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I'd decided to close a bit earlier today. It's normally quiet on Sundays anyway, but today was even quieter than usual. Other than Tom coming in this morning, it had been the most boring day ever.

"So you're definitely staying over at his house again tonight then?" she asks me while we're cleaning up.

"Go on then, let's hear it".

I stand there waiting for her to say something clever like she normally does while I continue to thoroughly wipe down all the tables.


"No witty remark? No sarcastic comment? Really? Who are you and what have you done with my Hannah?"

"No, I'm truly happy for you. Maybe I should scold the shit out of a random customer and hope they turn out to be the man of my dreams too? You lucky bitch".

"And she's back ladies and gentlemen!" I laugh while I start on mopping the floor.

The bell above the cafe door rings behind me, so someone obviously can't read because the sign clearly says we're closed now.

"Sorry, we're closing up. Come back tomorrow".

I think my eyes roll so hard they fly off into another dimension I'm so annoyed right now.

"Well hello to you too," I hear Damien's voice from behind me.

"You can't be in here right now".

I panic because Hannah's only in the back room getting changed and she has no idea about him.

"I come in peace, I swear," he holds his hands up.

"Listen, I'm not going after him anymore if that's what you're here for. You were right okay?" I admit defeat.

"As much as I do love being right all the time, I come with news. Some good, some not so good".

"News about what?"

"He's been living in Italy for the past six months now and he says he won't be coming back. Essentially you're off the hook because he's refusing to talk to the police, and he has pretty strong legal representation".

"So that's it then?" in my gut I know it can't be this easy.

"I'm not going to lie to you, he rang me yesterday. He's asked me to find out who murdered all of them because he wants that person dead".

"Are you here to kill me then?"

"After everything, you honestly think I'd hurt you? That hurts my feelings".

"I'd say no, but I don't even know you anymore".

"And yet it was me that helped you out when you needed it. On more than one occasion, I might add".

"That part of my life is over now. So what is it you really came here for?"

"To help you".

"Help me how?"

"Let me fix this for you. All you have to do is give me what you took from Gary Harris the night you killed him. I'll take care of the rest".

Like I said, I hadn't always disliked the man standing in front of me, but it was one completely insane night all those months ago that had brought us back into each other's lives.


It was just one normal Sunday afternoon in March after closing time when Hannah had text me asking if I could call for a takeaway on the way home from work.

After ordering her favourite, I was waiting patiently at the counter when another customer had rudely bumped into me and grabbed my arse as well.

The second I turned around to confront him, I saw his face, recognising him instantly, and seeing that god awful tattoo on his right hand only confirmed it.

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