Bonding On The Bus - Chapter 6

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**Minor spoilers for the first Divergent movie.***

May POV:

I set the plane into autopilot, our route heading straight for The Triskelion. I stood up, and exited the cockpit. I made my way to the lounge on the main floor, where everyone else was sitting. 

(A/N: because I cant be bothered to explain :>)

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(A/N: because I cant be bothered to explain :>)

Everyone was on the sofas and armchairs, holding drinks. There were bowls of chips and pretzels on the table. I grabbed a drink and sat down next to Coulson. He smiled at me, so I smiled back. I heard Skye whisper to Ward, who was sitting next to her. 'Philinda forever!' she whispered, intentionally loud enough for everyone in the room to hear it. I picked up a pretzel and threw it at Skye's head. It hit her square on the head, in between her eyes. Everyone except Skye laughed. After a few moments Skye joined in the laughter. I picked up the remote, and clicked on the TV.  (A/N: Imagine a TV where ever you want.) Coulson and Ward turned around all the sofas and chairs so that they were facing the screen. I scrolled through the movies, and selected the first Divergent movie. (If you haven't seen it then A: there's spoilers, and B: If you haven't seen it then your homework is to watch all 3 movies.) Everyone approved, so we settled in. (Time skip 1 hour) By this point of the movie Tris had just been hung over the chasm, and was saved by Four, and taken back to his apartment. (I tried to keep it vague to not spoil it.) I was resting against Phil, Skye leaning on Ward, and Fitz and Simmons sitting squished up against each other, as they always were. 

Coulson POV: 

I had a mini heart attack when May leaned on me. I really wanted to put my arm around her, but I resisted. I wasn't sure she wanted me to. I tried to calm down my muscles, and focus on the movie. It was a great movie. I liked the main character is the underdog who comes out on top vibe, and dystopian future is my kind of movie. I could tell Ward and Skye liked each other. It was funny, since both of them tried really hard to hide it. And then there was FitzSimmons. They were sitting with Simmon's head on Fitz's shoulder. Somehow, they managed to sit together without being 'shipped'. as Skye called it. Their excuse was that they were best friends. It didn't  think it was fair because I considered May as one of my best friends, but I wasn't sure she felt the same, so I never voiced it. 

Ward POV

Quick update. I'm currently screaming on the inside. Skye actually leaned on me. The movie is pretty good, but I'm too nervous to think about the movie. I have a soft spot for Skye. If Garrett finds out, he could kill her. Although to all that know my secret, I don't really consider myself HYDRA. I only serve Garrett. If he died, I would be gone in a flash, serving SHIELD as I want to. But I cant do that. I owe Garrett my life. He pulled me out of hell, and this is how I repay him. Garrett is smart. I will give him that. He's very smart. He's been undercover in SHIELD for many years. If I expose myself to the team, Coulson will tell Garrett, because he was my S.O. But If I expose Garrett too, Coulson will confront him, and Garrett will kill us all. I placed that stress at the back of my mind, and concentrated on the movie, and Skye's head against my shoulder. 

Fitz POV

This was a great night. I love this movie, and I have seen the whole trilogy multiple times. And I have managed not to spoil anything which is a first for me. I was sitting next to Jemma, eating pretzels. Her head was on my shoulder. I have liked her  for such a long time now, and I just cant bring myself to tell her how I feel. I think part of that is the fact that I spend all day everyday with her, and If it went sideways, It would be horribly awkward. I'm at the point where I can quote every upcoming line in the movie, so I started brainstorming ideas of new names for the Night-Night gun. Simmons doesn't like it, so I gave up. After 10 minutes of Ideas, I finally had it. The Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railguns. I.C.E.R.S. Perfect. I couldn't wait to tell Simmons my idea. Simmons had seen this movie multiple times too. I made her watch it. Her and I are in to the same sort of movies, so we always make suggestions to each other. I looked at her. She wasn't paying any attention either. I pulled out my long-lasting battery phone that I engineered. Yeah, I know. Its genius. I texted Simmons.

Fitz: Simmons, I've got the new name for the Night-Night guns?

I looked over, too see Simmons pull her phone out of her pocket. She smiled at me, and texted back.

Simmons: Oh, really? What is it?

Fitz: The Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railguns. AKA I.C.E.R.S.

Simmons: We are calling it that. Are we going to say it like Icers or I.C.E.R.S?

Fitz: Icers.

Simmons: Sounds good. I agree. I could quote this movie back to front.

Fitz: Same here.  

Simmons: At least the movie is almost over.

Fitz: Yeah, then we can go officially change the name to I.C.E.R.S.

Simmons: Yep. Awww, Fitz, Look at Skye and Ward.

Fitz: What about them? They're sitting next to each other.

Simmons: No, Fitz, Skye is resting her head on Ward's shoulder. They like each other!

Fitz: Oh, That's nice.

Simmons: And Coulson and May! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Fitz: Yes wow so cute. 

Simmons: Glad to know your so enthusiastic about these things.

Fitz: Yep. You know me.

Simmons: Oh look. The movies nearly over. Lets watch the ending with the others.

Fitz: Ok!

Simmons: Ok!

(Back to Fitz POV)

I loved these talks with Simmons. They were really nice. The movie ended, and the others geeked to each other about their favorite parts. Simmons and I stayed silent, because we knew we would end up spoiling the rest of the movies. May and Coulson packed away everything, and then came back to sit with everyone. Coulson spoke. 'Guys, I think Its time we get to bed. I know all of you are going to end up texting each other about the movies, so do that in bed winding down from the day. May, Simmons, Ward, Skye and I all stood up grinning. We all headed for the bunks, and got into bed. Before long I heard a chorus of pings, and checked my phone. Skye had started a group chat. I smiled, picked up the phone, and tuned into the conversation.


A/N: End of Chapter 6! Next chapter is going to be about the group chat. I love writing group chats, so I will probably publish the next chapter in the next couple of days. 

Comment any chapter Ideas, or comments in general! At one point in the next few chapters, I'm going to do some Skye and May bonding. 

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