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Nobita's eyes shot open on hearing the all-too familiar voice call him out.

He was lying down on his back. The moment his eyes unlid, his line of vision clashed with a night sky studded with glimmering stars.

He blinked a few times and looked to his right, from where the voice came.

And his eyes smoothly landed on the most beautiful person in the world.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" Shizuka chimed out, giving him a warm smile.

Nobita sat up, concluding that it was a roof they were on at the moment from the scenery around and above them. He rubbed his eyes a few times to adjust his vision.

Shizuka looked away at the sky and giggled, "I cannot believe you actually fell asleep at a time like this."

Nobita turned to her and kept staring at the beauty before his eyes. She had reverted back to her old self - her 12 year old self, just like him.

On the other hand, Shizuka just kept talking not knowing anything about the other person staring at her.

"I mean we are together, spending a night with each other's company alone, with no one around; stargazing on a rooftop side by side... It couldn't get any more romantic than this. And even now, you fall asleep. You silly--"

"Are you real?" Nobita blurted out, interrupting her.

Stunned, Shizuka turned at him and eyes him confusingly for a while. Seeing how serious the other still looked, Shizuka replied, "Of course, I'm real, dummy. Why would you even ask something like that?"

Nobita let out a sigh and grabbed his head. He said thoughtfully, "I just had the worst nightmare then I guess."

"What'd you see?" Shizuka asked in a calm yet concerned tone.

"You died. And I couldn't save you." Nobita threw back in a grave voice.

Shizuka grew pale. The mood just got serious and tensed all of a sudden.

After a short pause, Shizuka made an attempt to lighten the mood. She smiled and said, "Well, it was just a stupid nightmare, Nobita. Forget about it and enjoy the night with me."

Nobita did not divulge but remained ghosted like before.

"If you want to check, you could touch me and find out if I'm real." Shizuka suggested plainly.

Nobita looked up at her, still not quite convinced.

Shizuka sighed. With one quick fluid motion, she grabbed Nobita's face by his cheek and pulled him into a loving kiss on the lips.

Nobita flinched in surprise.

Pulling back after a while, Shizuka gazed at him with soft tender eyes. "Did that seem real to you?"

Nobita took a short moment to think after which he pulled her face close to his and kissed her back.

Pulling away once, he responded with a relieved smile, "It did. Please, don't ever leave my side, Shizuka. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Probably sleep. Although, you seem to do that even with me around nowadays. So, I don't know either." Shizuka remarked sarcastically.

Nobita chuckled out goofily. So did Shizuka. They wrapped themselves in each other's arms and went back to making out again under the still, starry night.

II - FOR THE ONE YOU LOVE (Doraemon Reimagination Series)Where stories live. Discover now