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+++ a few weeks later+++

Jeff Davis offered me a part on the show and I honestly and so exited. I will be playing Macy McCall, who will be Scott's twin sister. I looked at the paper one more time to make sure I signed every thing. I set the paper on Jeff's desk and quietly walked to the room where the whole cast was. We were doing a table reading, which is the 'pre rehearsal'.

I have already become close with most of the cast, even though we have only known each other for a couple weeks. Dylan was supper stoked I was going to spend a lot of time with him. My dad decided to homeschool Lucas and I, even though Jeff said the show might not last two seasons.

Dylan originally tried out for the part that Tyler got, Scott McCall, or the teen wolf. Jeff noticed how funny and loud he is so he gave him the part of Scott's bestfriend which he was so happy about.

I mean it would have been awkward playing my boyfriends sister. I still had to audition, I had to laugh, cry, get angry, be happy, while reading the same lines. It wasn't that hard, it kind of came natural to me. I grabbed the script and sat down in between Dylan and Holland.

Crystal sat directly in front of us, along with Tyler H, Jeff, and a few other people who none of us knew. Jeff was a really cool guy and a good director. After we read our lines, we all went home.

"Do you need a ride?" holland asked. "thanks, but I'm going to see a friend who's in the hospital" I said.

She smiled and nodded. "You better practiced those lines missy!" crystal laughed as holland pulled her to the car.

I laughed and jumped into mine. It's kinda weird how good Emily has been taking the accident. He hasn't complained, she's been eating, doing physical therapy and has no signs of depression.

The drive to the hospital was awful, I had been out all day and I was so tired. I pulled up into the hospital and checked in. Emily will be staying in the hospital for a couple more weeks, just to be sure she doesn't try to harm herself in anyway. I walked into Emily's room and sat down.

She was sleeping, so I thought I would sit down. I guess I was just so tired that I dozed off. I woke up to nurses and doctors flying around her hospital room. They took a gurney and pulled her out.

"What's going on?". I looked around, people rushing her into a room.

"Mam, we need you to stay out here" she said. her hand keeping my body away from the door.

"I need to know what's going on with my friend." I exlaimed.

I heard people yelling and running around like chickens with there heads cut off. The curiosity could have swallowed me whole. I decided to sit down and call Dylan. Within a few minutes, Dylan's whole family was in the waiting room. Each foot step sounding like gunshots.

The doctor walked out of the room, and over towards us. He pulled Mr and Mrs Obrien to the side. Dylan was watching them with anticipation. I grabbed his hand as he flashed me a smile, no more than a fraction of a second. Dylan's face changed so quickly as his mother stumbled to the floor, shaking while crying histarically.

"dad, what's going on?" Dylan asked as he watched his parents crumple down to the floor, side by side.

I felt the weight of the world fall on my shoulders. I felt like I was swallowing cotton, unable to speak or move. When I heard the words leave his fathers mouth, my live changed for ever.

"she didn't make it" his fathers voice rang in my head. I watched as Dylan sank to the ground and put his hands into his face. I just stood there unable to move, speak, or even think straight. I could feel the tears each one felling like the salty ocean, in which this all took place.

I to sank to the floor, and sat there sobbing in disbelief. Emily was my bestfriend, I have known her since I was seven years old. Her name rang in my mind, causing my head to ring. That was the last time I spoke to my bestfriend. Emily Grace Obrien.

+++ One Year Later +++
"That's a wrap!" Jeff said. I stood up with Dylan, as everyone was clapping marking the end of the first season of Teen Wolf.

MTV swears it's one of the best shows they have produced. Crystal and Holland have been two very important people in my life. After Emily passed, they took me in as there friend and made me feel welcome.

Dylan has been much better and I'm very thankful to have him in my life. Tyler Posey has been like the big brother to me. Lucas haven't been around much, but for good reasons. He's in his first year of college.

"I can't believe season one of Teen Wolf is officially over." Dylan said kissing my lips.

"Hey! Watch it Obrien, that's my sister!" Tyler said swinging me over his shoulder.

I laughed and looked around at my family. These people have proven that no matter what you are going threw, they will always be there for you. I am eternally great full. (A/n, okay I kinda sorta forgot how old Cas is so I'm just gonna say she's 19. Don't be mad ily)

I'm an 18 year old, and Dylan and I just got our first apartment. It's not far from the set and Holland lives in the same building. It's a nice place, we are never really home much considering that we are always on set.

"Alright I'm calling it a night everyone." Dylan yelled to the cast.

I walked around and said good bye to everyone. We will be back in four months to start filming anyways. Tomorrow night we are all meeting up at The Cellar (actually a real restaurant lol) for dinner.

"Wait let me go in first, I have a surprise for you" Dylan stopped me from walking in the door and smiled. I laughed and closed my eyes as he guided me his hands into the apartment. When I opened my eyes in front of me was a small yellow lab, who couldn't be older than a few months.

"Dylan?! You got a puppy!" I shouted with happiness and hugged Dylan.

The puppy walked over to me, licking my ankles so I would pet it.
"it's a girl" Dylan said "Check the collar".

I looked at the collar and tied to the center was a ring. I looked up at Dylan and smiled. He took the ring off of the collar and placed it on my right hand.

"I know you don't want to get married yet. But this is a promise ring. A promise that I will marry you and love you unconditionally. Cas, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want to marry you, I want to fall in love with you and over and over everyday for the rest of my life. I love you and I will always love you. And this is my promise"

A/N, YAY I UPDATED. Wow it's been a long time. But I'm out of school for summer! That means lots of updates. I'm sorry that I killed off Emily, but I felt like the story needed it. I can't wait for Dylan and Cas to get married. That will probably be my second book. BYE ILY SCOTTY❤️

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