Dreams In The Mountains (not the person)

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Tommy woke up but couldn't move. He was shaking badly and his breathing was heavy. *Move god damnit* he thought, only being able to move his finger before giving up. *Whats going on?* he questioned as he kept trying but nothing was working. "Hey Tommy, you look a bit pale there" he heard Dreams voice echo. Tommy tried to talk but he couldn't. "Oh, what's that? Oh right, you can't talk" Dream laughed at him. "S-stop" Tommy said weakly. "Oh! So you can talk, only enough to say one word? That's sad" Dream said, sounding sad. "You can see but there's not really anything TO see in this dark abyss" Dream said. "W-where am I" Tommy asked. "Well look around dumb dumb, what does it look like" Dream yelled. "A-a dark a-abyss-" "A dark abyss THATS RIGHT" Dream said sarcastically. "W-where's Ranboo" Tommy continued to ask as talking was becoming a lot easier to do but he still couldn't move anything else. "Not here right now, clearly" Dream said sarcastically once again.

They both shut up as Tommy heard a zip. "Oh shit. Well, it was great hanging out with you Tommy but it seems like someone is here to save you" Dream said as his voice started fading as Tommy heard another zip, then someone's voice. "Tommy?" He heard but wasn't able to do anything. "Tommy wake up" he heard again. "It's ok" he heard again, he was slowly recognising the voice. Until he felt himself being picked up.

"AAAAHHH" He screamed as he felt someone hug him, his vision was yet again gone. "It's alright, it's Ranboo, you're outside now, it's ok" Tommy heard, quickly recognising the voice as it was very clear now. "You're alright" Ranboo said calmly as he held Tommy gently. Tommy hugged him tightly, refusing to let go. "R-Ranboo" he sighed in relief. "That's right, I'm right here, it's ok now, you're safe" Ranboo reassured him as he slowly rubbed his back. "We're going to do this again ok, can you try and copy my breathing" he asked calmly. Tommy nodded as he closed his eyes and rested his head on Ranboos shoulder, slowly copying Ranboos breathing pattern.

He then heard another 2 zips, making him jump. "It's ok, it's just Tubbo, you're alright, keep focussing on your breathing ok" Ranboo said as he covered Tubbos mouth, stopping him from saying anything. Tommy nodded as he listened to Tubbo shuffling around at the same time as calming down. Tubbo then sat against the stone wall, waiting to ask if Tommy was ok. "Are you ok now" Ranboo asked. Tommy nodded slowly as he started to relax. "It's all ok now I promise, what happened?" Ranboo asked. "N-nothing" Tommy said sleepily. "Ok, that's fine".

"Hey Tommy, you alright?" Tubbo asked. "M-mhm" Tommy mumbled as Ranboo put him down, he then sat on the floor next to Tubbo as Ranboo sat next to Tommy. "We're going home today if that has been a worry" Tubbo said as he sat on the other side of Tommy. Tommy nodded, "ok". "Once we eat we can go so who's hungry" Ranboo said as he started opening the food bag until Tommy stopped him. "Wait, please, I haven't had a break in so long, none of us have so let's just chill out whilst we've got the chance, ok" Tommy said, quite annoyed. "Ok, that's a very good point" Ranboo said as they all got comfortable and started talking about anything for about 30 minutes. "I am getting quite hungry if I'm being honest" Tubbo said. "Want me to get something?" Ranboo asked. "No it's ok, I'll get something" Tubbo said as he got up and went to get some food.

"Here" he said as he sat back down. "I don't want anything" Tommy said almost immediately. "Ok this is becoming a problem, Tommy what's causing this" Tubbo asked. Tommy froze, not expecting that response. "I-I don't know, I-I'm sorry" he said as he got quieter and quieter. "Don't apologise, it's not your fault you feel like this, I would just like to know what's causing it because... I might be able to relate" Tubbo said, sounding more and more sadder towards the end. "When did that happen?" Ranboo asked as he looked at Tubbo worriedly. "Don't worry, I'm ok now, it was back with Schlatt" Tubbo said, watching Ranboo relax again, "good". "I-I don't know w-why I feel like this" Tommy said, if he was going to be honest, he had forgotten, it had something to do with exile but he couldn't quite remember, maybe it was the fact Dream never fed him.

