(HC) Canker Sores: Obey Me! Edition

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Hi there! As you noticed, I'm going to be doing two of these. This one is for Ivy and her love interests. If you don't know what canker sores are, look them up. Well, let's get into this. Ivy accidentally bit her inner lip which caused it.

-Luci is immediately worrying the second he hears Ivy whimper in pain.
-At first, he's thinking that Ivy has a bruise that she accidentally brushed.
-Instead, it's a small opening in the skin of her inner lip.
-When questioned, Ivy has to explain about canker sores and how it can make things difficult for her.
-Lucifer notices how she winces a bit while speaking. This causes slight panic.
-Already looking up what to treat it with. He also takes time out of his schedule to get the ambissol(IDK if that's how you spell it).
-Luci=a worried and caring boyfriend.
-Makes sure she treats the sore before anything.
-Is helping Ivy with the discomfort of having the sore.

-Mammon is already prepared for this situation.
-He has been around Ivy for a long time. Longer than his brothers. So, he understands what canker sores are and knows how to treat them.
-Mammon assists Ivy with eating and drinking. Ivy lets it happen because it's honestly just painful to even move her mouth.
-Ivy is showered with love and affection by her caring boyfriend during this time. Mainly because she's in a lot of pain.
-If anyone tries to get her to talk when she's in a lot of pain, Mammon will always sweep her away from them.
-This man is whipped for Ivy and will do whatever she asks of him.
-His brothers don't understand the situation, but what they do know is that Ivy is being cared for.

-Ivy makes one pained noise and Levi is in full on panic mode.
-He tries asking her if she's alright and if she needs anything and when he gets a frustrated groan in response, Levi is lost.
-So, Levi tries asking her human sisters what's wrong.
-When Avalon and Maria tell him about canker sores, Levi almost faints.
-He doesn't know what it must be like to get those, but from the way the two describe, it must be extremely painful (It really is).
-Maria and Avalon go up to the human world and get him the medicine for the sore. Levi is extremely grateful for their help.
-Makes sure his player two is in tip top shape.
-Levi will get her anything she wants to help out.
-He is still a worried baby during recovery.

-Satan is worried when Ivy makes a pained noise that sounds equivalent to a whimper.
-He asks her what's the matter while Ivy flicks her tongue at the skin.
-After noticing her fixation on her mouth, he opens her mouth forcefully, only for Ivy to let out a pained screech. Let's just say Satan's eardrums almost bled.
-He investigates her lower lip only to find the sore. His interest is peaked. This thing is causing Ivy so much pain?
-Then he notices her teary eye and has to give immediate cuddles.
-He also looks up medication and helps her apply it.
-Isn't that worried when Ivy either keeps her mouth open or puffs her cheeks out. It's most likely that she's trying to air out the wound or something (I actually do puff out my cheeks with those).

-Asmo may be a w***e, but he can tell the difference between pain and pleasure. And right now, Ivy is in a lot of pain.
-Asmo asks Ivy to describe the sensation. Ivy winces while explaining that it feels like her lower lip is on fire(no joke, those hurt bad).
-Asmo looks at the sore and snickers because of it.
-"This is what's causing you so much pain?"
-Ivy b**ch slaps him. She has zero humor in this moment.
-Asmo recovers from the slap and starts singing his praises about how that slap was mesmerizing.
-Ivy just sulks while trying to get Asmo to take things seriously.
-Asmo actually helps with medication and cringes a bit as he actually looks at it. Mainly because it's disgusting.

-Beel gives Ivy some food and after she takes a bite and whimpers afterwards, Beel is already panicking.
-Beel thinks that something is really wrong with Ivy. He wouldn't be wrong, but you don't need a doctor for a canker sore.
-Ivy has to calm him down and explain canker sores. Is in a bit of pain while explaining.
-Beel understands the situation, but he's still extremely worried. I don't blame him.
-After getting medication for her, Beel will help in anyway he can. Even if it's the simplest of tasks, he'll offer his assistance.
-Ivy is just a bit annoyed by this, but she grows fond of it after a while. She has to make sure Beel doesn't overdo it.
-Precious couple. Precious babies. Must protect them.

-Belphie didn't really think much of the sore. In fact, he deemed it natural to her to be accident prone.
-But when it keeps her up, even with his magic, then Belphie will worry.
-He tries to help in any way he can, giving Ivy some peace of mind (even in the relationship, Ivy was worried that Belphie would change his mind and attack her).
-Belphie makes Ivy take the medication for the sore before bed so it won't keep her up.
-Belphie wants his cuddles to not be ruined by some injury.
-If someone makes fun of Ivy for puffing out her cheeks more while she's suffering, Belphie is awake and ready to throw hands with whichever demon thought it would be a good idea to insult her.
-Belphie is a bit of a deadbeat, but he still involves himself in the recovery process and helps her with the healing process.

-Ivy better muffle that pained whimper, because the second he hears it, he's already calling the royal paramedic.
-Ivy thinks that what Diavolo's doing is a bit much, but she still goes through with the examination.
-The paramedic figures out what the issue is after looking at her inner lip. They then have to explain canker sores and the effect they have on humans.
-Diavolo is absolutely worried the second he hears about that. It feels like fire to humans? It makes a lot of daily things painful? That's terrible!
-Diavolo helps get her medication and also helps apply it.
-He's always trying the best he can for Ivy's sake and Ivy appreciates the effort.
-No one dares insult Ivy when she starts puffing out her cheeks. Diavolo is right there.

-Barbatos already figured this was going to happen.
-And he is already prepared for this moment.
-Bless his ability to see the past and future.
-He doesn't make a huge fuss of it like Diavolo, but Barbatos will check on the sore often and make sure she's healing properly.
-When she starts puffing out her cheeks, Barbatos chuckles and starts calling her a chipmunk. Ivy just pouts.
-If someone dares insult the chipmunk, Barbatos will ask Belphie to commit a murder in his favor. No one messed with Ivy after that.
-Barbatos trusts Ivy to put the medication on herself. He will get slightly worried seeing yellow and red substances on the q-tip. It's just bacteria and blood, so no worry.
-He also gives her pain relieving potions at times.

-Solomon saw Ivy looking at it in the mirror and asked to take a look.
-Once he sees what the issue is, he's about to snicker, but Ivy glares at him. He's human too.
-Afterwards, Solomon is all about helping. He gives the medication to apply, pain relieving potions to help if it becomes uncomfortable, etc.
-Simeon asks questions about Solomon's change in behavior. Ivy just shows him the sore.
-Simeon is proud that Solomon is at least taking this seriously.
-When Ivy starts puffing out the cheeks, Solomon is all about teasing her.
-If someone makes fun of her, Solomon won't hesitate to get the brothers. Yeah, Solomon unleashed the brothers on them.
-Still takes it seriously.

-Simeon heard from Luke about the issue. Now he's a worried angel.
-Simeon asks Ivy about it when they're alone. Ivy tells Simeon about canker sores and how they can be an inconvenience.
-Simeon frets over the Cosmos even more. Ivy just sighs at her boyfriend's antics.
-Simeon finds out about the proper medication and goes to retrieve it.
-He came back with some stress relief stuff as well(mostly for him but also Ivy).
-Luke also frets like a worried mother hen and Ivy basically just accepts that this comes with the territory of being Cosmos.
-Simeon helps Ivy during the healing and recovery process.
-Also teases her when her cheeks start puffing out.
-He tells Diavolo about anyone who insults Ivy when her cheeks puff out.
-Worried angel is baby.

I'm done! I hope you all liked this! Before I do the next version, I'll focus on more oneshots. I hope you all enjoy this!

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