Chapter 11: part 2

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I'm really scared. I hear Liv talking, she's freaking out, but I can't open my eyes. I feel my heart racing, and I can barely breath, and my chest hurts. I have no idea what's going on, but I know it can't be good for the twins. Please hang on babies. Please!

Suddenly, I feel weightless, and I'm being jostled.

"Bristol hold on baby. Please hold on." I heard Liv say. Her voice cracking as I feel something wet land on my face. "Please baby, I need you to be strong." She said. At that moment I couldn't hear her anymore instead I heard a rushing noise, like water. I just slipped into blackness. I felt as if I were drowning, and couldn't find my way to the surface. I was floating. I was no longer aware of the pain that ripped through my chest, no longer aware of Olivia's desperate soothing.

Then it was like I was watching a movie. I watched as a woman played with two kids. The woman was young, but she had a kind smile, that lit up her eyes. Light freckles decorated her nose, and her tan skin glowed. She had curly auburn hair. I realized that she was me, but older. The two kids, a girl and a boy. The boy was taller, with light brown hair. He also had light freckles across his nose. He had bright blue eyes. The girl was a bit shorter and looked just like me. They both did. The older me said something and caused the twins to smile. There noses wrinkled and eyes lit up. The both ran and hugged the older me.

Suddenly the scene changed. I was in a church, and people where coming down the isle. A young man escorted Olivia, and then there I was. In a long white dress, my hair half up, half down. A veil fastened to my hair and flowed down my back. The older man was escorting me, had tears in his eyes. As we shared a look before we started walking down the isle, where the twins stood on the respective sides, and a young man about my age stood beaming.

Now I realised that this was my life, flashing before my eyes. No! I have to live, I have to hold on for these babies. I have to make it for Liv. Please! If there's anyone out there, anyone listening, please let me make it. Give me strength to survive, and help me be a good mom.

Suddenly I was being pulled through the darkness, like a magnetic force had a hold me. I saw my insulating the bed. Liv, holding one hand, while the other was on my belly. Two men sat next to her. One was about her age, with dark hair and blue eyes. He had his arm around her. The other was older, bald, with drown eyes. Possibly her dad.

I was drawn back into my body. I felt weak. And tired. The pain in my chest is gone, only an awkward tightness remains. It's still hard to breath, but the oxygen mask is helping with that. I was about to slip off into sleep, but I had to let Liv know I was okay. I tried to speak. My voice was a bit hoarse. I sounded pathetic.

"Liv?" I asked, as her head shot up. She looked at me hopefully.

"Hey baby. How do you feel?" She asked, concern lacing her voice.

"The chest pain is gone. It's just tight. Gosh, I was so scared. I couldn't open my eyes. I remember you trying to wake me up. Then being jostled around. Then everything was blank. I couldn't hear anything anymore, except a sound like rushing water. And I couldn't breath and it felt like I was drowning, an-"

"Woah, sweetie, hey. Calm down! It's not good for the babies." She said. Captain, will you go get Dr. Walker? Bristol, I'd like you to meet. Elliott, my boyfriend. And El, this is Bristol." She said conditioning to the man next to her.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Hey there. Nice to meet you, Bristol." He said sticking out his hand to shake. I did so hesitantly.

"Nice to meet you too... Sorry I ruined your date." I said looking down.

"Oh, don't worry about that sweetheart. Just focus on you getting better okay?" He said, and I just nodded. "I'll go get us all something to eat. Anything special you want Bristol?" I thought a minute.

"Chinese takeout?" I said smiling. He chuckled and looked at Liv.

"You're sure you're not related?" He asked as Liv smirked. As Elliott walked out, Dr. Walker and the other man walked in.

"Long time no see sweetheart. How ya feeling" she asked looking over the clipboard on the end of my bed.

"I was having chest pains, but they're gone now. It just feels tight... are the babies okay? What exactly happened?"

"Well, you there some good news and bad news. The good news is we were very lucky. The babies are okay. What you experienced is called a Coronary artery spasm. To put it mildly is a contracting of the an artery that carries blood to the heart, due to plaque build up. Like you experienced, they tend to last up to a half an hour, and occur at rest, and you may loose consciousness. Because you've already had one, you may be prone to more. You've been under extreme emotional stress lately, which is why your blood pressure was up. Here's the bad news. When the artery contracted it cut off blood to your heart. Which damaged the tissue. Being pregnant already puts strain on a healthy heart. But being your heart has had this degree of stress means you're at significant risk of heart attack or stroke. I've already talked to Olivia, and we both agree that it's safer for now to keep you in the Hospital, at least until we can get your blood pressure under control."

"Is that what's best for the babies?" I asked.

"We believe so, yes less stress for you is less stress on them." Dr. Walker said.

"Then okay." I said, placing a gentle hand on my belly. I could've sworn I felt something move. My eyes widened, as I looked at the doctor. She smiled knowingly.

"They moved didn't they?" She asked.

"I felt a little flutter!" I said excitedly.

"Fetal movement begins as early as five weeks. Though most woman, especially those who don't know they're pregnant thinks it's gas, or nervousness." She said chuckling. "But now you know that it's your little ones saying hello!" She said. Her and Olivia talked for awhile then I fell asleep whilst my little ones danced inside me.


so I did some research and and a coronary artery spasm is a legit thing, and I hope I explained it well enough, if not Google it:)

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