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People rushing past in masses; some entering the subway station through the flight of stairs while some leaving the place and heading onto the streets overhead. Doraemon and his gang were standing on the platform, carefully analysing their surroundings and trying to appear as normal and regular as possible. Doraemon stood, holding a small sensor with an antenna on its head in his right hand, and occasionally looking around at the passengers and commuters. Nobita,the hood of his jacket pulled up, stared at the subway tracks before his eyes with his hands inside his pant pockets. Gian was standing at the edge of the farthest right of the platform, accompanied by Suneo with a small tablet in his left hand.

Gian bent forward to take a peek out the window, sticking his head out the platform. He tired to focus his eyes in order to see through the dark depths of the tunnel beyond the well-lit platform. Tapping on the tablet carelessly with his right index finger, Suneo warned Gian, looking at the tablet, "Careful there, Gian. I'd prefer you not get your head blown off before we even get to the mission," with a tone of sarcasm in his voice.

Gian replied, "Don't worry! The next train's not up before 5 minutes. So it's safe for now."
Suneo acknowledged casually, "Sure... Whatever you say!"
With a chuckle, Gian said, "Besides, it's not such a bad way to go, is it? A train accident, I mean?! My face will be all over the newspapers. BAAM!! Insta fame!!!"

Suneo's fingers stopped tapping on the tablet screen for a moment and he looked up slowly. Gradually, he turned his head to his right and shot a confused look at Gian.
Gian answered to that look, turning his face away from him, "Well, except for the excruciating pain of getting your head sliced off from your body."
Suneo turned his face back to his tablet screen, and began working at it again. He added, "Oh yeah?! What do you say? Want me to push you over on to the tracks when the next train arrives in 5 minutes?"
Gian groaned, "No, thank you!" and went back to peeking through the tunnel.

Doraemon was now walking through the platform, holding the sensor in his hand and waiting for it to beep at the reception of the desired signal. Nobita was by his side, loking out for all the other passengers. Every once in a while, Doraemon was taking short glances to his left at Nobita; who on the other hand, was completely unaware of him doing so. Nobita was only focused on keeping an eye out for any unordinary person around them.

"Since Cash has plenty of money, you can picture his underdogs as really persistent weeds on a farm. Pluck 'em out but they'll grow back again." Nobita scowled in the back of his head at this thought.

"It's time to leave, Doraemon. Let's go!!"

Doraemon recalled at the back of his head and thought, taking another brief glance at Nobita, He hasn't spoken a single word since then. That was the last thing he uttered and he has been quiet like this ever since; almost seventeen hours and still counting. Looking hard at the sensor, I don't know. Is he really okay? Of course, he isn't. Who would be after pulling off a stunt like that? But the real question is, will he really be okay? Taking another glance at him, he pondered, Is it really okay for him to go through with this? There's no denying it. Even I have to admit... As of now, Nobita is very unstable...

Doraemon began, not being able to hold himself anymore, with sincere concern in his voice, "Hey Nobita...."
"That guy over there, two o'clock" Nobita interrupted him with a serious tone in his voice, "black coat, black glasses, white stripped hat." Doraemon looked over in that direction. "He looks sus," added Nobita, "Too concerned about keeping his face concealed behind his glasses and the high collar of his coat."

II - FOR THE ONE YOU LOVE (Doraemon Reimagination Series)Where stories live. Discover now