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(A/N:- First, I just wanted to apologise if I offended any of you with my last Nobita and Shizuka reunion chapter with the short intimate scene between them. Sexualizing twelve year olds is not to be endorsed and I strictly respect that. So, I just wanted to say that it's just a story, a piece of fiction and nothing more. And the part was relevant to the plot. But, don't support these actions. Now, back to the story. Hope you enjoy^^)

A husky voice called out.

The two young lovers broke their kiss and sprung around in bewilderment.

Musashi was standing at the wooden open ajar, throwing the girl the most revolting look in the world.

"Mushi?" Shizuka stood up from her bed and faced the man straight.
Nobita slowly stood up too behind her.

Shizuka's voice began to pound in panic as she frantically struggled to justify the situation to Musashi. "Please don't hurt him, Mushi. He didn't do anything. I can explain. Just listen to me, okay?"

"Did he hurt you?" Musashi snickered out in a dry tone.

Shizuka paused for a second and then, when the words sunk in, she shook her head, "No, of course not. He would never hurt me, Mushi."

Who is this man? Nobita wondered.

But he was done taking chances in his life. He was not going to make that mistake again. He quickly stepped before Shizuka, shielding her from the man.

"You want her, you go through me first. Understand, old man!" He said sternly.

Musashi examined the too quietly for a while and then, finally came to a conclusion. He directed his glance at the girl, partially hidden behind Nobita, "Is this the boy you keep talking about?"

Shizuka nodded her head shakily.

Musashi glanced back at Nobita now. He pointed his spear at him. Nobita vigilantly took a short glimpse at the weapon and back at him, not budging an inch.

The man smirked out, "You've got guts, kid. I like it. Are you The Nobita Nobi?"

Nobita scrunched his face in confusion. He didn't know where the conversation was going. "Yeah, why?"

Musashi drew back his spear and remarked, "Nothing. Just that I've been hearing this stupid girl yap me to death about her days with you kid. And that you would come save her. Which I didn't believe to be honest. But I guess, you've won the wager this time, Shizuka. Here you are, in flesh and blood, standing before my very eyes."

Shizuka winked at him playfully and clicked her tongue, "Told you, didn't I? He'd come. And he came." She wrapped her arms around Nobita's neck from behind happily.

Musashi laughed out, "Yes, you did."

Nobita said, extremely confused, "Wait, wait, what the hell is going on here?"

Shizuka explained, not letting go of the hug, "He's the one who's been taking care of me all these years, Nobita. He is not a threat. Not to me. I love Mushi. He was like a second father to me here."

Nobita gave a blank look at Musashi.

Musashi shrugged, "I don't know about that last part though it certainly makes me happy to hear her call me her second father. Plus, Nobita... I love her too, as a daughter. And I don't want her here. I want her to leave this hellhole and live a happy life outside, with her friends and real parents."

Nobita's shoulders relaxed when he heard that. He wasn't a threat then. He smiled at Musashi and said, "That sounds nice. Looks like not everyone is a scumbag around here. You, Kiyoshi. You're all nice people, misfortunate enough to end up here."

II - FOR THE ONE YOU LOVE (Doraemon Reimagination Series)Where stories live. Discover now