Part 6

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Yes!! I can continue this story again!!
I hope you guys stay healthy and safe cause I know it's already WFO!






Sam woke up in the morning for exercise and when he come out from his room, he saw something that makes him so confused and bizzare. What he just saw in his TV room, two people sleep-sit on his couch with the one no shirt on his body then Sam just laughing and took the picture of them. Sarah came out from her room and saw Sam laughing to the TV room, she saw two people sleep soundly.
"Look Sarah, they are so lovely huh?" Sam go to the TV room to waking them up
"Right brother, anyway I'll cook for breakfast"
Sarah go to the kitchen and prepare today's breakfast.

Sam walked toward them and Bucky just open his eyes because of the kitchen sound and woke up to see Sam already infront of him.
"So, how's your night Buck" Sam just tease him.

"Only Steve can called me Buck, not you" "Alright, alright well now you really soft for agent Baker huh? That's why you really into her and get your clothes on man." "I'm not.."
Penelope woke up because of their conversation and Bucky wear his clothes again "Oh, good morning, Sam and Barnes. Oh I have to go to Stark corp this afternoon for the interview" "Interview? I thought you worked at the school" "Yes, but I'll quit and go to Stark because of Fury, I've got the order oh, maybe because of the order that we've got Barnes? The young avengers"
"Wait, young avengers?" Sam asked her. "Oh, yeah I forgot to tell you about young avengers, so Fury wants us to create the new avengers like the OG one, so Capt you can be the leader for them. I'll get my clothes in my car and go to the school" Penelope rush to her car and then go to the bathroom.
After Sam went on run, they sat on the dining table and eat their breakfast made by Sarah. Sam and Sarah just looked at the two people eat silent and not make eye contact to them. Penelope just heard their thought and not want to actually heard them, she want to eat fast and leave them because she knows that her cheeks turned pink.
"Don't eat so fast agent Baker, you'll be chocked" said Sam to Penelope. "I'm late Sam, it's already 7 o'clock" she rushed to drink her water "Thanks Sarah for the breakfast, I'll go first bye Sam, Sarah, bye Bucky!" and went straight to her car. "Bye Agent Baker" Sam shout out to her and Bucky just stare at his breakfast plate.
Skip Time
After she worked for one year at the Midtown school, she gave the headmaster the files for dropping out from the school. The headmaster deeply regrets Penelope's decision but she is very confident with her decision, this was the last day she worked at the school.
She went to her classroom for the last time and saw Peter and his friends sit on their desk.
"Alright class, so I have announcement, today is my last day to teaching you, you guys should accept your new physics teacher, 'kay?" whole class was so surprised by her sudden announcement, Peter looks surprised about that announcement.
Penelope looked at Peter and read his mind 'Wait? What? Why miss?' she just smile at him and Peter knew that she read his mind just asking the question.
The whole class says why and Penelope just answer "Well, I have things to do so yeah, don't be sad now please do your weekly presentation infront of the class"
After finishing her duty, Penelope went straight to teacher's office and packing her stuff while there's no teacher there. She got an E-mail from Stark.corp to meet potts after the lunch break and then miss Brown saw Penelope packing her desk.
"Wait, miss Baker what happened? Why you packed your stuff?"
"Today is my last day working on this school, miss Brown thank you for being my friends here."
"Why so sudden miss? We should give you a farewell party, we will missed you miss Baker" she hug Penelope.
"No need to do that miss Brown, just simple goodbye that's enough." Penelope just smile at her and continue to packed her stuff.
Penelope just went to her car and got surprised because of Peter waiting infront of her car.
"Peter! you still have a class, why are you here?"
"I'm sorry miss Baker but why are you mmm.. quit your job?"
"Right, it's because of Fury's order, I have to go to Stark.corp"
"Wait? Mr. Stark? Why?"
"Apperantly they need me, so I accepted the job, thanks to Fury" Peter looks hesitate to asked her again.
"Umm.. is it because of "job" miss? I-I just want to know"
Penelope smile at him "yes, because of "that job" job, so I have to be ready at Stark by the way" she whisper into his ear "mr. spider you've got a job as young avengers, that's Fury told me about so be prepared." Peter looks so shock and just nodding to Penelope "See ya Peter and you should back to class" "Alright miss. Baker" Peter went inside the school building, Penelope get inside her car and go to Stark. corp.
Penelope arrived at Stark. corp and head to the front desk.
"Can I help you miss?"
"Yes, I have appointment with Pepper Potts-Stark."
"Oh you must be miss Penelope Baker, sure you can go to 10th floor."
"Right, thank you"
"you're welcome miss Baker"
Penelope went to the elevator and went inside then press the 10 button.
She's arrived at Potts's office and her secretary welcomed her.
"You must be miss Penelope Baker, this way miss." Penelope just followed her, she open the door and Penelope saw Potts on her desk. "Mrs. Stark, miss Baker already here" Penelope smile at her and introduce herself. "Hello mrs. Stark, I'm Penelope Baker" she saw her daughter, Morgan Stark who looks much bigger than before.
"Oh miss Baker, have a sit and this is my daughter, Morgan" Penelope say hi to Morgan. "Hello morgan, nice to meet you" "Hello" she answer it with tiny voice and looks so shy. Penelope sit next to Morgan who playing her doll.
"So, why I asked you here because I need you on our lab also Fury asked me to prepared you become trainer for young avengers, Fury must be told you that, didn't he?"
"Yes, he already told me that and also he told to new Captain America to become their mentor and leader, I just become their trainer."
"Yes, that's correct, maybe it's because we need new avengers like my late husband did that before. Stark tower actually looks so dreadful now because no one used that after my husband passed away, more looks like storage tower now." Potts smile when she thinks about his beloved husband.
"Mom, can I be the avengers too? I want to be like dad and you mom." Penelope just smile at her and Potts just say "You can but after you turn 15 years old young lady."
"but mom, I'm already 8 years old, I'm bigger now."
"Still you just my little baby Morgan"
"Hey Morgan if you want me to become your personal trainer, I can do that for you, we can beat all the bad guys like your father did before."
"you can miss? Mom I want her to be my trainer, please??" she just looked at her mom with pleased face.
Potts put morgan on her lap "Alright young lady, you can but wait until you old enough, now let mommy finish with miss Baker, okay"
"Okay mommy, can I talked with miss Baker after this?" with her little voice on her ears
Penelope just looked at them while Potts looked confused when her daughter asked that.
"Sure baby, you can"
They talking about the future of Stark tower and Stark Corp until time flies so fast, it's already evening.
"Thank you mrs. Stark, you already trust me as your worker here."
"Miss Baker, it's such an honor to work with you, I didn't know that you are the famous Baker, your parents also well known in Stark company and S.H.I.E.L.D."
"They are genius scientist back then, compare to me, they are the best."
Both of them laugh and Morgan just running around the room until she almost fall with the face first, but Penelope sensed that and used her power to hold Morgan not to fall.
"Oh my god, Morgan!" Potts scream and shock that there is purple lights around her daughter's body then she saw Penelope hand, there is purpleish lights appeared on her hand. "Miss Baker?" "You okay miss Stark? are you hurt?" Morgan just shaked her head and run into her mom's arms the she hug her. "How you do that Miss Baker? Why you have that ability?" Penelope force to smile and tell her about her power "Mrs. Stark actually I can do telekinesis and mind reader, that's from my mom's and that's why Fury always asked me to become a trainer cause I can be an agent for him with my power, do you know Wanda Maximoff, I'm quite like her, the power or ability"
"That's why Fury recommended you to me also with the new Captain America, right?"
"that's right, with Capt too. So Morgan, what kind of stuff we should talk about?" She asked Morgan who hiding behind her mom's back
"I want to asked, can I be your student miss Baker?"
"You can call me Pepe, Morgan and yes you can be my student, but I can trained you lightly okay?"
Morgan just nodding.
"Right, I have to go home, once again thank you mrs. Potts"
"You're welcome miss Baker" Penelope stand up from the sofa and went to the door. Now she on her car and looked at her phone with all message from Fury and Sam but she looked so tired and when back to her house then she rest on her bed.
Skip Time
Morning has come and the sound of the bird can be heared from her bedroom. Penelope wake up with the sore on her back and neck, she can't get up from her bed but there's a strange sound at her living room. She got scared yet she managed to get up from her bed silently. She can sensed someone on her living room area and then she open her door room want to attacked the stranger when she want to do that, she just saw Fury sit on her couch calmly.

