Did we?

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Din woke up with a headache. When he wanted to sit up he noticed the Jedi cuddling against him, his head on his chest. Confused he tried to recall last night's events and got beet red. Did we? He checked to look down at himself. Oh god, we did.

Luke was still fast asleep looking at peace. The other just stared at him gently letting his hand run through his hair. Was he allowed to do that?  Images of last night kept rushing through his mind. The other's arched back and his mouth open moaning loudly. The images of the Jedi losing himself. His eyes shut as he was high on Lust and moaning his name. Images he would love to see again to hear him again. Din was extremely happy Grogu stayed at Leia's place. While he was lost in thought Luke started to wake up.

The Jedi cuddled closer to him as he woke up. Where was he? He looked around his eyes meeting Din's. His cheeks got red realizing what they did last night. He could still feel the other's fingers digging in his skin, his teeth against his neck, and hear his voice tremble. Unsure what to do he gave the other an awkward smile. "Morning."

"Morning." Din felt the tension in the air. It felt as if they did something wrong. But why would it have been wrong? They were two consenting adults who just happened to be friends. "This is weird right?"

"Yeah." Luke sat up. "Look, I'm really sorry for overstepping boundaries I was drunk, and drunk me is a handful, more than I already am. Just- I am really sorry if I made you uncomfortable or-"

"Luke it's fine." Din took his hands to stop him from fidgeting. "You didn't overstep anything. We were both drunk and I'm sorry for not keeping a leveled head. I just hope you don't regret this too much and-"

"Regret this?" Luke looked at him confused. "I don't regret it, Din. Look it's no secret I tend to sleep around so this isn't something new. I just hope this doesn't make our relationship weird?"

"I won't make it weird I promise. Still good friends?"

"Great friends." Luke gave him a kiss on the cheek. He glanced at the time. "I think I'll take a quick shower before Leia brings Grogu over." He pulled on his boxers and grabbed some spare clothes before heading to the bathroom.

Din looked after him seeing the marks he left on his body and falling back onto the bed suffocating himself and a scream with a pillow. "I'm an idiot." He whispered to himself. "Stil good friends? Who says that?!" He hated himself for wanting to see the other like he did last night, to make him feel good. "Get your shit together." His mind kept playing the events of last night over and over again.

Luke on the other hand looked at himself in the mirror tracing over the bruises on his body. Kriff. The other drove him insane. He was the best one-night stands he had probably because of his massive crush on him. But also because the other cared about him and wanted to make him feel good. He went into the shower to cool down.

When the Jedi got back to the other the Mandalorian had already gotten dressed and cleaned the room as well as opened a few windows. He was in the kitchen making something to eat. "Scrambled eggs right?" He turned around a soft smile on his face.

"Yeah, thanks." Luke sat down. "Can I help you? I might not be a good cook but with some instructions, I might be able to help."

"Sure, could you stir the pancake mixture?"

Luke did as he was told and they were weirdly at ease. That was until Din came up behind him to show him how to fold the batter in. His breath on the Jedi's neck reminded him of his lips tracing the scars. He felt his breath hitch and grip tighten as Din explained what to do when suddenly the orange juice glasses burst.

"Oh, Kriff!" Luke turned around. "Sorry, let me clean this up." He kneeled down and began picking up the shattered glass.

Din felt his hands relax as he had been extremely tense as well. He took a quick breath before pulling Luke up. "Don't pick up glass with your bare hands. You'll hurt yourself."

"Sorry, you're right." Luke dropped the shards and got a broom. He cleaned the mess just in time when Leia arrived. She brought the whole family as well as an array of food. Din had luckily put his helmet back on in time.

Han hugged the Jedi. "Hey kid, thought we could all eat together."

Grogu ran up to Din and got picked up. They all sat down at the table and started eating.

"So, did you guys have fun yesterday?" Leia asked innocently while Luke choked on his coffee.

"No!" The Jedi blurted out before shaking off his thoughts. "I mean yeah. It was nice."

His family just looked at them weird but just assumed Luke did something dumb while drunk, that was until Ben pointed to the bruises. "Did you fall?"

Din had never been happier to wear a helmet because he went red immediately. Luke didn't have that luxury though and coughed almost choking again. "Y-Yeah. The club had some tricky stairs Din had to help me." He kicked the Mandalorian to come to his aid.

"Yeah, your uncle fell. It was dark and somebody had spilled their drink on the stairs."

Leia looked at them knowingly while being a tad bit shocked. "You did not, did you?"

"That guy?!" Han was less subtle but subtle enough that the kids didn't know. "I can't believe this."

Luke made something fall over outside. "Oh no, Din come and help me real quick."

Din obligated and they went outside.

"This is so uncomfortable. I am so sorry for my family!"

"It's fine."

"It's not. I swear I am so sorry." They stayed outside for a bit until coming back Din getting his stuff to head off. He quickly hugged the other before flying back.

Luke's friends kept nagging him and for the next few days, he couldn't get that night out of his head that was until he got an invite to a party from Din. Apparently, there was a Mandalorian holiday that they celebrated and he and Grogu were invited. So his mind switched to panic about how he could make a good impression.

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