The Urge

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"Tommy" Tommy heard as he quickly sat up in his bed, breathing heavily from a nightmare. "He-Hello?" He said confusedly, a bit scared. "Oh Tommy, so useless and even more now you cant even see" he heard Dream whisper. "D-Dream" he gasped as he started panicking. "Took you a while to figure out, hello Tommy" Dream laughed. Tommy was hyperventilating and shaking violently. "RANBOO" he screamed as he covered his ears and held his knees up to his chest. "Yelling for that monster won't make me go away y'know" Dream laughed.

"Tommy?" Ranboo said as he quickly burst through the door. "RANBOO" Tommy yelled again. "Tommy its ok, I'm right here, you're alright" Ranboo said as he quickly ran over to him. Tommy clung onto Ranboo as he felt him hug him. "Its alright, Tommy breathe with me" Ranboo said as he picked Tommy up and held him tightly whilst slowly rocking him. Tommy started to calm down as he clung onto Ranboo tightly. "You're alright, what happened" Ranboo said calmly. "D-Dream, I-I heard h-him" Tommy stuttered. "I promise you Dream isn't here, you're hearing things again but that's ok, I'm here for you" Ranboo said calmly as he slowly rubbed Tommys back. "A-am I crazy" Tommy whispered. "No, you're not crazy, you're real, you're safe, I'm right here for you ok" Ranboo said slowly.

Tommy nodded as he took a couple of deep breaths before calming down. "There, you're alright" Ranboo said calmly. He felt Tommy slowly stop shaking. "You can go back to sleep if you want, you're safe now" Ranboo said as he started to put Tommy back down. "Wait! P-please" Tommy said as he grabbed on tighter to Ranboo. "It's ok, I'm not going anywhere I promise, I'm going to stay with you until you're ready for me to leave ok" Ranboo reassured him. Tommy nodded as he slowly calmed down. "You can go back to sleep, it's ok" Ranboo said again. "P-promise you won't leave m-me" Tommy cried quietly. "I promise, you can trust me Tommy, I will protect you ok" Ranboo said comfortingly. "O-ok, t-thank you so m-much" Tommy said as he took another deep breath. "It's alright" Ranboo said one last time as he sat down on the bed with Tommy in his lap as Tommy clung to him.

Ranboo laid his head on Tommys shoulder as he felt Tommy slowly relax until he was asleep. Ranboo smiled, happy he was able to help. It wasn't long until he felt Tommy start shaking again. "You're ok, you're safe" Ranboo quickly whispered to him, being careful not to wake him up. "R-Ranboo" Tommy said sleepily. "I'm right here" Ranboo said, unsure if he was sleep talking or awake. *What about Tubbo* Ranboo thought, he would hold Tubbos hand every night to help with the nightmares. He slowly got up, still being careful as to not wake Tommy as started to slowly walk back to Tubbo.

Ranboo stopped as he felt Tommy started moving again. He sighed as Tommy settled back down, allowing him to keep moving. Once he had finally reached the bed, he sat down against the headboard and sighed. He then looked for Tubbos hand and held it gently. Ranboo sighed as he got as comfortable as he could and closed his eyes, hoping to get at least some sleep.

Tommy woke up, his head and throat was hurting but he was more confused on what he was laying on because it certainly wasn't his bed. He honestly didn't care, he was comfy. He tried not to move as he realised he was hugging someone, it definitely wasn't Tubbo so maybe Ranboo? He laid there, thinking about what to do. "Ranboo?" he said quietly as he tapped Ranboo on the shoulder. "Hm" Ranboo hummed sleepily. "Where are we?" he asked. "In mine and Tubbo's bedroom" Ranboo replied sleepily with a yawn. "You ok now?" He asked as he sat Tommy down in front of him. "Mhm, are you?" Tommy asked back. "The burns are still hurting but its easy to ignore so I'll be fine" Ranboo said as he stood up and stretched. "Where are you going?" Tommy asked worriedly. "I'm not going anywhere, are you sure you're ok" Ranboo said as he sat back down and held Tommys hand.

"I think so" Tommy said, he felt drained, he felt like he was being watched, not by Ranboo, by someone else. "You think so?" Ranboo said as his worries started to rise. "Y-yes, who else is here?" Tommy asked as he held Ranboos hand tighter accidentally. "Its only me, you and Tubbo, are you really ok though?" Ranboo asked again. "I-I don't know" Tommy said again as he was beginning to feel uncomfortable. "Ok, wanna go make food?" Ranboo said as he stood up. "Sure" Tommy sighed as he held Ranboos hand tightly and followed him to the kitchen.

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