My first date

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The next day I woke up to Dylan sleeping next to me in my little twin sized bed. His face squished against the pillow. Nothing happened. As I stretched reaching for my phone Dylan slowly extended his arms around me and gave me an adorable smirk. I swear his smile could light up the universe. " are you exited for our first date?" Dylan asked. " why of course I said in a giggly flirty voice". Well , then let's get ready. I hadn't taken a shower in three days. I have no idea how Dylan managed to sleep in the same room as me. I turned red from embarrassment thinking of how bad I smelled as he laid next to me smelling like the winter woods cologne I got him for his birthday. " can you help me to the bath room " I asked the adorable hunk of handsome laying next to me. " oh of course I'm sorry" Dylan said it as if he felt bad. He quickly jumped up at my side and let me grab his arm and walked me to the bathroom. Right before he was about to walk away I grabbed his arm and asked him a question. " do you think I'm pretty?" He pushed the hair behind my ear and glanced down at me as he gave me a smile. "No" as soon as he said that my heart started beating faster and faster. " I think your beautiful" he said with a sad look in his eyes. I could tell he didn't like all the bruises and scratches. " I'm fine Dylan I promise I whispered." I lied if I could have I would have fallen to the floor and started to cry. I just got hit three days ago I thought I would feel better but to be honestly it's gotten worse. The only reason I lied to him was because I wanted that date. He kissed me and walked back to my room. My shower felt agonizing. It felt like each
water drop was a lightning bolt. I ignored the pain and grew a pair. I got dressed and walked toward my room to catch Dylan staring at the old pictures of me and my mother. " I really miss her" I mumbled under my breath. I walked over to Dylan sat right next to him and let out a sigh. I was wearing black leggings and a red flannel that Dylan let me borrow a couple weeks ago. He helped me down the stairs and into the car. After about a twenty minute drive of rambling on and on about random stuff. We finally pulled up to the movie theater, as we lakes in to watch the latest Nicholas Sparks movie. On our way I side the theater a tall man at least a half a foot taller than Dylan. I grabbed his hands, I was frightened. " sorry no one with a wheel chair or crutches are aloud in the theater. " And why is that " Dylan tried to sound all tough and brave. I thought it was pretty adorable. " last week a lady with a wheel chair tried to get to her seat when she fell down three stairs. " sorry, I can't let her in. This is just great Dylan said stomping of than stomping right back to help me to the car. When we got in the car I felt really bad. " sorry ruined the movie " k said quietly giving him a little run on the shoulder. This is not your fault at all Dylan said in a cute low pitched tone. I was still upset. " we still have pizza Dylan said as he grabbed my and and have it a light kiss.

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