The Hostile - Chapter 8

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(3 days after Chapter 7)

May POV: 

I woke up, feeling refreshed, and ready to start the day. The team and Daisy were scheduled to land at the Triskelion in 3 days. I walked into the kitchen, Ward was nursing a cup of coffee. I made one for myself, and sat down next to him. 'Morning' He said in a nonchalant tone. I smiled into my coffee. 'Morning' I replied. Ward was an idiot. He acted super mature and tough, but he went soft around Daisy. 

**Time skip 1 hour because I'm the author :)**

Ward POV:

We all sat in the lounge of the bus. ( AN: Shown in idk how many chapters ago) Coulson had called a group meeting. This meant a mission. I was confused about why we were being called. Coulson said that there wouldn't be any missions until the mission with Daisy was over. Daisy was also present in the meeting. I was on one of the couches, in the middle of Daisy and Fitz. 'You called a meeting, sir?' Asked Daisy. Everyone smiled. I assumed we all had the same question, me included. Coulson was the next to speak. 'Unfortunately, we have been called on to a very important mission, as we are the nearest fully cleared team for the mission.' 'Unfortunately, Sir?' I asked. 'Yes, Unfortunately. It isn't safe for anyone to stay on the bus during the mission, so Daisy have to come. That compromises our mission, which is to take Daisy to the Triskelion without landing. The side mission is bound to have combat.' May spoke next. 'And Fury is all good with this?' 'Fury himself cleared the mission. Fury also said, that if Daisy doesn't feel comfortable partaking in the mission, then Fury can get another team on it.' We all looked expectantly at Daisy, including Coulson. She smiled. 'Sure, why not? Technically, I'm more cleared for combat than FitzSimmons, who have no experience whatsoever.' I smiled. 'Whats the mission, sir'? Said Simmons. 


Short chapter because Im going to explain the mission in the next chapter.

Laters my dudes


Melinda May - Before BahrainWhere stories live. Discover now