Nicholas J. Fury

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I arranged my face into neutral, determined to keep up my mental wall. Underneath the mask, however, I was sad to let Daisy go. In the mere days we have known each other, we have made a bond. And Its nice. Nicer than I would like to admit.

Ward POV:

I felt sad to be honest with you. Daisy is a cool person. But I can't think that. Besides, I'm never going to see her again after today. I need to get over this stupid emotion, if Garrett finds out, He'll do the unimaginable.

Coulson POV:

I knew Fury was going to do that. I was trying to look really cool in front of my team and not embarrass myself, but no, Fury has to ruin my streak. I moved back to the team, and looked at May. She was putting on her neutral face. I could tell. I could also tell she was sad about letting Daisy go. 

I have decided that I'm going to put the word into Fury to recruit Daisy. She already has enough training in hand-to-hand combat to be better than FitzSimmons in the field. 

Daisy POV:

The nerves were growing at an exponential rate. Fury was already intimidating enough, and I had a feeling he wasn't even trying yet. 'Take a seat, everyone.' Fury said. We all obliged. Fitz was on my right, May on the left. Fury handed May, Coulson and I files. 'Daisy will be under my protection, moving between SHIELD bases as I will.' This sounded new. Even more time with Director Scary? No, thank you.

'She will be with me for the next 5 years, which is the estimated time It will take to wipe out HYDRA completely. Unless..' 

Everyone sat up straight. 'Daisy can become a SHIELD Agent if she wishes. The quickest route is to train in Communications, which takes 3 years to complete training at the Academy. If Daisy chooses to become an Agent, When she has graduated the Academy, she will be assigned to your team, depending on whether it is still assigned to the 5 of you.' 

May POV:

Please, Please Please can Daisy accept the offer Fury has given her. I honestly don't care if it takes 3 years for her to join the team. I look over at Phil, who is smirking at me. This was his idea. I got his attention, and tapped out morse code to him on the arm of the metal chair. We both knew Ward would understand morse code, he recieved the exact same training as me.

But I tapped it out anyway. Thank you Phil. He smiled. Ward, who was on the other side of Phil, smirked. Phil tapped back at me. She will make a great asset to the team.  I groaned, earning weird looks from Fitz, Simmons, Ward and Daisy. Fury decided to ignore this, and continued to explain to Daisy what would happen if she chose to become an agent. 

I lifted my finger to tap. Phil, Come on. I innocently smiled. Daisy clearly means a lot to you at this point. Ward smirked, playing along with my act, Joining in the conversation at hand.

More tapping came, but It wasn't from me, Ward or Coulson. I searched the room. Daisy was tapping her fingers in morse code, but she was looking at Fury as though nothing was happening. Hey, Guys, Don't jump to such conclusions. I'm happy to take 2nd place to Lola. Daisy tapped.

Daisy's face stayed completely neutral, almost making you think that she didn't mean to speak in morse. But that was too big of a coincident. Ward and Coulson shared a look with me, evidently thinking the same. Yes, I can understand Morse code. What else would I have done at home all day every day?. All four of us smirked.

Fury POV:

Ok, so Daisy knows Morse Code. That's one less thing we need to teach her. But I wasn't being heard. FitzSimmons were paying attention, but only because they didn't know how to speak Morse Code. I tapped on the desk. You guys done? I tapped. The four of them looked over, before regaining their composure. 

I asked the question that the entire meeting depended on; 'So, Daisy, Are you ready to become an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D?

Daisy POV:

I think in my heart, I knew the answer to the question. But my head wasn't ready to abandon my life, and break down what I have built. During my 2 minute mental debate, as usual, my heart won over, and letting my head realize that this was the right decision. 

'I'm ready.'


The End.

If you're still here, It means you liked this fic, or it just means you have nothing to read so you read this. But, Thank you. 

The sequel to this will be called: Daisy Johnson - Building Back Up.

The title refers to this line: But my head wasn't ready to abandon my life, and break down what I have built. To me it means that she's going to build back up what she broke down by choosing to become an Agent. 

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