16: This Some Bullshit

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Amity's pov:

I was still in shock from what Ethan told me, honestly it's scary knowing that he killed someone. Yet I'm letting him around my daughter.

"Amity, baby, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked me as she walked in.

"Yeah I'm fine what's up?" She hugged me. "Baby I know when your lying, what's wrong?"

"Babygirl I really shouldn't tell you this but Ethan just told me some stuff and one of the things is making me worried. You know how I've tried killing Jason many times for what he did to you?" I asked her, she nodded.

"Ethan actually killed someone who raped Breally." I saw her eyes widen and fear set into her eyes.

"There's no way thats true. And if it is how come he hasn't been caught?"

"Probably magic. Babygirl you realize just how dangerous magic is right? With illusion magic someone can change the way they look, with Abomination magic someone can have the Abomination do whatever it is you want to happen. Magic is very dangerous, that's why I don't use magic a lot in the house unless I have to, cause I know that it's dangerous and I don't want to hurt you or Adora. Both of you are human and I don't know how it'll affect you since your builded differently from wit-" I stop realizing that I was starting to talk about the differences between humans and witches, something she doesn't want to talk about.

"Amity..." She said sounding sad. "I need to tell you something important, well ask something important."

"What is it?"

"Since a witch can't get a human pregnant, maybe we could try doing a human sperm donor, or you give birth instead." I backed away.

"Fuck no, not happening." I said planly, without hesitation.

"Why not?" She looked sad.

"One I'll never, and I mean never let anything involving a man get inside of me. Second, I'm not uncomfortable with either of those ways. I mean the whole reason you came to the boiling isles was because you wanted to get away from Earth, away from other humans and you want a human to get you pregnant? Why do you even want to be pregnant? Honestly babygirl why do you want that?" I watched as (y/n) started tearing up, I felt bad for telling her no but I wasn't uncomfortable with it.

"Amity you don't understand!" She started yelling, I sighed and sat down. "You don't know what it was like there! You don't know what I went through! Being pregnant was the only thing that kept me going, because I had to protect myself to protect Adora! You don't understand!" I looked at her with a straight face.

"You done babygirl?" I asked her. Which only made her more pissed off, but instead of yelling at me she went quiet. I got up and grabbed her wrist, I pinned her to the wall and kissed her.

"Now listen to me when I say this, I love you so much babygirl, but I hate it when you yell at me, if you want to yell at me you need to start thinking about how it affects me. I'm sorry I piseed you off, but I'm only telling you the truth, I'm not uncomfortable with either of those options, I'm a lesbian for a reason, I don't like men and I hate anything involving letting a man get to close to me, I don't care if it's just sperm, I'm not uncomfortable with it, and I'm not comfortable with letting a human man get you pregnant. Okay? Yes I don't understand why you want to be pregnant, yes I don't understand how you feel about earth and why you left but I do know that right now your being difficult. Well find another way for you to get pregnant, I fully support you in wanting to be pregnant, but I draw the line at letting a human get you pregnant." She looked down at the ground.

"Fuck you." Is all she said to me before breaking free. She walked out of the room, I few seconds later I heard our backroom door slam shut. Luz came into the room and looked at me.

Your My Pain Killer (Amity x fem reader: band AU)Where stories live. Discover now