Chapter 12

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So towards the end of this chapter it starts talking about some sensitive stuff. If you are sensitive about scars, and such be warned.


  I was asleep when Elliott came back with the food. Liv said I'd probably be tired because the meds they put me on for my blood pressure.

  Liv woke me up. I opened my eyes to see the tray that goes over the bed sitting in front of me. On it where an arrangment of flowers, and and a card. There was a big pink teddy bear sitting on my lap, leaning against the table. I looked over to see Liv grinning.

  "Do you like em?" She asked. I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face.

  "Wow." I said in awe, that someone would be so thoughtful.

  "They're from Elliott. He had to leave for work. Are ya hungry?" She asked.

   "All three of us are!" I said completely serious. Olivia was handing me the take out boxes when the old guy from before walked in.

   "Bristol, this my boss, Captain Donald Cragen." She said.

   "Hi, Bristol. It's nice to meet you." He said

   "Hi." I said shyly.

   "I want you to know that if you ever need anything. Let me know. We're working really hard to make sure the people that hurt you. They'll never hurt anyone again."

   "Thank you." I said, as a tear slipped down my cheek.

   "You're very welcome." He said as his phone rang. "Duty calls! I'll see you guys later." He said grabbing his jacket off of the chair.

   "Hey Bristol, can I talk to you about something?" Liv asked.

   "Yeah, I guess."  I said taking a big bite of my take out box.

   "Well," she started as she took out a stack of papers from a bag slung over the back of her chair. "I was wandering if it'd be alright with you if I adopted you?" She said.

   "Umm. What?" I asked in disbelief. She couldn't be serious. Why would she possibly want me. I'm damaged, and for crying out loud pregnant. I have nightmares, and scars.


"Umm. What?" She asked. Oh no... She doesn't want to.

"If you don't want to it's okay, I mean.. why would you want to live with a cop.. I uhh.. I'm so-" I rambled on.

  "NO!! Liv, you're great. You've done so much for me. I'm so grateful. I just can't believe that you'd want to keep me. I mean. Why? I'm damaged... I've got scars, and I'm pregnant. Most people would pass me on the first chance they get. Why not you?"

   "Because I care about you. You've been through so much, and yet you're the strongest person I know. You're young but you understand the importance of life. You just got Your life back, yet you're giving it up for your babies."

  "But my scares." She said looking down.

  "They don't define you baby. In fact be proud of them. They show that you're a fighter. That you've been knocked down but you got back up. Don't be ashamed of your story, be proud of what you've overcome." I said. I'm such a hypocrite I said. I'm telling her this, as I tug at the hem of my shirt covering my own scars.

   "Bristol. Look." I said rolling up my sleeves. Revealing thick, white and pink gashes through my tan skin. White crescents, and the occasional full round burn marks fully visible. The thin pink or white out line of hangers, and keys. The occasional white line from a knick. And those are just what scarred.

   Her eyes went wide as she took it all in. I rolled up both sleeves.

   "What happened?" She asked in quiet voice. Barely audible. I'd never talked about this to anyone, other than my shrink. Not even Elliott. I tried to keep it together.

   "Well. A very bad man hurt me. Just like he hurt you. These are my scars." I said running a finger over them. As a lone tear slipped down my cheek.

    "I'm sorry." She said taking my hand. "I'll help you, you help me?" She asked.

   "Of course baby." I said kissing her hand. "We sure will."

  "Liv?" She asked.


  "I've never been part of a family." She said rubbing her belly. "And I don't know if I'll be any good at it. But I'd love to try and part of yours." She said risking a glance up at me.

  I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face.

  "We'll make it work baby. That's what family does. They make things work." I said rubbing soft circles on her hand with my thumb.

  "Liv?" She said.


  "I love you." My heart melted. I'm pretty sure this was the best day I've ever had.

  "I love you too sweetheart. I always will."


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