommys room and closed the door as he ran over to Tommy. "PLEASE DREAM" Tommy yelled. "Tommy its ok, it's Tubbo, you're going to be ok I promise" Tubbo said as he held Tommy tightly. "Well well well, what do we have here" Dream laughed as he walked towards them. "He's here he's here" Tommy repeated quietly to himself. "It's ok, deep breaths ok" Tubbo whispered to him as he held Tommy in his arms, struggling to stay calm himself. "Tubbo, do you mind taking a step outside for a second I would like to talk to Tommy" Dream smiled creepily. "No, Tommy is staying here, meet me at Tommys exile spot and we'll talk there, tomorrow morning at 10:30" Tubbo said as he shielded Tommy away from Dream.

"Fine, but if you're late then something may happen" Dream laughed as he left. Tubbo looked at Tommy, his breathing was heavy and he was shaking badly. "Tommy you're ok, everything alright now, Dreams gone and you're safe ok" Tubbo said comfortingly as he held him tightly. "W-where's Ranboo" Tommy cried. "Will you feel better with Ranboo here?" Tubbo asked, Tommy nodded. "Ok, remember Dream is no longer here and you're safe" Tubbo said as he went to get up but Tommy was clinging onto his shirt. "W-wait! Y-you can't l-leave me" Tommy cried as he grabbed Tubbo's shirt tightly.

"Ok, it's ok, you can come with me" Tubbo said as he held his hand instead and led him down the stairs. He then saw Ranboo in the kitchen, he saw him dabbing his arms with a dry cloth. "Ranboo are you ok?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo nodded, unable to speak due to the pain. "What are you doing?" Tubbo asked again as he brought Tommy along with him. "R-Ranboo, are you ok" Tommy asked, he was still panicking but was worried about Ranboo. Ranboo still didn't answer. Tubbo then let go of Tommys hand and quickly ran over to him. "What's wrong" he asked as he hugged him. "W-water" Ranboo stuttered. Tubbo quickly realised what Dream did. "Did Dream do it" he asked. Ranboo nodded. "Ok, it's ok now, let me help" Tubbo said as he grabbed the cloth and gently dabbed Ranboos arms. He saw little wounds and scars from the water and glass.

"Are you ok" Tubbo asked again. Ranboo nodded. Tommy listened to Tubbos voice and was able to listen to where it was coming from, he then accidentally touched Tubbos back. Tubbo quickly turned around. "S-sorry" Tommy stuttered. "It's ok, Ranboos right here" Tubbo said as he moved out the way and pulled Tommy to Ranboo. "Are you guys ok" Ranboo asked as he held Tommy and felt him shaking. "I think so" Tubbo said as he put the cloth on the table. Tommy didn't answer, he couldn't breathe and was very confused on what was happening. "You're ok now, I'm right here" Ranboo said to Tommy as he hugged him tightly. "Breathe with me for a second Tommy" he said as he loosened the hug and let Tommy listen to his breathing. Tommy slowly copied as he felt slightly better, he felt safe around Ranboo.

"Are you ok now" Ranboo asked him after a couple of minutes. Tommy nodded, he was a lot more calmer than before and felt a lot more safer. "W-what happened" Tommy asked. "Well Dream came here and was yelling at Tubbo so I brought Tubbo away from him and told him to go to you, after Tubbo had left, Dream started to go after him so I held an axe to his neck, he then through a bottle of water at me and y'know" Ranboo explained as he rubbed Tommys back. "Are you ok?!" Tommy said as he started feeling his arms for any glass shards. "I'm ok now" Ranboo laughed. "Are you sure?! Because that's water and glass!" Tommy said as he went along Ranboos arms slowly, feeling for any scratch's. "I'm sure" Ranboo laughed again.

"I'm bored" Tubbo said from the table as he sat down. "You get used to it" Tommy said. He yawned as he went back to hugging Ranboo. "You ok" Ranboo asked him as he hugged him back. "Well apart from the fact that I am literally blind, yeah" Tommy laughed. "Hungry?" Ranboo asked. "Very!" Tubbo whined as he laid his head on the table. "I'm alright" Tommy said. "You sure?" Ranboo said concernedly. "Mhm" Tommy nodded as he yawned again. "Tired?" Ranboo laughed. "No, what would make you think that" Tommy laughed. "Want me to take you to bed" Ranboo asked as they separated from the hug. "I'm not a 4 year old, but yes please" Tommy laughed as he held his hand tightly and slowly followed him.

Once they were at the bed, Tommy laid down and closed his eyes. "Thank you" he mumbled. "No problem, goodnight" Ranboo said. "Goodnight" Tommy said as he heard him close the door.

"Why does he trust you so much?" Tubbo asked as he heard Ranboo walking down the massive staircase. "Probably because I haven't given him a reason not to trust me and I'm the only one that seems to truly care about him in his head" Ranboo said as he started making something for Tubbo. "Oh, makes sense" Tubbo said. "I heard you talk about meeting Dream at Tommy's exile spot tomorrow morning, that's a horrible idea" Ranboo admitted. "I know but if I don't I feel like this will never be settled" Tubbo sighed. "True but just know I'm staying close to you" Ranboo said. "That's fine" Tubbo laughed as they both quickly ate before going to bed.


1215 words

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