Another Mistake

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Tommy slowly reached for his knife and hid it under the table as he slid it into his jumper sleeve and kept it in place. "I'm tired" he said. "Want me to take you up?" Ranboo asked. Tommy nodded. "Ok, I'll be right back Tubbo" Ranboo said as he took Tommy up to his room. "Want me to stay with you again?" He asked. "No it's fine" Tommy said as he laid down. "You sure?" Ranboo said concernedly. "Yup, goodnight" Tommy said 'sleepily'. "Ok, goodnight" Ranboo said as he left.

As soon as Tommy heard the door close, he instantly took the knife out of his sleeve and quickly rolled up his left sleeve before putting the knife to his arm. *Here goes nothing* he thought as he pressed down and sliced slowly, feeling the pain and sting he was used to. He sighed in relief as he glided his pinkie along the cut. "I knew it" he heard, making him jump and quickly hide both the knife and his arm. "I fucking knew it" Tubbo said angrily. "T-Tubbo" Tommy sighed, knowing he saw what just happened. "I know the urge Tommy but you have to fight it otherwise this happens" Tubbo said as he started walking towards him. Tommy quickly crawled backwards until he hit his headboard, trying to get away from Tubbo as he hugged his knees.

"T-Tubbo please I'm s-so sorry" he cried. "Oh wait Tommy its ok, I'm not going to-" "PLEASE" Tommy yelled, cutting him off. "Tommy-" "I-IM SO SORRY PLEASE I DIDNT MEAN TO" Tommy continued to scream as he held his arms above his head, ready for a hit. "What's going on?!" Ranboo said as he quickly ran into the room. "I'm trying to help but he keeps screaming" Tubbo said annoyedly. "Hey hey, Tommy it's Ranboo, you're ok" Ranboo said as he quickly ran past Tubbo and crouched next to Tommy. "RANBOO" Tommy yelled, not hearing anything Ranboo was saying.

"Tommy its ok, I'm right here, you don't have to be scared anymore I promise" Ranboo said a bit louder so Tommy would hear him. "H-HES GOING TO H-HURT ME" Tommy cried. "Tommy listen to me, you're ok, you're safe I promise, no ones going to hurt you" Ranboo said calmly. Tommy heard him slightly. "You're going to be ok, listen to my voice" Ranboo said slowly as he sat down in front of him. Tommy nodded, he was panicking badly. "I'm here for you, you're ok, I'm going to place my hand on your arm ok" Ranboo said, making sure Tommy knew what he was going to do. Tommy nodded again as he felt Ranboo touch his arm, making him flinch. "It's ok" Ranboo said as he slowly stroked Tommys arm with his thumb, noticing a fresh cut on his left. "Tommy" he sighed, making sure no one heard him. "You're going to be ok" he kept reassuring him. Tommy was slowly calming down but his breathing was still very fast and shortened.

"Can I move closer" he asked, watching Tommy nod slightly. He slowly shuffled closer to him. "Stop" Tommy said as he flinched. "Ok, I'll stay here I promise" Ranboo said as he stopped moving and continued giving Tommy the small comfort. "Can you try and breathe with me" he said calmly. Tommy nodded as he listened to Ranboos loud breathing and slowly started to copy. "That's it, you're doing great" Ranboo said calmly. Tommy sighed one last time as his breathing was steady but he was still shaking quite a bit. "Want a hug?" Ranboo asked. Tommy nodded violently as he slowly put his arms down. "That's it, you're safe" Ranboo said with a smile. Tommy then slowly slid his knees down.

"Ready" Ranboo said as he slowly reached towards Tommy. Tommy nodded. Ranboo then slowly picked Tommy up and held him gently, making sure he didn't feel suffocated. "Are you ok" he asked. Tommy shook his head. "You're going to be ok, you're safe now, nothing can hurt you" Ranboo said as he slowly rubbed Tommys back. "Hey Tommy, I'm really sorry for doing that I just didn't know how to react" Tubbo said as he started walking closer. Tubbos footsteps echoed in Tommys head, "Stop!" he yelled as he grabbed onto Ranboos blazer tightly. Tubbo instantly stopped moving as Tommy sighed. "Its ok, he's not going to hurt you, its Tubbo remember, he would never hurt you" Ranboo reassured him. "He would never hurt me physically maybe" Tommy whispered to himself, making sure nobody heard him. "Can I come closer" Tubbo asked calmly. Tommy nodded as he heard the footsteps get louder and louder until they stopped in front of him.

