Chapter 4

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This chapter will be in different POVs I let you know though. Enjoy. Also so there's no confusion. This story takes place towards the beginning of season mid season 15, which I believe is in 2013? Liv already went through the Lewis thing(the first time, when he kidnapped her, and had her for

Four days... the second one, where they play Russian rulet hasn't happened yet, that's later, muahhaha;)), Munch is gone, She's sergeant, and yeahh.. enjoy!:)


I'm really starting to freak out! I can't open my eyes, and I don't know where I am. I hear voices, a woman and a man. It's not anyone I know, but I don't know if that's good or bad. I can't remember anything except, dad playing his game with me, then him hitting me with an empty beer bottle.

  I try to talk, but it comes out a strangled moan. I try to sit up, but despite using every once of strength I can't. I try talking again and its just more guttural noises.

  "Shhh, shhh. It's okay Bristol. You're safe, sweetie." A gentle voice said touching my forehead. I flinched away from her hand. I wanted to relax, her voice was pretty, and made me feel safe. But they all told me I was safe, then did bad things to me.

  I couldn't let it happen again I had to do something. It took all my might but I opened my eyes. The longer they were open the easier it was. I blinked and looked around there was a vaguely familiar woman sitting in a chair beside my bed. Wait, BED?!?! I was free?

   I sat straight up. I was in a bed, not a cage, on a dirty stained mattress. I was in a clean, warm bed. The woman stood and gently pushed my shoulders back to a laying position. I flinched away, pushing her hands away. suddenly aware of her gun. I shrank back, and scooted  the far corner of the bed.

  "Pl-please don't hurt m-m-me." The woman looked concerned.

  "I'm not going to hurt you, sweety, I'm a good guy." She said reaching to her hip. I shrank back and covered my head, when daddy did that he always hit me with the gun  kept  his hip. "Baby look."She said, holding out her badge, "You don't have  be afraid, my name's Olivia." She said reaching out her hand. I just looked at it.

"Here why don't I sit down, if that'll make you more comfortable. Do you know where you are?" She asked pulling her chair up to the bed. I thought real hard. I couldn't remember how I got here or anything. I shook my head.

   "Well, I found you stumbling along down the road. No shoes, hardly any clothes." No clothes? I looked down at what I was wearing. It was an ugly dress. I wrinkled my face at the design. Olivia laughed.

   "Hospital gowns aren't the prettiest huh?" She asked and I shook my head.

   "How old are you, Bristol?" I thought a minute, then every thing flooded back to me. My eyes widened.

   "Please don't make me go back!" I choked out, through the sobbs that racked through my body. "I'll do anything, don't let me go back!!" I moaned.


  "Shh, Bristol, it's all right, calm down you don't have to go back. We just need to know what happened so we know how to help you." Her big Brown eyes, locked with Olivia's, Brown on Brown. Olivia became furious. Who could hurt such an innocent, and helpless child. This little girl was scared to death.     Once Bristol was calm, the doctor came in pulled me aside. "Detective, we're getting all the paper work together for her discharge now. We didn't find anything on her x-rays. She has a few old breaks that weren't set properly, but we can't do anything about that now. Her bones though are much too thin for my liking, so I'm prescribing a couple of medications. This one is for calcium, it will strengthen them, and help the grow. And this one will also strengthen them. She needs to take them twice  a day. Also, we went ahead and did a rape kit, while she unconscious, so it wouldn't retraumatize her. It came back positive for fluids, hairs, and blood. She  was raped, and it was pretty recent, I'd say within the last 48 hours.

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