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Luke hadn't left Din's side. He was tired but he didn't mind. Grogu was sleeping in his lap when Din woke up again. "Hey, there. How are you?"

"Morning, mesh'la." Din was still a bit groggy.

"It's evening already. You slept through the last 3 days." Luke gently placed his hand on the other's forehead. "Your temperature has gone down that's good. I was scared you might have gotten an infection."

"I'm alright. When did the kid get here?"

"I asked Leia to send him over because I thought you might want to see him." Luke looked down at Grogu. "He was really worried. I'm glad he was able to fall asleep."

"What about you, mesh'la? You look tired." Din sat up and smiled at Luke. His hand touched the other's cheek.

"I'm alright. You should worry about yourself, Din." The Jedi leaned against the other's touch. "You have to teach me your language someday. I want to know what you keep calling me."

"Uh-sure." Din felt himself get red. So he changed the subject. "What about Jedi training?"

"My sister can manage the younglings. I taught her some time ago. You're more important right now." Luke put his hand on Din's holding it gently. "You're important to me you know? You are family."

"You should still rest."

"I'm not leaving your side until the bodyguards get here."Luke smiled.

Din shuffled to the side making room next to himself. "Sleep here then."

"I couldn't-"

"Come on, you need the sleep. And we shared our past and memories. This is nothing next to that."

Luke looked unsure but felt himself get tired. So he eventually layed down next to him holding Grogu in his arms. He was turned away from Din to hide his blushing face. But after he fell asleep he shuffled around towards him around and Din felt his breath against his chest.

The Mandalorian put his arm around him. What was he supposed to do with him? With someone that was so dedicated to him? Din sighed and just held him close. He was a loner but ever since Grogu came into his life he felt like his small found family grew larger every time he met someone.

Luke cuddled against him his hair tickling the other's chin and neck. Was he allowed to lie with him like that? Is this a normal non-mandalorian thing? Is it a normal friend thing? Din felt warm and gently kissed the other on the head before falling asleep again.

When he woke up Luke was still asleep. He must have not slept a lot the last few days. Grogu was awake and laying on Din's side. "Patuu!" He looked worried and reached out to try and heal him.

Din just gently put down his hand and shushed him. "I'm fine but Luke is still sleeping. Let's not wake him."

Grogu nodded and cuddled up between his teacher and Din. The Mandalorian heard someone coming and carefully put in his helmet trying not to wake him. When he had it on he allowed them in but immediately gestured to them to be quiet.

It was Leia who had come with two bodyguards for Din when she saw her brother a soft smile formed on her face. "I told him not to overdo it."

Din was sitting up the Jedi still hugging his waist. "Did Luke send you?"

"Yes. He asked me to get you bodyguards but I guess we should wait until he wakes up. Can you call for me when he is awake?"

"Sure." Din smiled to himself. This must look so weird. "By the way I just let him sleep here because he was adamant about not leaving my side this isn't anything weird."

Leia chuckled and gently let her hand run through her brother's hair. "He looks exhausted. I'm glad you got him to sleep." She smiled at Din before leaving with the bodyguards.

Din let Luke rest until he woke up by himself. He was disoriented and looked around scared until his gaze fell on Din.

"Did you sleep well, mesh'la?" Din gently smiled at him tugging some stray hairs away from his face.

Luke smiled up at him. "How long was I asleep?"

"You slept the day away. Grogu was starting to get worried." Din reached for his helmet putting it back on before calling the Jedi's sister.

Leia came in with the two bodyguards. "I told you to not overwork yourself and how do I find you? Sleeping like you're dead because you have overdone yourself." She shook her head.

Luke got up, getting off Din's bed and the Mandalorian felt sad at the warmth leaving his side. "I'm sorry. Are those the bodyguards I requested?"

Leia gave him a nod.

"And they are not compromised?"


Luke went up to them. "If anything happens to him while you are on duty you have to answer to me." He warned them. "I trust you. Please don't disappoint me."

The bodyguards nodded and Luke went back to Din putting his forehead against the other's. "I have to leave you now. Will you be okay?"

"Yes, thank you mesh'la."

Luke kissed him on his helmet and picked up Grogu. "Call me if you need help and I will come to you. Take care of yourself."

"You, too, and get some sleep." Din smiled and watched them leave.

Leia looked at her brother grinning. "So, are you two a thing now."

"No? What are you talking about? I would do the same for Han or Lando you know that."

"Yeah." She got into her ship and smirked at her brother as he buckled into his. "But you do know that forehead touching is an intimate gesture in his culture right?"

Before Luke could say anything she took off he went beat red, immediately taking off after her. "It is what?!"

"So you didn't know? He never said anything?" They got into Luke's X-wing leaving the ship Leia arrived on for the bodyguards.

"No!" Luke was flustered much to his sister's amusement. He buckled Grogu in. "Anyways, would you like to go out tonight? I feel like partying with my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister."

"Don't see how that invalidates my statement."

Meanwhile, Din was getting up, really wanting to shower when his friends came in. Boba just stared at him blankly. "So, when we're you gonna tell us that you're fucking the jetii?"


"It's so obvious. Like he wouldn't let anyone into your room the whole time you were out." Bo Katan just shrugged. "How are you gonna explain to your people, that you are screwing the enemy?"

Din got up fed up with the accusations. "First of all you know I didn't want this position I wanted to give you the Saber but you told me no. Secondly Luke is not the enemy and I am not sleeping with him. We are good friends and he's the kid's teacher." He felt his cheeks go red.

"You called him mesh'la." Cara chimed in. "Isn't that calling him a pretty boy?"

"It's beautiful and he is. Come on have you seen his boots?" Din paused for a second. "Can't a guy call his fellow guy friend beautiful? Look he saved me, that's it."

"So you're not sleeping together, fine." Boba crossed his arms. "But you totally want to."

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