The Pick Up Pt 2 - Chapter 4

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Overview POV: 

Coulson spoke with a smile on his face. 'These are agents Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse, my good friends. Lance and Bobbi smiled. (A/N: did you guess it?) 'Come inside guys' said Bobbi. The team stepped inside, and were leaded into the lounge, where a teen sat on an armchair. 

May POV:

So this was Daisy. She was more or less what I had expected. She had a nervous but excited look on her face. She surveyed the team, her eyes not hesitating on Ward. Every girl at the academy, or at the Triskelion, had looked at Ward for a lot longer than anyone else. I liked this girl already. She looked at me and saw that I was looking at her, so she smiled. I smiled back. Her smile wasn't a fake smile, or a smile that was too eager. Daisy Johnson seemed like the opposite of Jemma Simmons. Jemma got excited about everything, and talked a lot. Not that I minded. No one else on the plane really liked talking, so sometimes it was good to have her rambling to fill the silence. 

Ward POV

Daisy was- wow. Hunter spoke, snapping me out of my daydream. 'Why don't the young-ins head up to Daisy's room to get to know each other. We have some things to talk about.' Daisy stood up, and gestured Fitz and Simmons up the stairs with her. I didn't get up, but in the back of my mind I wanted to, just to get longer in the same room as Daisy. I shook my head, snapping myself out of it. Come on Grant, get it together. Shes only a girl. You've seen plenty of girls in your life.  I looked up to see Coulson, May, Hunter and Bobbi looking at me expectantly, eyebrows raised. I silently placed a hand on my heart, as if to say; 'Who, me?' They all nodded, and I groaned, before getting up and following the others in the direction they had left the room. At least this way I got to spend more time Daisy. 

Hunter POV

I had no need to call this meeting. I just wanted to be 125% that Daisy would be ok. After my Sister and her husband - passed, Bobbi and I were all Daisy had. Usually I wasn't this my style. You know, the caring, fathery type. Not my style. But for Daisy, I could definitely make an exception. Daisy and I grieved, and held each other together during the tough times. 'Hunter?' The familiar voice brought me back to earth. I looked up. Bobbi had spoken. 'Mhm?' I mumbled, still drifting in the world of Lance Hunter. 'Lance, you called this meeting.' Said May. I was forced to come back to earth. 'Uhm, yeah, i'm here' I said, shaking myself back together. 'I just want to run over what was going to happen to Daisy.' May smiled at me. I always liked May. She was kind, smart and fuzzy off the clock, but it was like she got into this mindset during a mission. Focused, and serious. I admired that. Coulson spoke to the room. 'We will take Daisy back to our plane, and escort her to the Triskelion. This will take about a week, as Fury wants us to take a series of detours, so that we can be sure that no HYDRA is following us back. Then we leave Daisy with Fury. Fury said that Daisy will be given the option to become an agent.' I liked the sound of this. I knew Daisy would want to, as she sure as hell knows the risks, so therefore I was on board. Coulson continued his speech. 'If Daisy chooses not to join S.H.I.E.L.D, she will stay on SHIELD bases, switching from The Triskelion to The Hub to The Playground every couple of months.' By this point my attention span had finished, and I was happy for Daisy to go. 'Ok. Thanks for the reassurance.' I said. 'I will get the kids down here.' I made my way up the stairs, to where the kids where. They were sitting on Daisy's bed, smiling as they talked to each other. I looked at Ward. He definitely liked her. I raised an eyebrow at him. He didn't notice me standing there, either did any of the others.  I cleared my throat. 'Alright Kiddly winks, time to go.' They all stood up, and filed out the door. Daisy was first, Ward last. I had taken it upon myself to do Daisy's dad duties, so I grabbed Wards arm as he passed me in the doorway. I spoke quickly and quietly so that Daisy wouldn't notice. I spoke in a low tone, almost whispering. 'You better be careful buddy, If I find out about anything I don't like you will get a hell of an ass-kicking.'   He gulped heavily, his Adam's apple bobbing.  Technically Ward was bigger than me in size, but I was too cocky to let that  get the best of me.  Nuh-uh. In my books he was still a boy. 'Yes sir.' He said. He said. He wasn't timid, or scared for that matter. I didn't care at that point. I let him go, and shoved him towards the stairs. I closely followed him down.


Ahaha it was Huntingbird! Comment if you guessed it, no matter how long ago I posted this chapter!

End of Chapter 4! Next chapter will be some bonding on the bus. 

Excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes, I can't be bothered to fix them. :>

Comment any chapter ideas! 

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