The Video

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Luke woke up the next morning feeling like shit. He saw Anakin standing on the end of his bed but he just tuned him out and went to the veranda to mediate when he ran into Din.

"Oh- Din." He forced a smile. "Sorry about yesterday."

Din was unsure what to do so he just gave him a small nod. "Would you like some breakfast?"

"No thank you, I'm alright." Luke didn't look Din in the face or where it would be he kept looking past him. "Could you tell Grogu that we will train later today? I need to figure some things out, sorry." He walked past the other to go to the veranda.

For the first few minutes, he was able to focus on meditating but then the pictures of the video kept flashing in front of him. He heard his father trying to contact him. "Stop! Leave me alone!" Frustrated he opened his eyes. "Ugh, I just can't-" When he turned around he saw Din looking at him.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes! Just leave me alone!" Luke snapped but immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry, I-" He took a deep breath. "I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm sorry."

"It's fine-"

"No, it's not. You have been nothing but kind to me and I shouldn't have let my emotions out on you."

Din put one of his hands on the Jedi's shoulder. "It's alright. Look I am not good at this but you shouldn't bottle things up." He felt awkward about the whole thing.

"I know, I- can I show you something?"


Luke took his hand ar led him into his room so as to not let Grogu see anything. He sat down and handed him the holovideo. "I- on that video is my father k- sorry, I can't say it out loud." He felt his throat seize as emotions bottled up.

Din looked at the video, hitting play. It took him a few seconds to notice what was going on and stop the security recording. "Kriff, that's-"

"I know." Luke stared at his hands. 'I wanted so bad to believe that he is a good person and I still want to believe that but he- I don't think I can, making mistakes is one thing, this, this is a whole different level."

Din was at a loss for words he just kept looking at it until finally found his words. "I'm sorry, that's is terrifying."

"Yeah." Luke instinctively leaned against him and sighed. "I'm sorry for being rude earlier."

'It's fine." Din didn't move away.

"It is so hard to read you and not only because of the helmet. You're like this gruff morally grey but good-hearted guy." He looked at him intently. "You confuse me." A small chuckle escaped his mouth.


"Don't apologize." Luke gently nudged him. "It makes you likable."

"It does?"

"Yeah, I like you." He smiled at him before getting up and giving him a small kiss on the side of the helmet. "Thank you."

"No problem." Din stood up a bit overwhelmed and went out of his room with him.

The two went to the living room where grogu was playing with R2 sitting down. "Hey, Din, I'm really glad you're here. It's less lonely with you and Grogu. It feels more like home."

"Oh-" Din felt as if the other just sucker punched him. His breath was gone for a second. The smile on the other's face and his piercing kind blue eyes focusing on his helmet could knock him out but kind of in a good way. "I'm glad to be here, too."

Luke found himself getting a bit red, realizing what he just said. Get your shit together, Skywalker. You're gonna make him uncomfortable and leave like this! "Uh- Grogu and I should go trying." He chuckled awkwardly and took him outside.

Din looked after them to their garden. The Jedi was so good with him. He could see Grogu grow in front of him. If he was honest the Jedi was good with kids in general, seeing him interact with his nephew made Din all warm. But if something really knocked the breath out of him it was his smile and laugh, it was just so bright it could light up the whole room and he would always lend Din one making his day brighter. The Mandalorian was glad he could help the other even if it was only a bit.

After a while, Luke saw him watching them and beamed at him waving him over. Din felt his face flush red feeling as if he had just been caught doing something bad. He quickly shook off that feeling and went over to them.

"Do you want to join us today?" Luke took his hand feeling light and excited that the other had taken an interest. He knew he had always been interested but most of the time he just went to tinker with his ship instead of watching them.

"Eh- sure."

"Okay, we've been working on him using the force to find his way around. Grogu close your eyes again." When the child did Luke held his finger up to his lips and took Din's hand pulling him with him to move somewhere else. Grogu then waddled up to them finding them and squeaking happily. "Good job, Grogu."

"Yeah, good job buddy!" Din was mesmerized by the other's abilities.

"Now, we'll try again but faster, okay?"

Grogu nodded and closed his eyes. Luke started hurrying away pulling the Mandalorian with him. They did this a few times every time Grogu got faster at finding them. The last time Luke ran a bit too fast tripping and pulling Din down with him, Din landing on top of Luke. The Jedi just stared at him bursting into whole-hearted laughter.

Din couldn't help but laugh as well. He almost fell more onto the other but managed to keep himself up.

Grogu waddled up to them confused making them realize their situation. Luke blushed, getting really red noticing the other's knee between his legs and how close their faces were. He shot up head butting the other.

"Ow-" Luke held his head. "Sorry!"

Din immediately got off him. "Sorry!" He wasn't sure if the other realized how intimate that gesture was, well if it was executed correctly. But he guessed not. He just stuck out his hand helping the other up while being as red as a tomato underneath his helmet.

Luke just chuckled turning to Grogu. "How about we cut training for today? I promised R2 that I'll fix some dents he got a while back. You did really well, Grogu. You should be proud of yourself." Luke smiled at the child before turning to Din. "Sorry again, I should've looked where I was going."

Din was still overwhelmed from their interactions not getting a word out before the Jedi left. Grogu looked up at him confused. "It's nothing, kid. Now let's go work on my ship." Din picked him up and went to work on his ship.

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