"I really am sorry about that" Tubbo apologised again. "I-its fine" Tommy said shakily. "Let me clean the cut for you" Tubbo said as he went to get a wet towel. "No! I-its fine, really, I'll do it later" Tommy said, stopping Tubbo again. "Ok then?" Tubbo said as he walked back over to them. "We should go on a vacation" Ranboo said as he let Tommy sit next to him instead. "Where to?" Tubbo asked as he sat next to Tommy. Tommy flinched slightly but luckily none of them noticed. "Techno told me about a place in the mountains he recently went to, there's 2 tents and he said he left them there for us so do we wanna go?" Ranboo said with a smile. "Sure!" Tubbo said excitedly. "You wanna go Tommy?" Ranboo asked. Tommy nodded, he didn't really care. "Ok then! When are we going?" Ranboo said. "Tomorrow!" Tubbo yelled as he quickly ran to his room to pack. "Oh- ok then" Ranboo laughed as he looked at Tommy, he looked nervous as he was stroking the fresh cut that was very red but wasn't bleeding.

"Hey Tommy, may I ask why you did that?" he said, making Tommy jump. "Erm, well. T-there's this urge that had been b-bothering me for quite some time now a-and I had to fix it" Tommy said shakily. "Ok, its ok, do you want to talk about anything?" Ranboo said as he rubbed Tommys back for comfort. Tommy thought for a second, "W-well y'know how D-Dream keeps talking to me" he started. "Yeah" Ranboo said, showing he was listening. "W-well he keeps telling me to do things and telling me hurtful things in general" Tommy said as tears started to flood his eyes again. "Like what?". "Like telling me to run away or telling me that no one cares about me, stuff like that" Tommy choked out. "I care" Ranboo smiled. Tommy felt a smile rise on his face, "thank you" he whispered. "You don't have to thank me for caring about you Tommy, you deserve to be cared for" Ranboo said as he gave Tommy a side hug.

"Y-y'know, I felt so alone for so long until you saved me so I really do have to thank you otherwise I would feel bad" Tommy laughed as he started to cheer up a bit. "I'm not going to lie I felt bad for you, I felt like I needed to do something until Ghostbur ran in and told me something happened to you so I had to help" Ranboo explained. "So that's how this all started huh" Tommy laughed. "I suppose so" Ranboo laughed back.

"COME ON WE NEED TO PACK!" Tubbo yelled as he ran back into his room, making them both laugh. "I'll go pack and then I'll be back to pack for you" Ranboo said as he got up and left. "Ok" Tommy said with a smile as he sat there patiently waiting. "I'm back" Ranboo said, 10 minutes later. "Welcome back" Tommy smiled. "Right, what do you want packed?". "I don't know, I barely have anything, most of what I have been wearing is yours". "Wait really?". "Yes! This hoodie is yours" Tommy laughed as he opened his arms, letting Ranboo look at the hoodie. "Well ok then, we're only staying for the night so I wont pack too much" Ranboo laughed as he grabbed a t-shirt, trousers and socks before stuffing them in a bag. "Wanna come and make food with me?" He asked once he was done. "Sure" Tommy said as he stood up and grabbed Ranboos hand.

"Before cooking, can I clean the cut please, you still haven't done it" Ranboo asked as they got to the kitchen. Tommy felt his heart start to hurt. "S-sure" he stuttered as Ranboo brought him over to the sink. "You're stuttering again, I wont if you don't want me to" Ranboo said as a hint of sadness was heard in his voice. "No its fine, sorry" Tommy apologised. "Don't apologise, its ok" Ranboo said as he wet a towel. Tommy flinched as he felt Ranboo start to clean the cut. "Its alright, are you ok" Ranboo asked him. Tommy nodded, too scared to speak. "Is there a way to get rid of the urge instead of doing that?" Ranboo asked curiously. "W-well when we had that really long hug, it helped a lot" Tommy answered. "Ok so, long hugs help, noted" Ranboo said, making Tommy laugh slightly.

"Done" he said as he put the towel down and sat Tommy down at the table before starting on his cooking. "Hey guys" Tubbo said as he sat next to Tommy. "Hey" he received back. "What were you guys doing?" he asked. "Cleaning Tommys cut" Ranboo answered. "Why did you do that by the way" Tubbo asked. "W-well you said it yourself, the urge" Tommy answered. "Oh, right" Tubbo said as the room went silent.

"Done" Tommy said as he finished his food 20 minutes later. "Come on then" Ranboo said as he got up and led Tommy to his room. "Are you ok?" he asked as Tommy laid down. "Mhm, goodnight" Tommy said as he closed his eyes. "Do you not want me to stay" Ranboo said confusedly. "No it's ok, goodnight" Tommy said again. "Ok then, goodnight" Ranboo said as he left and closed the door.


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