"Damn, I never got scared like that, dad."
"Well, did you forget that I have your key. I called you but you not answering it."
"I'm so tired and I can't feel my back or neck, so I just slept after I came back from Stark" Penelope when to her kitchen and bring two cups of water
"So the meeting I guess it's success" "Yes, it was success. Now, I can go to Stark tower and prepared room for the young avengers. So who are they, cause I'm not young anymore, dad" she sit beside Fury and drink her water.
"This is the list, you can search them now." He gave Penelope the list for young avengers. Penelope open the files and read one by one of the name that has been listed.
"Wait, who is Kamala Khan and Kate Bishop? I never heard about them."
"Kamala Khan, you can say she's known as ms. marvel and Bishop, she is the daughter of billionare in this city, Hawkeye is her mentor."
Penelope just nodding and read all the listed name.

"Next week you have to go to Stark Tower, I'll give you any equipment for the training session. You can search them today with Captain and your boyfriend."
"What? I don't have a boyfriend dad, who?"
She read his mind 'Sergeant Barnes'
"What the hell, dad! He's not my boyfriend, he is my friend, now."
"Pepe, you don't know him yet"
"Dad, I want to say something. I knew that Bucky, he is the winter soldier, the one who killed my parents, I saw his dream. I'll say that is the most cruel dream that I have ever seen from a person, I saw.... I-I saw that he shot dad on the heart first then he shot mom couple times until they lost their life, then he lifted me up, I'm so thankful that he didn't killed me that time." Penelope just cried without any sound, Fury just looked at her. "But, I never told him about that. I played being a dumb person infront of him, cause I know, now he's a good person, he's good, right dad?"
"right, so do you still want a revenge?"
She shocked about her dad knew that she wanted to get revenge to him.
"Now? I don't know dad, maybe I will or not. Let the time talk."
Fury got up and say "Just do whatever you think it's the best for you, I don't want to interrupt your decision Pepe, I already think that you are my real daughter, like Natasha and Hill" Penelope smile at her dad "I know dad, that's why I love you so much" they are just laughed "That's nasty kid. Bye." Fury get out from Penelope's apartment.





Hi, so this chapter we know now that Penelope is thinking about the revenge on Bucky Barnes, will she do it? Or not? We'll see later~~ Don't forget to vote and share this to your friends♡♡

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