Drinking and no Regrets

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Din parked his ship and got out immediately being welcomed by Leia and Han. "Hey, Luke asked me to pick you up. He said he wanted to get ready." She chuckled. "We'll babysit Grogh tonight. He'll sleep at our place with Ben."

"Oh, thank you." Din smiled politely still feeling a bit out of place that was until Leia just pulled him in a hug.

"It's good to see you save. Luke has been so worried."

Han rolled his eyes. "He never shuts up about you."

Din pet Leia's back being overwhelmed. "Thank you?"

They went to Luke's apartment who opened the door wearing a gold sparkling suit (look it up he looks hot). "Din!" He pulled him into a hug. "Are you ready?"

Din just stared at him. His outfit was out there but damn did the Jedi look stunning in it. "Eh, yeah?"

"The gold outfit?" Leia looked at her brother. "You gotta go change. It's so tacky."

"I have never been so insulted by family!"

"Vader cut off your hand-"

"Never! Din tell her I look hot." Luke turned to the Mandalorian.

Han just chuckled, enjoying the show.

Din felt overwhelmed again. "I like it. You look really nice."

Luke smiled triumphantly. "Thank you." He looked at his sister. "See, at least someone has taste. Remember to give Grogu his dinner and don't let him stay awake for too long or he'll be a little brat tomorrow." He took Din's hand. "We'll be going now."

They made their way out Luke still holding his hand. Din didn't really mind he liked it. "So, how was your meeting recently? I saw something about it in the news."

"Oh, it was exhausting. They just kept asking about you. I am so glad to be here right now!" Din sighed.

Luke just gave the other's hand a quick squeeze. "I'm glad you're here, too." A smile spread over his face as they made their way inside the bar. He ordered himself something to drink and a straw.


"Shh, I wanna try if it works." When he got the drink he gave the straw to Din. "Come on, trying never hurt anyone."

Luke carefully tried to pull the straw through his helmet his hand getting stuck. "Shit, well guess you were right." He chuckled awkwardly.

"I told you so, mesh'la. As if I never tried that before." Din took the other's hand and slowly maneuvered it out.

"Sorry, heh. My bad." Luke kept holding his hand and took a sip from his drink. They found a little table and sat down.

After a while and a few drinks on the Jedi's part. He felt like dancing. So he got up and into the crowd dancing along to the music.

Din just kept watching him. He was the life of the party dancing with a group of girls and talking to them. Seeing him so happy and carefree was fun and made his heart flutter. He wasn't sure how long he had been watching him but the Jedi turned around to look at him.

Luke motioned for him to come over and beamed at him. Din shook his head. He wasn't really a dancer. That was until the other pulled him up and held his hands again laughing.

"Come on, it'll be fun I promise!"

Din couldn't resist the Jedi had him tied around his finger. His laugh undid him fully. "Okay, one song." As soon as he said that the other pulled him with him. Even though he didn't know how to dance it was fun because of him.

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