Chapter 1

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Brian had no patience for the long line at the coffee shop. He looked around to see if anyone behind the counter would possibly make eye contact with him so he could get out sooner. Luck was not in his favor so he sent a text to production asking that a PA get him a coffee. He hopped in his Jeep and drove to the TruTV offices. He was still about twenty minutes away and didn't want to waste anymore time. He was on a tight schedule that day: challenge and punishment meetings, prepping for his beer meeting that afternoon, and then he had a podcast recording that evening.

As he got in the elevator a few others also entered and he held the door. He asked for their floors and pressed the buttons. One never responded so he asked her for the floor she needed.

"Its that one, its already pushed."

She had pointed at the floor Brian had pressed for himself. The door closed and the elevator moved. When the doors opened to Brian's floor he waited for the woman to exit and he followed. He noticed she went the exact same direction he was going, the TruTV offices. She walked down the hall to the crew area and he turned in to the production office. 

Over the next few hours the guys talked about new challenges, a few of which the ideas had come while they were drinking at Brian's house, well all but Joe. Meetings like this were always funny because the notes were in Joe's scribbled handwriting and sometimes all of the pitches were useless, and the certainly were a lot funnier when three of the guys were hammered. But they went through all of the ideas, even the bad ones.

When the meeting was over the guys headed to the crew room for a meeting. Their executive producer liked having full crew meetings every so often so that everyone was on the same page and no small issues turned into big ones. Brian looked around the room and spotted a few new faces. It was abnormal for there to be small personnel changes after mid-season break, especially among the interns or PAs.

Among the new faces were a guy and two women, all who looked like they were in their earlier twenties. The girls were nearly polar opposites, one was a shorter blonde and the other was a taller brunette. He knew that by the end of the week he was going to have all the attention from at least one of them. New girls usually liked to try and flirt and maybe even get him into bed. But he was smarter now and didn't get involved with anyone on the crew, not after his makeup artist ex.

When the meeting ended Brian was off to his next meeting, back on Staten Island. He pulled through White Castle and got lunch before the meeting with his brewery besties, his term for the three women who helped run his business. They weren't huge fans of his nickname but, like the Benjamin Cat page on the website, it was something they put up with. As they talked about can covers and a possible new brew Brian got a notification on his phone. It was the filming schedule for later that week.

Before the podcast, Brian headed home to get some dinner and play with his cats. He heated up some leftovers and sat down on the sofa, all three cats came over for attention. He gladly petted them before playing a little on his Ghostbusters pinball machine.

The podcast was fun, always decent conversation with his buddies. When he got back home he stripped to his underwear and logged in to one of his favorite porn sites. He scrolled a little before settling on a video. He let himself get hard and then started jerking off to a very busty lady.  When he was done he headed to bed.

Just another day in the simple life of Brian Quinn, he thought. He had filming the next day and would need all the rest he could get. But when he couldn't wind down he reached for his phone and scrolled through Tinder. He didn't do it all the time but it did help him fall asleep. As he scrolled he came across the profile of a familiar face, one of the new crew members.

Name: Kelli
Age: 23
Occupation: n/a
About: new to new york, trying new things, facing fears, and taking chances are my new jam. Friends only.

He felt something in his loins, and he touched himself while looking through her photos. He came hard and fell fast asleep.

Brian Quinn: A New ManWhere stories live. Discover now