4: What The Hell?

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(Y/n)'s pov:

I gave Amity her copy of the song. "Thanks. Is there a way you want us to say these?" She asked me.

"Well when I made this song, it was made to have sexual tension. You can tell by the lyrics, so maybe we could try to match it?" I said kinda embarrassed.

"Okay, I could do that. So basically we should make it seems like we're flirting?" I nodded my head.

"Yeah. Most of the time when me and another band member had to sing something together that needed a certain feel to it we would spend more time together and practice the song it we had the feel, so maybe we could to that?" I suggested.

"Thats actually a really good idea. Yeah let's try that, how about you spend the night at my apartment tonight?" I nodded my head having no words.

"Okay, now let's get started." Everyone got in their spots, Matt gave us a thumbs up before Luz started dumming, and I started singing.

"I wanna be your slave," I looked at Amity and she smirked.

"I wanna be your master," butterflies came to my stomach when I heard she voice.

"I wanna make your heart beat run like roller-coasters"

"I wanna be your good girl."

"I wanna be a gangster. Cause you can be the beauty and I'll be the monster." I saw Luz look at me and nodded, after Amity sung that line.

"I love you since this morning, not just for anesthetic." I could feel amitys eyes on before she started singing again.

"I wanna touch your body, so fucking electric. I know that your scared of me."

"You said that I'm too eccentric. I'm crying all my tears,"

I felt her fingers, go along my chin, "and that fucking pathetic." My face started heating up, and I was unable to speak. Amity cut everyone off.

"Sorry I shouldn't have done that." She apologized to me.

"No its fine, actually we could do that for when we preform the song, I just wasn't expecting it is all."

"Hey Luz is it to late to change my bet?" Me and Amity looked up at the door, that blocks us off from Emria, Edric and Matt.

"Yeah, just suck up the lost" Luz said back and smirked.

"Yall made another bet? What is it this time?" Amity asked them.

"None your business Mittens!" I hear Em's voice.

"Mittens?" I said and Amity's face got a little red.

"They call me that to tease me. Anyways let's stop practice today, everyone else practice your parts on your own, I'm going to help (y/n) with some of the other songs. Luz she's staying at my apartment tonight." Amity put her guitar away and I did the same.

"I need to get clothes," she nodded.

"We'll stop by the owl house before we head to my place. Ready?" I nodded.

We walked out the studio with our guitars. She used magic to make them float along with us. I was holding onto her, still very scared of flying.

"So did Luz talk about us, or anything about the boiling isles?" She asked me.

"Yeah she told me about her being in a band, she told me about a girl named Willow, who does plant magic, a boy named Gus who does illusions, she talked about you guys a lot though. The way she talked about you made it sound like you guys were a couple. She said that your really pretty and smart, bossy too. She loved talking about the band. How Emria and Edric liked making Matt pissed off cause he losing his temper easily." I giggled.

Your My Pain Killer (Amity x fem reader: band AU)Where stories live. Discover now