"Is there any guesses?" Ranboo asked. "M-maybe something to do with e-exile" Tommy stuttered, on the verge of tears. "Ok, that would make sense. If you ever need to talk about anything then both of us are right here for you, you do know that right" Ranboo said calmly. "M-mhm, thank you" Tommy said as he felt a smile form on his face. "How long has this been happening?" Tubbo asked. "P-probably near the start of e-exile" Tommy answered as the smile very quickly went away. "Ok, it's ok" Ranboo said as he heard Tommy sniffle. "Sorry" Tommy gave a fake laugh as he wiped away the tear that was rolling down his cheek. "It's ok, you can cry" Tubbo said comfortingly. "T-thank you both so m-much" Tommy thanked again as he stared to cheer up. "It's alright" Ranboo said as he gave a small laugh.

"Have just a bite of an apple if you can" Ranboo said as he put an apple in Tommys hand and gave him space. Tommy already hated it as he shook his head. "Please, even if it's just one small bite" Tubbo said, butting in. "Maybe later" Tommy said as he tightened his grip on the apple, getting quite annoyed. "Ok, that's ok, we can try again when we get home ok" Ranboo said as he rubbed Tommys back, helping release some stress. Tommy sighed as he gave the apple back to Ranboo and sat there on the verge of tears. "Can we just go" he said quietly. "It'll take me about 20 minutes to get everything back together again so you 2 have fun talking" Ranboo said as he went to sort everything out, leaving the 2 to talk.

Tubbo dragged Tommy into a tent to talk to him privately. "You alright Tommy" Tubbo said, sensing how much pain he was in. Tommy shrugged, too scared to speak. "Anything you wanna talk about?" Tubbo asked, trying to break the silence. Tommy paused for a moment before shaking his head. He hadn't realised the 'urge' creeping its way back into his head. "You ok? You're shaking a bit" Tubbo said concernedly. Tommy noticed the sudden shaking he was doing, yes he was a bit cold but it wasn't that. "I-I don't know" he said finally. "You can talk to me y'know, I'm not going to hurt you or yell at you, I want to help" Tubbo said calmly as he shuffled closer to Tommy. "D-do you still get the urge sometimes?" Tommy asked. "You mean the 'cutting' kind of urge?". "Y-yes". "Sometimes yes" Tommy gasped quietly as his worries grew. "You do?" He said surprisingly. "Sadly yes" Tubbo responded. "What do you do to get rid of it?" Tommy asked, hoping Tubbo wouldn't say what he thought he was going to say.

"I fight it, go against it, don't acknowledge it and it'll slowly fade away, that's what you've got to do if you wanna stay clean and get better" Tubbo answered. Tommy sighed in relief. "You thought I was gonna say something else then didn't you" Tubbo laughed. "Yup, I'm glad you didn't" Tommy said nervously. "Yeah, you just have to try and ignore it" Tubbo said as he watched Tommy slowly stop shaking. "You ok now" he asked. "Mhm, t-thank you for this" Tommy said with a small smile. "No problem" Tubbo smiled. "Does Ranboo have the urge, has he ever even done it?" Tommy said concernedly. "I actually have no idea, there's so many little scars and burns I wouldn't know if a new one was added" Tubbo said sadly. "Should we ask him?" Tommy said. "Maybe later, when we get home" Tubbo said. "Ok" Tommy agreed as he heard a zip.

"Done! You 2 ready to go?" Ranboo said as he peered in. "No actually, none of us are actually dressed" Tubbo laughed. "Oh right yeah, forgot about that part" Tommy laughed. Ranboo soon handed them both new clothes whilst Tubbo went into the opposite tent to get dressed there instead. "Tell me when you're both done because I'm ready to go!" Ranboo said excitedly, hearing them both laugh.

This is just an extra part of this vacation thing :)

1498 words

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