13: Successful friendship

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Amity's pov:

I woke up early, before (y/n) and Adora. I quickly but quietly to take a shower. I got undressed and looked in the mirror. I ran my hands down my body and sighed.

"Is it breakfast already babe?" I hear my girlfriend say then hug me from behind, she kissed my shoulder and looked at me from the mirror.

"Babe what's wrong?" She asked me having her hands on my stomach.

"What was it like being pregnant? I want to understand you more, and I realized that there are so many things I don't know. Like how it's like almost losing your daughter the person you gave birth too, the person you protected inside you." She moves my head if her hand so we're looking at each other.

"Scary. It very scary being pregnant, cause I had to be careful Adora's life was and still depends on how well I can make sure she's safe. Amity do you want to be pregnant or something?" I shook my head.

"Hell no, I want more kids and all but I'm not going to give birth or even think about getting pregnant, I'm a lesbian for a reason babygirl." She started laughing and got undressed.

"Adora isn't awake yet so let's take a shower together, we haven't done that in a while." I nodded and turned on the water, we got in the shower and started making out, which is very normal for us. "Let me be dominant right now." She said and I agreed, seeing as I almost never let her be dominate. She pushed me to the wall and started making hickeys on my neck, going down to my chest then stomach, I wait for her to do something but she just stops. She looks up at me. "Your hurt. Your side is bruised badly, how come I didn't see this before," she stood up and showed me.

"Oh I guess the makeup got washed off." She looked at me like I'm dumb.

"Babe why did lnt you tell me, when did this happen?"

"Yesterday when we were fighting with Jason. When you were looking he kicked me very hard, he broke a rib but I was able to heal it with magic." She ran her fingers over the bruise.

"Mommy, Mama where are you?!" We heard Adora call out for us. We both sighed.

"We'll be out in a moment sweetie. How about you call Willow and ask if Luis can hang out today" (y/n) said.

"Okay mommy!" Adora said before we heard her footsteps get quieter.

"Well be talking about this Amity, you have to stop keeping secrets from me, no matter what okay?" I nodded and she kissed me before putting her now wet hair up and getting out of the shower.

I sat down in the shower and cried once she left the bathroom. The hot water felt nice on my body, missing my girlfriend's company I hugged myself. She's so good to me, she loves me so much, yet I kept this a secret, I'm keeping so many secrets from her.

"AMITY BLIGHT GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW!" I heard (y/n)'s voice yell out to me. I turned off the shower and put a towel around my body. I walked out of the bathroom and saw my now pissed off girlfriend.

"Two things, what the fuck is this? And why did a woman just call me telling me that our paperwork to be foster parents is approved?" She held up some underwear I brought for her as a gift for our anniversary that's coming up. She probably thinks they are someone else's.

"What bitch have you been sleeping with other than me?" She asked me and I laughed, making her more pissed off.

"Baby those are a gift to you for our anniversary, I found to put them in a gift box, along with some of your other presents. Also your not a bitch and I'm not sleeping with anyone else, baby you know that I only have eyes for you."

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