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(Double update! Yay!! 'Cause I've kept you guys waiting for a long time for the last chapter due to my exams. Here's ur reward, guys. Hope u like it. The alternate ending is also coming up soon today. Stay tuned.)


It was a bright morning.

There was a car waiting outside Nobi's residence and a few boxes scattered around the vehicle.

Nobita's Dad and another middle aged man was helping load them into the hood of the car one by one.

From inside the house emerged Nobita with a backpack on and his mother.

"I'll be fine, Mom." He complained.

His mom said, forcing a packet of meal boxes and containers into his hands, "Oh yeah and take these. There are a few stuff I cooked that you like to eat."

"Thanks, Mom. But this is too much." Nobita commented, examining the amount of food that his Mom just gave in.

"Just shut up and take it. You're gonna this food once you settle there. Home food will always be the best, remember that?"

"Mom, how long do you think these will last. This isn't a trip, I'm moving out. Which means, at one point, they are gonna run out and I won't be able to do a thing even if I miss them." Nobita sneered.

"Just take it." His Mom shoved the packets onto him and added, "And who said you can't do anything. Just take the flight and come home to get more. I'll always cook them for you whenever you want."

Nobita chuckled at how ridiculous she sounded but that didn't make the sentiment any less wholesome.

When he turned, he saw that his Dad and uncle were done loading in the stuff and were waiting for him to join them.

Nobita and his Mom both walked out into the street, approaching the car.

That was when he heard calls of his name from his right. He turned to look and found exactly the people he was waiting for.

Gian, Suneo, and even Kiyoshi had come.

"Hope we're not too late." Gian said, running and stopping before Nobita with the rest of them.

"Nope. Right on time." Nobita smiled back.

"So this is it, huh?" Suneo mentioned.

A few moments of silence followed which was broken when Gian started crying like a baby. Everyone knew that he might be tough, but underneath it all, he had the heart of little baby.

"Aaahhhhhh! I will miss you, Nobita. I will miss taunting you. And even spending time with you. I will miss it all." He cried on.

Nobita rubbed circle on his back as a show of comfort and said, "It's alright, Gian. It's gonna be fine. I'll write to you. I'll call you. I'll even visit in once and a while. It's not like you'll never see me again. Relax."

Gian still kept crying but soon tries to wipe off his tears, and calm himself down, knowing that if he kept going, Nobita might not be able to leave him like that.

Nobita turned to Suneo next.

"I'm gonna miss you, man. No matter how we treated each other, I'm still gonna miss you like hell." Suneo remarked, teary eyed, but fought the tears back.

So did Nobita, trying his absolute best to not cry, especially in front of a weeping Gian. He shook hands with Suneo, "Me too. I'm gonna miss the little road trips. Even though you never invited me in one."

II - FOR THE ONE YOU LOVE (Doraemon Reimagination Series)Where stories live. Discover now