Chapter 16

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I had just returned home from work. I sat my keys and phone on the counter. I heard a shuffling noise. Bristol, I'm home. I called out walking through my apartment. This wasn't right, I was in my old apartment. Why would I be here. Why would Bristol be here. I walked in to see Bristol gagged on the bed. Naked except for her undergarments. There was blood. And an unmistakable stench of burnt flesh. No please God, no! She saw me and her eye went wide, she shook her head furiously side to side. I rushed to her side, I fell to my knees, and pulled the Gag down.

   "Mom you have to get out it of here. Please. Go! leave now he-"

   "Well well. Look who's decided to join the party. I've missed you serg." I turned around to see the source of my nightmares. "You got quite the sweet little girl here. We've been having quite the time."

    Furry boiled deep inside me. I stood up, liquid lava flowing through my veins. "Just let her go. She has nothing to do with this, she's just a kid." I seethed.

    "No I don't think I will." He said. "It gets you all riled. You're more fun that way." He smirked.

    "Please. Let her go." I said. "This isn't about her, you want me. Just let her go, Lewis." I said slowly. He was turned to look at Bristol and I went for my gun.

   "Come on Liv. You know me better than that." He said holding up my gun, giving me another cringe inducing grin. Then before I knew what happened he pistol whipped, me and I lost consciousness.

   I awoke tied to a chair. It was metal, so there was no hope in breaking out of it. Lewis entered the room. And sat on the bed next to Bristol. He rubbed her face then her belly. All while enjoying the look of torment on my face. He leaned down and kissed her, and I started moving furiously trying to break free.

   "Mom!" "Mooom?!" I heard Bristol shout frantically. I was being jostled, and I opened my eyes.

    "Mom! Are you awake? What's going on? Who's Lewis." She asked. Then I noticed two strange things. One we were on the floor. Two she was on top of me.

     "What is going on?" I asked then added "will get off of me?"

     "Are you awake?" She asked in a tone that told me she wasn't moving unless I said yes.

     "Yes I'm awake!" I said nervously. She got up, and sat on the bed.

      "You started freaking out. You where thrashing and fell on the floor. I didn't want you to get hurt so I just kind of sat on you." She said sheepishly. "You kept saying something about Lewis. Who is that?" She asked.

   "He umm," I started not knowing how much to tell her. I was rubbing one of the burn marks, a nervous habit I'd developed.

   "He's the one that hurt you, wasn't he?" She asked. Why was she so incredibly perceptive. "The dream was about him." She stated rather than asked. I nodded. "We'll be okay." She said, hugging me. When she let go I went to the bathroom.

    I shut the door. I leaned against the and couldn't stop the tears. They were tears of anger, sadness and helplessness. I was angry because Lewis had taken my peace of mind. I felt broken, and helpless. I hated it. It made me furious with myself. I sunk down the wall and cried harder. The hot tears burned lines down my face. I jumped when Bristol took me in her arms. She held my head against her chest and soothed my hair. This was wrong I was supposed to comfort her. Hold her when she cried.

  "Please leave I don't want you to see me like this. I'm the mom, I'm supposed to comfort you." I said pulling away, only to have her pull me back.

   "Shush. I'm a mom too. It's okay to cry, you don't have to be strong all the time." And she resumed. I just cried. I don't know for how long. She held me the entire time. When I was finally done, I wiped my face. I looked at her and she looked at me. She gave a comforting smile. "Feel better?" She asked. I nodded.

    "I'm sorry you had to see that ." I said sheepishly. "I usually don't cry in front of people.

     "Mom, don't be sorry. Every cries, no one can be strong all the time. Even If they pretend to be." She said hugging me.

    "You're too smart for our own good, you know that?" I said grinning and hugging her tightly. "What do you say we go back to bed?" I asked.

    "I'd say, that's a good idea." She said standing up. We went back into her room. She was out almost instantly. I however didn't sleep the rest of the night, for fear of another nightmare. I'd never cried in front of anyone before. Not Serena, or captain. Even Elliott. But somehow this little girl was breaking through walls. And this time, I wasn't scurrying to rebuild them.


Hey y'all so, this may have been the last chapter before I leave. As I leave Thursday and still have to do laundry, pack and clean my room. As I said before, I'll try to update while I'm gone, but I may not have WiFi connections, or time. I will be writting while I'm gone, so if I can't update, then I'll mass update when I get back, lol. And thanks for FOUR THOUSAND reads:D love y'all<3

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