Alternate Ending (Happy)

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(Many of u requested this, so here u go ^^)


Nobita and Doraemon both stood before Nobita's study desk in his room, staring at the front top drawer carefully.

"Are you sure you wanna do this, Nobita?" Doraemon asked him fervently.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Nobita nodded his head, drawing in a deep breath.

"You know, changing the timeline, especially the past, has consequences, right?" Doraemon reminded him.

Nobita nodded again.

"You still wanna do this?"

"I do, Doraemon."

"Once you change the past and return back to your time, things might be different. Maybe a little. Maybe a lot. You might like them or you might not. We don't know. But you're gonna have to live with that, no matter what, okay?" Doraemon added.

Nobita remarked, "As long as I get to have Shizuka back, alive and safe, by my side, nothing else matters. I'll put up with anything. Anything. No matter how bad."

Doraemon ensured, "Alright. Since you really want this, then let's go, save Shizuka from before everything happened."

They opened the drawer and hopped inside, dropping on the time machine floating inside the vast space.

Doraemon set the credentials and muttered out, "Off to the time when Shizuka was first kidnapped and brough to Tokyo. Off to 5 years ago."

Nobita declared in a determined tone, "Let's right the wrong that was done to her. Let's bring her back home."

And they flew away.....

Soon, the portal opened up and they reached the underground tunnel. The same place they had been staying for the past few days in an attempt to rescue Shizuka.

Cash's new base in Tokyo.

Since they were already familiar with the place, it was easy to navigate through the dark tunnels and make their way to the chamber Shizuka was kept in.

Reaching the door,
Thankfully, there were no guards. They had cleverly timed the arrival to when Musashi was out to report in to Cash.

Nobita hastily unlocked the door and slid it open, only to find a frail small girl inside.

She looked up at the person at the door.

It was Shizuka.
Young Shizuka, of Nobita's age.

"Nobita~" She shot up from her bed and said in a happy and longing voice, with a bit of nervousness in it, "You came for me. I knew you would."

Nobita replied, "Of course, I did," and ran to her. Both of them threw their arms around each other and hugged each other tightly.

While holding on to her, Nobita started to cry and muttered near her ears, "I'm so sorry I failed to protect you, Shizuka. I'm so so sorry."

Clueless about what he meant by that, Shizuka remarked, "What do you mean you failed? You have rescued me, Nobita. You are here. You didn't fail, dummy. I'm safe now. So why are you crying?"

Nobita scoffed out and smiled in relief. "Nevermind, it doesn't matter."

They let each other go. Nobita kept staring at her pretty eyes and that smile, refusing to take his eyes off as if, if he did that she would somehow disappear.

"Oh and about what you said back then," Shizuka started to speak.

Blushing, she continued, looking away, "I love you too, Nobita. Always."

Nobita cupped Shizuka's face in between his palms and pulled it up, making her face him. Once they were looking at each other, Nobita replied, smiling, "I know you do."

Shizuka smiled back.

Nobita added, "Now let's go home, okay?"



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