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Disclaimer:- This is a recap of the previous season. To understand the plot of season 2 better, please do check out the previous season. Story: The Wrath of Cash by prettypaperpenned

Doraemon: "Let's do this then. Let's save our friend. AND LET'S SHOW CASH WHAT WE CAN REALLY DO ONCE WE MAKE UP OUR MIND!"

Cash: "It's not a sick dream. It's a dream and it's my dream. And no one can stop me from fulfilling it. What would you know anyways? You're too young to understand."
Suddenly, a small vision popped up in Nobita's head on hearing the words 'What would you know anyways?'. Shizuka with twinkling eyes, rosy cheeks, pink lips, two small ponytails peeking through from behind her ears and a cute smile on her face.
Nobita smiled back at her, shuddered to shake off the vision from his eyes and commented sassily, "Dream about turning innocent animals into deadly weapons in order to sell them out! Yeah- glad I don't understand. I don't want any part of it. Thanks!"

Jack pulled himself back together and said in a determined and proud voice, "You know who I wanna be like when I grow up. I wanna be like you, Nobi. I wanna be like you."

Suneo: "Where are we going? What's your plan, Nobita?"
Nobita: "To the control room. Cash controls the entire island from in there
Right now, that barrier is the only thing keeping the time patrol from reaching this island."
Suneo: "That's dangerous, Nobita?"
      "We have no idea who this guy is?"
Nobita: "We know enough. That he is a cruel evil monster who uses poor little animals into being his shitty lab experiments; killing hundreds of them in the process."
Suneo: "Calm down, Nobita..... You have no idea what you are getting yourself into here."
Nobita: "No, Suneo no. It's you who has no idea what we are up against here."
Suneo: "Look, you don't understand it but you are letting your emotions cloud your judgement now."
Gian: "What happened during the time you were taken, Nobita?"......
Nobita: "I would never have told him. I would never ever do that! But they threatened to kill Jack....

Shizuka: "Nobita!!"
Nobita: "Yeah, it's me!"
Shizuka: "Oh my God, Nobita! I got so afraid—you're okay! It's really you!"
Nobita: "Yes, it is! I'm okay. I am."

Betty: "You really love him, don't you?"
Shizuka: "Of course, I do. We're friends after all!"
Betty: "Yeah right—friends!"

Cash: "Alright, GAME ON—Nobita! You and your blue racoon wanna play hard? Let's play hard. YOU CAN'T STOP ME.... you have no idea what you just did to your friends and yourself. I'm gonna show you that this—this right here—was the biggest mistake of your life. GOING UP AGAINST CASH WILL BE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE! Let me show you how bad I can really get... No one gets between me and my dreams.... NO ONE!!!"

Shizuka slowly looked up at him, replying, "Nobita along with the others are still inside. They didn't contact us since that last time when Nobita warned us to leave the ship. Why do you think he hasn't called after that? They could be in trouble. They could've been caught. They could've been ki...."
Doraemon: ".....If there's one thing I've found out about them since the first day I got to 20th century is that Gian is strong enough to handle Cash's men, Suneo might seem scared and weak but he can turn out to be a pretty good survivor and Nobita, well, I never worry about him much now. after getting to this island, I know one thing for certain, Nobita is braver than anyone else when the situation calls for it–"
Shizuka: "Sometimes, with Nobita, it's difficult to make out whether he is brave or just stupid. And we can't leave him alone. I know he's fighting for a good cause. He's trying the best he can to stop Cash from killing any more people, hurting any more innocent animals. I get it. That's why we are fighting with him too. But Doraemon what if he gets himself killed trying to be the Saviour? Don't you think it's too soon? He is still young. Only sixth grade-that to we didn't start our semester yet; we're on summer break! He has his whole life ahead of him."
Doraemon thought: Starting with the escape plan, not wanting to get out without some dolphin named Ruffin he just met-then, waiting behind to help all of us escape without any trouble-now, this obsession of taking Cash down no matter what the cost-all of it sounds brave and quite noble but also enormously stupid.
Doraemon: "I'm gonna get them out - also keep eye out for Nobita, just in case he thinks of doing something stupid!"
Shizuka: "How will you get there?"
Doraemon: "I'm gonna fly there......."
Shizuka: "..... Also, just as a clarification, I didn't ask you to stop Nobita and everyone else from doing the right thing...... Just make sure you look for them when they do so."

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