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"What the hell happened?"

Doraemon woke up in a small corner at the entrance point where everything went down, including Suneo's and Gian's capture and Nobita taken away by Kiyoshi. He got up and realised that he was lying down in the perfect blind spot in the place where particularly no-one could find him. Glancing around clueless for a while, Doraemon realised that he doesn't seem to remember a thing until suddenly, his mind sparks.
He remembered something.

"Damn it! Nobita tossed me over when he heard those guys coming in. My tail might've been jiggled during the process and I shut down. That's why I don't remember anything after that and now I'm here....alone."

Doraemon pondered, rubbing his palm over his head for awhile when something unsettling crossed his mind. "Wait a second. Where is everyone else? How come I'm the only around? What went down?" Just add he was thinking so, something else came up in his thoughts too. "But, before that, how did am I back on? If I was shut down, then who started me again?"


Doraemon immediately understood whose voice that was and looked down. He found Mini Doraemon peeking from underneath his left foot. He chuckled, "Mini Dora, was it you?"

Mini Doraemon nodded his head with a big smile on his face.
Doraemon sighed in relief, "Oh thank God! You did great." He picked Mini Doraemon up gently from the ground and continued, "Okay....now. Can you tell me what happened here after I got shut down and where the hell is everyone else?"

"Dorara...," Mini Doraemon replied, putting his head down in a melancholy tone. The reaction that he gave and the tone of his voice was enough to make Doraemon realise what could have happened.
Doraemon knew it couldn't be something good and imagining the various scenarios the incident could have gone down, he stood up. "I need to find out where they are right now. They need my help. I have to go. Time to get to work."

Saying this, he put Mini Doraemon inside his pocket and took out a mini TV from inside. Sitting down and setting the monitor down on the ground, Doraemon said to himself, "Where are you guys? Let's find out," remembering a problem, "Oh shit, I don't have something that belongs to each of them. But wait, I should have something of Nobita's, I guess."

He frantically began searching his pocket and finally found something: one of Nobita's socks. Putting it in the Dropbox located at the side of the TV, he cashed it in and pressed the Play button eagerly.

Kiyoshi: "Nobita, listen to me. Hey, you there? Listen to me, Nobita. Focus on my voice, okay?"

Doraemon whispered to himself, glaring at the screen, "Who is he?"

Kiyoshi: "You need to calm down, okay? I'm really, really sorry but please, you listen to me, Nobita."
Nobita was just standing there, his face was blank and expressionless. It showed nothing but disbelief.

Doraemon muttered, "I don't get it. What's going on? I don't understand anything. How long have I been out?"

Gian wiped off his tears and placed his hand on Kiyoshi's shoulder. Kiyoshi looked back and stopped talking. Gian slowly took a step forward and opened his mouth to speak. Suneo and a few other strangers were just behind him.

Doraemon said, "There's gian and Suneo. Thank God, they didn't get separated. It's very lucky. Gonna be easier to find them. But still, what the hell is going on there right now."

Gian: "Look Nobita. I know you're devastated. We are too. Trust me. She was our friend too. But it's true that we cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through, Nobita. I can't. None of us can relate."
Nobita didn't budge. He still had his glance fixed at the same direction.

Doraemon started to get concerned, "Did something happen? Why does Nobita look that way?"

Gian: "Look man, I know you are hurting very very much right now. You are destroyed inside. And you are probably blaming yourself for this."

Doraemon asked, "Blaming himself?"

Gian: "But we all know, including you deep down, that this wasn't your fault. No matter what Cash says, this wasn't your fault, Nobita. It was him. All him. And him alone. What happened to Shizuka isn't your fault, you hear me? Her death is all on him......."

Lightning struck Doraemon. He froze upon hearing those words. What did he just say? Her.......what? Doraemon felt like he was paralysed from head to toe and he couldn't move an inch of his body. He couldn't hear, he couldn't see, he couldn't feel. As if his entire system just blacked out on him.

After a while.....the monitor still playing even though Doraemon wasn't able to pay attention to any of that.....

Suneo: ".......understand, Nobita?"
Nobita (finally spoke): "It is. I failed to protect her."

Nobita's words and voice were enough to jolt him back to his senses. Doraemon impulsively and uncontrollably peered at the screen.

Saying those words, Nobita ran out of the scene, pressed the anywhere button that Doraemon and he used on the ship back in the island to escape it before it explodes and disappeared from there in the blink of eye....

"Oh no, you don't, Nobita," an anxious and concerned Doraemon got the coordinates of the location from the monitor and immediately pulled out the anywhere door. Inputting the data in, he pushed open the anywhere door and dashed into it. Shutting the door behind him, he disappeared, leaving his TV monitor lying behind on the ground at the entrance.....

(to be contd.....)

II - FOR THE ONE YOU LOVE (Doraemon Reimagination Series)Where stories live. Discover now