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Din was unsure how he got into this dilemma but he found himself bound up and beaten up badly. It has been less than a day since he left from Luke's place. Someone didn't like them forming an alliance with the Jedi and wanted him gone at least that's what he's gathered. Thoughts were running through his mind trying to listen to the sounds above to find out where he was.

He tried his best to stay optimistic but he was outnumbered and had lost any advantage he might have had. That was until he heard something behind him. Carefully he tried to look around but failed only hurting himself more.

"Shh, it's okay it's just me," Luke spoke in a hushed voice and came out of hiding. "I had to make sure that no one else was in here."

"Luke? How-"

"Space magic. I'll tell you about it later." Luke smiled at him softly. "Let's get you out of here. Can you stand up?" He cut him free.

Din tried to stand up but stumbled forwards where Luke caught him with ease. "Lean against me I got you."

They quietly left the room only to run in a big group of reprogrammed droids. Luke quickly but carefully pushed Din behind himself and started deflecting the blaster shoots before force pushing the droids into the wall hard enough to incapacitate them.

He hurried around them to the next corridor where they were greeted by the Mandalorians that had captured Din. Quickly he put Din in a corner and jumped forward trying to knock them out instead of slicing at them with his lightsaber. But when one of them nearly shot him he had to cut off his hand. "Sorry!"

Din couldn't do much but when he saw some more arriving at the opposite side of the corridor he called out to him. "Luke! Behind you!"

The Jedi wiped around to face them quickly grabbing one of the knocked-out Mandalorians' blasters, shooting one of the men before running up to the other who wielded a spear. They countered each other before Luke quickly gained the upper hand knocking the man out as well.

"Drop your weapon, Jetii." A woman held Din up a blaster against his neck, just at the right spot to get through his helmet.

Luke turned around and complied. "Look, you're mad about me right?"

"I guess."

"Take me and let him go. Just don't hurt him."

"Luke don't-"

Luke stepped closer putting his hands in the air. "I'll come with you and won't retaliate. Just let him go."

The woman grabbed the Jedi and threw Din away. Luke discreetly made the fall less harsh. The woman held her blaster against his head. But Luke just ducked and kicked her feet out of under her. He made the whole fake deal in order to get Din out of danger which would technically be a war crime but oh well. While she was on the floor he retrieved his lightsaber holding it against her neck just close enough that she could feel the heat.

"The King of Mandalore is now officially under my protection and if anyone dares to hurt him they will meet the same fate as your droids and men." He looked down at her. "This is a warning and I will not repeat myself." He stepped away and force pushed any weapons out of her range so that she would not try to attack them again. After that, he gently kneeled down next to Din. "That was so unnecessary and a drag. Let's go. We have to take a look at your wounds."

Din made a note never to piss him off. He was taken aback for a moment he felt the same way back when the Jedi made short work of the dark stormtroopers. Sometimes he forgot how powerful Luke really was. "Yeah."

They left Luke holding din up. When he made it to the medical facilities the other Mandalorians held him at gunpoint probably assuming that the Jedi had done this.

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