The Way

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Luke had met Boba for drinks since Din had to go to work on his free day and they couldn't do the date. After everything he and Boba got along surprisingly well. They were sitting at a table just casually talking when Din came up in conversation. "Oh, man I wish I could remember what he said because I wanted to look it up."

"What do you remember?"

'I don't know.  Ni something rasuum."

"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum?"

'Yes! What does that mean?"

Boba couldn't help the small smile that crept onto his face. "Oh, I didn't know he was down that bad. This is hilarious."

"What? Please tell me!"

"It basically translates to I love you."

"Oh-" Luke felt his heart flutter and his face turned red. "Oh!" He smiled to himself not being able to keep his surprise but in the end, happiness hidden. "So, Din loves me?" Euphoria came over him, this felt just like blowing up the death star, actually, it felt way better because this had no underlying issues such as innocent people dying-

"I mean he said it."

He was freaking out inside which was way too visible on the outside. Even after years of training to keep his composure he couldn't. Din loved him. The person he had fallen so madly in love with, loved him back. He couldn't think of anything better. Nothing else made him feel so warm inside and ecstatic as knowing this very fact. He didn't care about all the Trauma about nothing he just wanted to see his boyfriend again and kiss him all over.

"Oh god, you two are legitimately unbearable. I am so happy you are at least together now."

"Hey!" Luke chuckled. Maybe he was right maybe he was a bit too much in love with him. But it didn't matter they were happy. "Do you think you could teach me how to say it?"


They spend some time doing that before going home for the night. Luke stepped through the door finding Din read a book not having noticed him coming in. So he snuck up behind him hugging him and kissing his neck. "I'm back."

"Hey, there Cyar'ika." Din looked up at him giving him a short kiss.

"How was work?"

"Annoying. I am really sorry about today with the whole date thing."

Luke just smiled at him and walked around the couch to sit next to him. "It's alright." He leaned against him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really. I just want to spend the rest of the day with you before you have to leave again." Din caressed his cheek. "How was your time with Boba?"

Leaning into the touch Luke hummed. "It was nice. We talked a lot. You even came up in conversation."

"In a good way or bad way?"

"Good of course. By the way, Boba taught me something. You wanna hear it?"

"Sure, mesh'la."

"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum."


"Did I pronounce something wrong? Kriff I asked Boba-"

"No, that's not it. Do you know what that means?"

"Boba said it means something like I love you. Oh God don't tell me he lied to me-"

"No, no that is exactly what it means. I-" Din paused. "I just wanted to know if you meant it."

"I do."

"Luke-" Din was overwhelmed, but he was also unbelievably happy. "I don't know what to say."

"How about you say it back and stop making me panic about if you meant it."

"I love you too, meshla."

A stupid grin spread across the Jedi's face as he couldn't contain his happiness. He leaned his forehead against the other's shoulder to hide the blush that filled his cheeks.

Din could only hear him mumble something. He smiled to himself. This was nice. Maybe this was just how things were meant to be. No, not maybe this was it. "I wanna stay by your side, forever."

Luke was close to tearing up. He was sure, no more doubts about his relationship or his commitment issues. Din was his person. He finally got what love meant. What Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen meant when they said they loved each other. It wasn't like he never loved anyone he loved Leia and he loved Han and he loved Beru and Owen. But that was different.

He finally loved someone romantically. Someone who didn't think he was too much, who didn't mind his scars and trauma. Someone who would be able to be there. Just like he was for him. Luke loved him baggage and all. He didn't care he just wanted him near. He loved their little family and Grogu.

This might not have been the Jedi way or the Mandalorian way but it was theirs.

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