Chapter 12

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Credits began to roll for Evil Dead and Jacki had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. The movie was definitely enjoyable and she was glad that she stuck around.

"Should we watch the next one?" Brian asked.

She nodded enthusiastically, not even remembering that she was still wearing his t-shirt and robe. She had taken advantage of his passing out on the couch and slept in his bed the night before. His room was surprisingly clean and the bed had even been made. It hadn't taken her long to locate something comfortable to sleep in, and his clothes smelled like him.

Jacki really wasn't in a hurry to leave and she was having fun spend time with him again. He turned on Evil Dead 2 and she was slightly confused by the beginning.

"Oh they couldn't get the rights to the footage from the first movie so they had to remake some things."

She laughed and settled in for another dark comedy. The entire situation felt comfortable, just hanging out and watching old movies. As they sat and watched the movie, Jacki's phone vibrated, notifying her of an email. She swiped it away and went back to paying attention to the film.

When the second movie was done they took a bathroom and food break, Brian ordered off Doordash and he showed off some on playing his pinball machines. Jacki thought it was funny that he filled his house with the machines, especially since he was nearing 50. But given that he loved comic books and action heroes, she wasn't really surprised.

"Hey, before we do the last movie, can I show you something?"

Jacki nodded but she was perplexed when she saw Brian get his keys.

"Can I get dressed first?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, of course! Actually, we won't be too far from your place. We can swing by there."

Jacki went up to Brian's room and got dressed. Then they drove to her house. She took a quick shower, covering her hair with a shower cap so it would stay dry. After she put on a clean t-shirt and jeans she joined Brian in her living room.  They left her house and headed on to Bay Street. The Jeep stopped in from of an old brick building.

"Come on," Brian said as he was getting out of the car.

She followed and they walked towards the structure. It was an old warehouse. Built in the 1880s. It had character and solid bones. It reminded Jacki of European style and she immediately felt drawn to it. This was the kind of real estate that could be slightly modernized for useful purposes.

"So what is this place?"

"Well, hopefully, the future home of R & H Beer. There's room to brew on site and it would be totally perfect. Its a good location, just gotta get the people to sell to me."

"Why wouldn't they?"

"The seller has gotten renovations approved for apartments with retail on street level. Its just so beautiful, would be a waste to see this place go."

There was something about his voice when he talked about this place. She could see it, though. She could see him restoring this old warehouse and having a great R & H sign out front. She could see him parking his Jeep there every day and greeting patrons as they entered. She could see him behind to bar, serving drinks and being in selfies with fans. It was a wonderful idea.

"You'd probably have enough space for a small stage, too. Local musicians or open mic nights, maybe even The Tenderloins once in a while. This really could be something special, Brian."

They looked at each other and she smiled at him.

"I could see you here. I could see your brewery here. You should go for it."

He returned her smile.

"Maybe I will."

They got back in his Jeep and he drove them back in the direction of his house. As they turned off Bay Street rain started pouring down. But when they hit a construction area the Jeep hydroplaned and hit a massive pot hole in the road.

"Hold on!" Brian yelled as they skidded around the street. Jacki was terrified. They spun around and the car stopped while facing the complete wrong direction. An oncoming car skidded by and hit the mirror, leaving it dangling.

"Jacki, are you okay?"

She looked at Brian and nodded.

"Okay, we need to get out of the car. There's a bar right there," he pointed to the building on her immediate left.

They bailed out of the car and ran inside the bar. Still being afternoon, it was pretty empty. Jacki and Brian were both soaked, even though they had been outside for just a few seconds. Her clean clothes were now drenched but the adrenaline was coursing through her veins and she barely noticed anything. Then she felt Brian's arms wrap her up in a hug.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

She nodded against his warm chest, even sopping wet he was warm. The bartender asked if they needed anything and Brian asked for the address so he could get the car towed. Jacki felt him reach for his phone, but even as he called the insurance company Brian never let go of his hold on Jacki. She remained against his body until he was finished on the phone.

"You want a drink?"

Jacki nodded and they walked over to the bar and got two shots of whiskey. The liquid burned as it went down, but soon she felt warmer. After a second shot, she finally let go of Brian and looked around the bar. She spotted a karaoke machine and began to look through the songs. She found one she liked and picked up the microphone.

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