Chapter 5

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Hope you like it so far! I've got some great ideas planned for later on. I would love to hear from y'all, do you have any idea's, suggestions, constructive criticism? Okay, I'll shut up now, enjoy!- Britt


After Olivia hugged me, I felt really warm, and happy. I'd never really felt that way before. I tried not to let It show. I didn't want to be clingy, besides. I'll probably end up going back home tomorrow anyways.

  We heard a knock at the door, I guess Olivia's friend answered it.  "The foods here, let's go eat!" Olivia said, pulling me behind her.

  We went down the hallway, and into the living area. Something smelled good, like really good. "Bristol, this is my friend Amanda, we work together. She's really nice. She's the one that brought you the clothes." I looked up meeting Amanda's eyes and she smiled.

  "Hi there sweety, I'm Amanda." She said extending her hand. I looked at it a minute before Olivia spoke.

  "You can trust her Brsitol, she's a good guy, just like me." She sat rubbing my back. I shook her hand slowly. If Olivia says some one is okay, then they're okay.

   Olivia led me to a coffee table. She open all the boxes. "I can't believe you've never had pizza before!" she said, putting a slice on a paper plate. "what looks good?" She asked pointing to the boxes she'd opened.  I pointed to a couple of things which she put on my plate, along with a couple of other things. Then handed it to me."If you try and like it and want more you can have more, but make sure you like it first." She said with a smile.

  I sat on the couch Indian style, with my plate in my lap. I picked up the piece if pizza, and smelled it. It smelled so good! I took a big bite out of it. "Oh my gosh!" I gushed, as they watched my face for a reaction. "This is so good!" I said my mouth still full. They laughed and started eating. I then tried all of the Chinese foods, I loved them all.

   After another piece of pizza, and a small bit of Chinese I was full. I sat my plate on the coffee table and sighed. "That was a lot better than what I'm used to." Said, not realizing, I'd spoken out loud.

    "What did you usually eat?" Amanda asked.

    "If I was good, I got a couple pieces of bread, and water. Once every other day. If I was bad, or he didn't feel like it I only got fed once a week." I shrugged. "I was bad, I deserved it." I said.

    "What where the things you did that where bad sweety?" Olivia asked. I looked down at my my hands, which where folded in my lap.

    "Umm, well. Most of the time it was for not doing chores right." I paused, not wanting to continue. "Stuff like accidentally knocking over milk, or not being able to reach something. I was only allowed out of the cage for 30 minutes a week, to do chores. Any other time they came into the cage, when they wanted to play their games." I said hugging my knees.

*Amanda Rollins

     "Hey Bristol, I have an idea." I said. "Why don't we go down to the station. We have computers down so we can try to find the people who did this to you. That way they can't ever hurt you or anyone, ever again... can we do that?"  I asked looking at Bristol. Bristol looked terrified, and looked at Olivia.

  "Bristol, it'll be okay. It's where Amanda and I work. There are a lot of good guys there to keep you safe. I promise nothing bad will happen." Bristol buried her head in her arms but nodded.

   "Okay, let's go." Amanda said getting up. "I put your shoes by the door."

   "Will you help me with them?" I heard Bristol ask Olivia.

    "What? Your shoes?" She replied.

    "Mhmm, I've never had any. I don't know what to do." Bristol stated, breaking my heart. Olivia and I locked eyes, and I could tell she was thinking exactly what I was. These people have hell to pay.



So, shorter chapter. Kind of a filler, more interesting stuff coming up here soon!:) so I think I'm going to start doing questions at the end, just to get your take so.....

1) do y'all like Bristol? Do you think she's too clingy, or naw?

2) what do y'all want to see between Liv and Bristol?

3) do you think I'm doing okay as far as saying things Liv would actually say? Like dynamic and mannerisms?

Please comment, and vote! Love y'all- Britt

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